I don't flippin get it!!

I have been on MFP since Aug 2011. As I’m coming up on a year I haven't lost as much as I thought. I started at 176 and I am currently 154. My goal is 135! I workout every day! I watch everything I put in my mouth but yet my scale has gone from 150 (Jan.), 154 (Feb.) and it has stayed at there ever since!! I have also tried making sense by saying oh I’m losing inches... Whelp NOPE I have actually gained inches!! I have changed my workouts and I have taken advice on upping my cals but NOTHING absolutely NOTHING!! I scream in my head while I workout that I DON’T WANT TO BE FAT!! I push myself with everything I do!

I have now changed my thought process from… keep pushing it will eventually come down to WTH am I doing?? I should just stop and spend my time doing something else!!!

I don’t know if I should get a nutritionist or personal trainer or both!!! UGH so frustrated!!!



  • DeeKay2169
    DeeKay2169 Posts: 72 Member
    Hmm I thought my diary was public. I'll change it now :)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Odds are... you aren't eating enough. MFP is not very good at calculating caloric needs. I can tell you that you need to eat more than your BMR. If you are pushing yourself so hard, you are probably burning waaaay more calories than you think you are, and therefore, not eating enough calories in the first place. You should be eating 80% of your TDEE.

    Also, are you strength training? To lose inches, you need to build muscle.
  • DeeKay2169
    DeeKay2169 Posts: 72 Member
    I have upped my cals 1400 on my off days and when I work out I eat at least half my exercise cals back if not all. I do strength at least twice a week. I do cardio at least once a day.. bike ride, rpm, elliptical etc...

    Odds are... you aren't eating enough. MFP is not very good at calculating caloric needs. I can tell you that you need to eat more than your BMR. If you are pushing yourself so hard, you are probably burning waaaay more calories than you think you are, and therefore, not eating enough calories in the first place. You should be eating 80% of your TDEE.

    Also, are you strength training? To lose inches, you need to build muscle.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Try to keep sodium around 1500 for a few days and see what happens. It will surely drop some water weight!
  • cookierinthia
    cookierinthia Posts: 72 Member
    What's your blood type?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    After looking at your diary, I still say you aren't eating enough. Your body burns more calories throughout the day other than just your exercise. The only way MFP can account for those calories is through FitBit. BMR + exercise calories is still not enough.

    Also, I would suggest that you replace tracking sugar with potassium. Sugar give your muscles the instant energy it needs to begin a workout, but it doesn't really interfere with weight loss, unless your body has trouble producing insulin. Potassium is an important electrolyte that helps to balance the sodium in your diet. Even if you maintain your sodium within your goal, if you are defecient in potassium, your body will retain water.
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    Have you seen your doctor? Just a thought, but a sluggish thyroid may be preventing even the most diligent efforts from being successful. The worst thing you can do is beat yourself up. Take a break, sometimes a "Cheat Day" will shock my body back into giving up weight. Just some non-professional but long been trying to lose thoughts. Hope they help
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    I have upped my cals 1400 on my off days and when I work out I eat at least half my exercise cals back if not all. I do strength at least twice a week. I do cardio at least once a day.. bike ride, rpm, elliptical etc...

    Odds are... you aren't eating enough. MFP is not very good at calculating caloric needs. I can tell you that you need to eat more than your BMR. If you are pushing yourself so hard, you are probably burning waaaay more calories than you think you are, and therefore, not eating enough calories in the first place. You should be eating 80% of your TDEE.

    Also, are you strength training? To lose inches, you need to build muscle.

    PLEASE PLEASE go see a nutritionist, this is NOT alot of calories at all.

    IF your BMR is 1400, thats how many calories your body burns if you were to stay in bed all day. So if you burn another 400 and don't eat it all back your body is in further deficit. I would spend the money on the nutritionist and know that you have come far girl! I lost 16 pounds before I started MFP then lost another 8 doing this plus weight training, towards the end things really slow down, I gotta say. You gotta trick your body a little. Try upping your cals and zig zagging. Freedieting.com is a good place to get good zig zag numbers. Most of all EAT, good nutritious food and it will come. Be patient.
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    I noticed a frickton of processed foods in your diet and VERY little raw veggies and fruit and quality protein. Though your calories look good numbers-wise, eating too much processed, non-whole/raw foods can keep you from losing a surprising amount of weight. Also, watch the soy products and don't have them every day... evidence is suggesting that women who eat soy every day can have health and weight gain problems moreso than women who replace it with substitutes (like almond milk instead of soy milk, for instance)

    I'm at a bit of a plateau myself though and I've been fluctuating from 135-142lbs. Currently trying to take my own advice as well as eat the right amounts at the right times. Good luck!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I have upped my cals 1400 on my off days and when I work out I eat at least half my exercise cals back if not all. I do strength at least twice a week. I do cardio at least once a day.. bike ride, rpm, elliptical etc...

    Odds are... you aren't eating enough. MFP is not very good at calculating caloric needs. I can tell you that you need to eat more than your BMR. If you are pushing yourself so hard, you are probably burning waaaay more calories than you think you are, and therefore, not eating enough calories in the first place. You should be eating 80% of your TDEE.

    Also, are you strength training? To lose inches, you need to build muscle.

    I know it is hard to believe, but with all that activity, 1400 cals is not going to be enough. Remember that your body burns calories constantly. Your BMR is the number of calories burned in the day if you never moved. Along with exercise calories, just the act of walking across the kitchen, typing on your keyboard, brushing your hair... all of these burn calories too and if you aren't meeting your caloric needs for this stuff your body will work against your efforts to shed body fat.
  • sun33082
    sun33082 Posts: 416 Member
    I looked at your diary. You could cut back on some processed foods, but what I really noticed is you're usually 300-500 calories below your goal.

    400 x 7 = 2800 calories below your weekly goal

    That's almost 2 days of calories you are missing out on per week. As you see, that adds up.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Eat more green (and other colorful) vegetables. I rarely critique anyone else's diary because mine is FAR from perfect, but since you asked... I went back through March 24 in your food diary and saw a green vegetable (broccoli) in a Healthy Choice meal...and that was it? Unless I missed something.

    You can certainly still have Starbucks, still eat out at Sonic or wherever occasionally, eat chocolate...but adding more vegetables and fruits will help. That was the major change I made last year when I started tracking my food. Vegetables have vitamins, minerals, healthy carbs, fiber, and you can eat more of them and still stay at or slightly under calories ;)

    And as others have said, try eating more and tracking your sodium.

    Good luck!
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    Also you may want to try giving up the sugary starbucks lattes. Those are empty calories you could use for better fuel. Try limiting that to once a week?>
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Don't much like veggies, do ya? lol.........

    I feel your pain - I started at about the same time as you, weighing in at 178 (at 5' 3", I was pretty chunky). I currently weigh 159.........................my goal is 1/2 lb a week, I'm not a HUGE exerciser, but do a lot of walking and hiking, and I like beer.

    My calorie goal for the day is 1490. I have been at a bit of a standstill for a while - gaining and losing the same 2 lbs, and not much change in my measurements. It bugs me...........but I'm 57 years old, and it took me a LONG time to develop my bad habits and gain weight, so I'm gonna give it a good year to take off the excess. I feel I'm more than halfway there, and August is 4 months away................am not going to worry about it too much. If it takes 2 years? Oh well, that's okay.

    What I HAVE noticed is:

    I'm wearing smaller sizes, and am running out of clothes that fit.
    I am eating MUCH better.......more veggies and fruit, more fish and lean meat.
    I can still drink beer and lose weight :drinker:
    I am more active, and ENJOY hiking for two hours (which was not my lifestyle a year ago, lemmee tell ya!)

    So.......I say all this to give you this ONE piece of advice: Be Patient, and keep moving forward! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Much success to you!!
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    After looking at your diary, I still say you aren't eating enough. Your body burns more calories throughout the day other than just your exercise. The only way MFP can account for those calories is through FitBit. BMR + exercise calories is still not enough.

    Also, I would suggest that you replace tracking sugar with potassium. Sugar give your muscles the instant energy it needs to begin a workout, but it doesn't really interfere with weight loss, unless your body has trouble producing insulin. Potassium is an important electrolyte that helps to balance the sodium in your diet. Even if you maintain your sodium within your goal, if you are defecient in potassium, your body will retain water.

    Very interesting fact about potassium. As someone who has learned to manage her high blood pressure without meds via sodium restriction, I'm very interested in researching this a little more. Thanks for the tip.
  • NiceTee75
    NiceTee75 Posts: 24 Member
    I hope you get an answer soon and I hope your answer helps me because I'm going through the same issue. But I'm a lot heavier than you are so it's REALLY frustrating for me!!!!!!!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I looked through your diary and my suggestion would be to get more vegetables worked in to your meals. Try to stay away from the starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn for now. You may be staying under your calorie goal, but not all calories are created equal. But stick with it! You are focused and determined... and that's half the battle. Good luck!
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,749 Member
    bump for later
  • Alpine005
    Alpine005 Posts: 87 Member
    Looking at your diary, I see a lot of processed foods. Why not try to get some more whole foods? All those imitation sweeteners etc. can stall your weight loss.
  • stephenatl09
    stephenatl09 Posts: 186 Member
    I would have to concur that you aren't eating enough. I checked your diary and you definitely need to eat more protein IMO. If you have already burned 648? calories on exercise and you only have 7 grams of protein. I would suggest try upping your protein intake for a bit and see if it helps you. Everyone's body is different so you really need to play with it and see what works best you. Also if you have been eating basically the same for a while now change it up some and see if that helps. :smile: