I don't flippin get it!!



  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    I'm going to stereotype because most often the below addresses 90% of this issue that people complain about not being able to lose even though they don't eat any food and exercise 23 hours out of the day:

    Pick one or more of the below that apply to you:

    1) you aren't eating enough. You mistakenly think if you starve yourself that pounds will fall off you. This is true if you are morbidly obese. Not so true if you are down to your last 20 or so lbs. Your body is giving you the high middle finger.

    2) you are over exercising. You mistakenly think that if you run 10 miles a day in conjunction with point #1 that you will drop a ton of weight. This is true if you are morbidly obese. Not so true if you are down to your last 20 lbs or so.

    3) The type of food that you do allow yourself to eat is most often ****e. A good diet is essential to a healthy body. Fast food, soda, etc... these are examples of ****e food. You should be maintaining a proper protein count. Most people who have this issue also often times overload carbs because they are eating crap food and ignore their protein count. This is a mistake.

    4) There is no silver bullet. Getting in movie-star shape is not something that you do overnight, overmonth, or sometimes even in a year. It's a lifestyle change. One that requires vigilance and is difficult to obtain. Where there is heart, all is possible.

    Good luck.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    It may have a lot to do with what you are eating as well. Fast food is the worst. Try adding more fresh foods and less processed stuff. Make sure you are drinking your water as well.
  • sun33082
    sun33082 Posts: 416 Member
    I hope you get an answer soon and I hope your answer helps me because I'm going through the same issue. But I'm a lot heavier than you are so it's REALLY frustrating for me!!!!!!!

    You may want to start with actually logging your food :)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    After looking at your diary, I still say you aren't eating enough. Your body burns more calories throughout the day other than just your exercise. The only way MFP can account for those calories is through FitBit. BMR + exercise calories is still not enough.

    Also, I would suggest that you replace tracking sugar with potassium. Sugar give your muscles the instant energy it needs to begin a workout, but it doesn't really interfere with weight loss, unless your body has trouble producing insulin. Potassium is an important electrolyte that helps to balance the sodium in your diet. Even if you maintain your sodium within your goal, if you are defecient in potassium, your body will retain water.

    Very interesting fact about potassium. As someone who has learned to manage her high blood pressure without meds via sodium restriction, I'm very interested in researching this a little more. Thanks for the tip.

    Your welcome! Here is a really great blog on the subject.

  • caramammal
    caramammal Posts: 147 Member
    sounds like classic plateau, and also sounds like you've done everything to try and break it.

    If I were in your boat, I would slowly increase my calories to whatever my maintenance level is...and then eat at maintenance for 2 - 3 weeks. I would also ease off the cardio and just concentrate on lifting weights...as heavy as you can manage, check out www.bodybuilding.com.

    This way you are giving your body the break it might think it needs, and you're at maintenance level so wont gain any fat. If you gain pounds it might be from the muscle..but doubt you would build pounds of muscle in that short a time.
  • GoalSixPack
    GoalSixPack Posts: 60 Member
    I would say alot of it is with the type of food you have been eating. Looks like your eating out at least twice a day. Would try for more homemade meals and snacks. Try too up the veggies, fruits, and proteins. Lower your sodium and up your whole foods.
    Just gving you my 2 cents. Feel free to add me if you want and we can help each other.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I'm not a nutritionist, but what worked for me and by reading your diary -

    Reduce your sodium. Try to stay under 2000 per day
    Increase your water. It wasn't recorded so I'm not sure how much you drink, but get those 8-10 glasses in a day
    Drink coconut water! Very high in potassium, but also counts as water. Double bonus!
    Increase your protien! MFP is way low on protien, on days you work out you should aim to get over 100g of protien.
    Lower your (starchy) carbs.
    Don't eat all of your exercise calories back. MFP can ofter over estimate calories burned so unless you have a HRM, don't eat all your calories back. Maybe 50-60%.
    Change up your exercise routine. Maybe your body is used to the same ole thing.
    Try HIIT training

    Biotin - take Biotin 2-3x per day.
    Drink a cold glass of water when you first wake up.
    Stretch 5-10 min when you first wake up and before you go to bed.
    Get 6-9hrs of sleep each night.

    That is all I have for you - I'm sorry you are discouraged and hit this wall. But don't let it get you down. You will overcome this barrier and be stronger for it. Best of luck to you!!!
  • lizzzylou
    lizzzylou Posts: 325
    I took a quick glance at your diary and this is just my opinion so please take it with a grain of salt. Although your calaries are well controlled and staying under you daily goals, they're not the best calories for you. There is quite a bit of processed foods, fast food, high carb food, etc. I love to eat the same stuff, it's freakin delcious, but I'll try and kind of shock my system for two weeks (that's the goal but I usually only make it about a week and a half) by eating only clean ish, low carb foods. For example: Hard boiled eggs, spinach, steamed broccoli and cauliflower, salmon, hamburger (no bun, cheese, ketchup, etc), pork chops, greek yogurt (the taste sucks, but add some dry sugar free chocolate pudding mix to it), and sugar free jello is a great snack for me when i'm hungry, plus it's kind of sweet and only 10 calories!

    Just my thoughts, good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    You are eating a lot of fast, processed foods. I would try more freash foods to add more protien and fiber to your diet.
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    Took a quick peep at your diary and I don't think it's your calories. I think it's your diet.

    First off- great job on staying committed to this process! You work out hard and you've obviously be watching what you're eating. Congrats on your success so far! Also, it takes a lot of courage to ask for help on these boards as people can be pretty critical. So hats off for that.

    There are lots of methods to break a plateau- zig zag calories, change work out routines, etc. To me it looks like you should try tightening up your diet for 3 weeks and see if it makes a difference. A few suggestions:

    -Try eating super clean. I don't think of this as a diet but more of a "healthy quota" Whenever I eat like this I ALWAYS see a weight loss. If you need to get to your caloric limit and you don't hit it within the below confines try adding more lean protein or veggies.
    * 3-4 veggies (green leafy veggies or cruciferous ones like spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, etc. NO STARCHES)
    * 2 fruits (no more than that- and stay away from high sugar ones. try blueberries, strawberries, citruses, green apples,
    cantaloupe. no bananas, peaches, grapes, or pears)
    * 2 complex carbs
    * 2-3 lean proteins (chicken, fish, turkey- no processed meats at all. no fatty fish)
    *12-14 cups of water (and an additional 2 cups for every hour you workout)

    Right now you're always staying below your calories but you're not necessarily eating clean. Try cutting out the following:
    - Caffeine (lots of Starbucks on your diary. yummy but not necessarily good for the bod everyday)

    - Dairy (try limiting yourself to just 1 serving of dairy a day)

    - Processed meats (lunch meat, turkey sausage, etc. is full of sodium.)

    -Fast food- I know you're staying under your cals but occasionally your sodium is too high relative to the amount of calories you have left to eat. Just because you're not in the red doesn't mean that your sodium is in check. Example: You have 800 calories left to eat and you have 500 mg of sodium left. Make sense?

    - "Diet" foods- laughing cow cheese, frozen dinners, wheat thins, rice krispy treats, marshmallow fluff etc.- those small servings are OK in moderation but seems like you have about 2 servings of these foods a day. If you cut them out completely I'm sure you'll see a difference.

    -Starches- I see lots of potatoes in your diet but not many green veggies.

    Every body is different and some things that affect me may not affect you. But as a general rule of thumb- if you look at the people on these boards who have lost and maintained- they eat very clean. Tighten up your diet. Cut out the processed stuff. Eat more whole foods. You'll surely see a difference.

    Stay focused. You can do it!:flowerforyou:
  • DeeKay2169
    DeeKay2169 Posts: 72 Member
    Cookierinthia : I am not sure my blood type??

    swhitney2 : I have done many calculations on how much I should be eating and they ranged from 1500-1800. I tried that for awhile but found it really hard to hit. When I would try I would find unhealthy foods to just try to get up there so I lowered them back down to 1400. I will take your advice on the potassium. Sodium and sugar and hard for me but I try to stay with "healthy sodium and sugar".

    PJmetts : I have seen a dr not thyroid problems. Thank you for asking. I do try to force myself a cheat day but it still makes me feel guilty.

    bynsky : Thank you SO MUCH for looking at my diary. I do eat out a lot. I really have no reason either. I will increase the fruit and veggies in my day. I am 5'7. I don't think I am fat just not toned or the jean size I would like to be. Do you have any suggestions on "good protein"?
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    We have the exact same starting weight and goals and problems. I'm 5'3. My ACTUAL problem turned out to be my thyroid. I'm not saying it def is your problem, but it's worth getting it looked at...while they're at it have them check your vitamin D levels. Once I had my D checked I swear the pounds started melting off. Add me if you'd like, and good luck.

    I swear it has taken me 2 years to lose what I have...from working out and NOTHING working to finding out it was my thyroid to getting the meds right, to now when I finally I'm gaining muscle and losing fat!
  • Angie_Fritts
    Angie_Fritts Posts: 263 Member
    Have you seen your doctor? Just a thought, but a sluggish thyroid may be preventing even the most diligent efforts from being successful. The worst thing you can do is beat yourself up. Take a break, sometimes a "Cheat Day" will shock my body back into giving up weight. Just some non-professional but long been trying to lose thoughts. Hope they help

    The occassional "cheat day" has worked for me as well to get past a plateau. I would recommend workingout with a personal training. The personal trainer would also be a great resource on nutrition etc.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    If you are asking for advice.. here goes. I chose a few dates and checked out your food diary. I'm not sure how you can be sure about everything you eat, because you are logging very little. My advice would be to LOG EVERYTHING. Be as accurate as possible; measure everything unless it's not necessary. I'll bet dollars to donuts you are eating much more than you think you are. It sounds like you have good motivation and are sticking to it. It would be a pity if something as simple as logging your food sabotages your efforts. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I don't know if this has been said yet because I haven't read all the comments. But...I found out that when I was working out everyday I gained weight because I was retaining so much water. When you work out a lot your muscles retain a lot of water to repair themselves. Now that I take break days my weight loss has been a steady 2-3 pounds a week. I was doing strength 2-3 days a week and cardio every day. Now I'm still doing strength 2-3 days a week, and cardio around 4 days a week. I work out Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. On my off days, I know I burn calories from cleaning and chasing around my daughter but I still stay in my calorie goal on my off days.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    swhitney2 : I have done many calculations on how much I should be eating and they ranged from 1500-1800. I tried that for awhile but found it really hard to hit. When I would try I would find unhealthy foods to just try to get up there so I lowered them back down to 1400. I will take your advice on the potassium. Sodium and sugar and hard for me but I try to stay with "healthy sodium and sugar".

    All I can tell you is that I zigzagged, ate up, ate down... I did everything. Then I got my FitBit and discovered that on top of the 200 calories worth of walking for exercising that I was recording, I was missing out on the 800 calories of walking throughout the day that never even got recorded on MFP. My BMR is around 1800, but my TDEE is more like 3000. Sure I'm a pretty tall chick, but no matter how tall you are, MFP is not accurately accounting for TDEE, therefore anyone who follows their guidelines is not eating enough. I was stuck on a plateau for 3 months eating 1800 then 1500, the 2000, then back down to 1400. Guess at what caloric level I started losing again... 2500 calories!!
  • After you take all of these people's advice about geting your thyroid checked, adding more fruits and veggies, lowering amount of processed food, you should look up calorie cycling. I forget the website, but the article speaks about how your body gets comfortable when you eat the same amount of calories for so long that you can actually change the amount of calories your body burns and even raising it, your body can get used to it quickly. The calorie cycling is supposed to keep your metabolism on its metaphorical toes. But definitely try everything else before that, which includes cutting out most processed and prepackaged foods!
  • joy31021
    joy31021 Posts: 216
  • I feel your pain. I also had the same gripe. I’ve recently read books and referenced some pretty intuitive websites on weight loss, health and fitness. The one thing that stood out in all of the research that I’ve done was “Stop focusing on counting calories and focus on counting your nutrients”. That statement took so much pressure off of how much to eat and just focus eat the most nutritious foods that I can find. It’s helped me and it has also take a lot of pressure and confusion off my brain figuring out what to do. I hope this helps so that way it can help you change your thinking about nutrition and counting calories. Once your body continues getting the nutrients it needs, weight loss will become more natural and then once you're down to your ideal weight, you'll naturally be able to maintain it.
    I have been on MFP since Aug 2011. As I’m coming up on a year I haven't lost as much as I thought. I started at 176 and I am currently 154. My goal is 135! I workout every day! I watch everything I put in my mouth but yet my scale has gone from 150 (Jan.), 154 (Feb.) and it has stayed at there ever since!! I have also tried making sense by saying oh I’m losing inches... Whelp NOPE I have actually gained inches!! I have changed my workouts and I have taken advice on upping my cals but NOTHING absolutely NOTHING!! I scream in my head while I workout that I DON’T WANT TO BE FAT!! I push myself with everything I do!

    I have now changed my thought process from… keep pushing it will eventually come down to WTH am I doing?? I should just stop and spend my time doing something else!!!

    I don’t know if I should get a nutritionist or personal trainer or both!!! UGH so frustrated!!!

  • lizzzylou
    lizzzylou Posts: 325
    I am 5'7. I don't think I am fat just not toned or the jean size I would like to be.

    although you probably dont want to hear this, but don't worry about your jean size! In high school I was pretty dang fit from sports and what not. I was 5'10 and 135 pounds of twisted steel and sex appeal haha...but seriously:wink: Anyways the point is i was a size 8/10 and there were girls I knew that were small jean sizes than me, but I looked better (not to toot my own horn or anything)