Alternative to coffee



  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Jitterbeans brand chocolate covered coffee beans or chocolate rocks. About 90 mgs of caffeine in 4 beans (approx 30 calories). I'm down to one real coffee with add-ins per day thanks to these babies. That let me cut my daily sugar allowance in HALF and reduce my calorie goal by 200 calories. I'm definitely seeing the difference on the scales.
  • nailqueen74
    nailqueen74 Posts: 38 Member
    I use non-dairy powdered creamer and a sugar substitute...10 calories for a cup.
  • stacygayle
    stacygayle Posts: 349 Member
    I drink my coffee black and it isn't bitter at all. I buy only premium coffee. you'll never catch any folgers or maxwell house in my house lol. That stuff has a bitter taste to it but the premium ones that you grind yourself (Millstone is my favorite) have no bitter taste at all. I love the chocolate velvet flavor which gives it a hint of chocolate flavor without calories. I also like the Fusion Green and White tea but the only caffiene I have during the day is my cup of coffee in the morning so I feel that spending that extra money to get the good stuff is worth it to me. I saw on a coffee shop sign once "Life is too short to drink bad coffee" :happy:
  • prdgoodbye
    honestly, I just go ahead and have mt coffee with french vanilla creamer and dont count it!
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I went from double-double to half sugar, light cream. Took time, but you can adjust your taste buds over time. Gradually reduce the amount of sugar and cream you use.

    The light roast from Starbucks really does need less sugar and cream to enjoy. I barely put any sugar in, and just a touch of cream. In a bold roast, I'm double on both.

    As for the title of your post - there is no alternative for coffee. I'd give up real food before I gave up my coffee.
    ^ this!!! brew it weaker..and wean yourself down to less cream and sugar. perosnally I have my good coffee with raw honey and coconut milk but allow for it in my calories.
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    I think that some great advice has been given, and I thought I'd share my coffee woes. I used to drink it black when I was in college, but then I found Starbucks, and starting using cream and sugar. When I started losing weight, I decided to cut out the sugar, use sugar free syrup (I use caramel, but you can find just about any flavor), and I do use regular half and half, but only a tbsp, or less per cup.

    This does eat up 40 calories per cup of coffee for me, but it's worth it. I can't get going without my coffee, other beverages don't work for me, it's not the caffeine, is the habit. Secondly, I refuse to use processed foods like powdered creamers, or things with ingredients I cannot pronounce, so real half and half it is. Most of the other dairy creamers have added sugars, amongst the crap they put in them, and I honestly can't imagine what the shelf stable ones are made of lol.

    I would like others have suggested, cut back slowly. Start measuring out what you have, and drink it normal for a week. The week after take it down 25%, and keep doing that until you feel like your coffee isn't eating up all the daily cals. :)

    I should add, I got rid of the sweetener altogether and just drink the half an half now.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    Same issue....Would love some ideas...
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Sorry I draw the line when it comes to my morning coffee... lol I have a travel mug size cup of Coffee People Donut shop blend with 2 scoops of Domino pure cane sugar and 2 Tbps. of International Delight Hershey Chocolate and Caramel creamer. It is a total of 104 calories....... I just fit it into my caloric intake... No use in not allowing myself a few simple pleasures......
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    Green tea has no calories! Get the caffeinated version.

    I can drink coffee black, but it has to be the right kind. I like chicory coffee. ChickoryCoffee.jpg Make sure you use a good metal filter if you want to reduce bitterness, further. If you want to jazz it up, without adding to much unhealthiness, try adding cinnamon. It hardly has any calories, and it has fiber =) If you add that and a bit of sweetener, it could taste pretty good.

    If I want to be naughty with my coffee, I love adding a teaspoon of condensed milk.
  • mustardseed73
    this is really awesome! I did this myself years ago and "relapsed". I admire you for doing this. I remember how good it felt to be caffeine free. :smile:
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I used to cover up the strong bitter coffee taste with lots of creamer and sugar, too. But now I put half coffee and half hot water in the cup before I add creamer and sugar, and I can get away with using A LOT less of both because the coffee is weak.
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    I love tea and other drinks, but there is no replacement for coffee!!!!

    I love it black!!!!! But I do use some calories free flavors once in a while. I also buy some flavored beans and grind it myself.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    I am a coffee-holic...:drinker: I finally found an alternative to sugar that I can live with....I use Gnc - Women's Ultra Mega Active Dietary Supplement, Milk Chocolate - 2scoops everyday in a protein shake to get my vitamins but today I put a scoop into each cup of coffee that I drink in the mornings & have to use no sugar...YAY!! I have tried so many ways & this one is the best by far....I get my vitamins & my morning coffee without the sugar but it's still sweet....Love it!! Just wanted to share!! :love:
  • DrewMaxwell
    DrewMaxwell Posts: 269 Member
    more sleep ;)

  • captiva0513
    A couple years ago I started adding skim milk instead of cream and couldn't tell a difference. In terms of sugar, I also like mine sweeter and don't love the artificial sweeteners, so I just try adding a really small amount. The other day I had an altoid in my mouth while drinking my coffee and it was like a cheaper, lo-cal version of a peppermint mocha. :)
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I trained myself to enjoy coffee with less junk in it. I used to have it with tons of milk and sugar but overtime I cut back a sugar or shot of milk at a time. Now I drink it with regular sugar (or caramel swirl, which isn't bad in moderation) and skim milk.