Who plans their meals in advance and why?



  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    I plan because I have a family and I've found it's just easier for me to make a plan before heading to the store to buy the groceries. I don't necessarily set a daily menu so I feel like I have options I buy for two weeks but maybe only work a day or so in advance if I have to defrost something. For example while I have at least a weeks worth of meal plans in my pantry and freezer I won't know what I'm making tomorrow until later tonight. Breakfast is different though I just keep a lot of options around depending on my free time I might have yogurt, eggs and bacon, boiled eggs, applesauce, or a protein bar if I'm in a real hurry. I just keep them all in stock all the time so I can have any number of them as a snack too if I need it.
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    If I'm organised yes I will plan my meals and the meals for my family but some days are rushed, no time to organise so it's off to the takeaways I go! lol and if we have takeaways, they will have mcDs and I will have Subway :)
  • Bikini_Bound150
    Bikini_Bound150 Posts: 461 Member
    My boyfriend and I plan out all weeks dinners every weekend. It really helps control our addiction to eating out (and ordering in) and it helps keep my calories in check. I like adding dinner to my diary first thing so I can plan around it instead of skimping on dinner at night because I ate too much during the day.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I have the same breakfast everyday also-but if I don't plan my meals everything will be frozen and that's a recipe for disaster. So yes I plan my meals.
  • cherylnash1956
    I totally do this - each and every day. I eat the same breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack each day. It is usually a homemade soup and salad No decisions, no waivering, no if ands or buts. This leaves me with enough calories to be flexible on dinner so the hubby and I can go out on the fly pretty much anywhere. I have one day of the weekend that is my "free day". I save my excerise calories for that day. I am finding that it is working for me. I am also realizing that my toughest time of the day is evenings. I am also trying to break the emotional attachment I seem to have with food. By planning out and strictly adhereing to the plan, I am hoping to break the impulsiveness involved with my old eating habits.
  • jaglynn
    jaglynn Posts: 1 Member
    My husband is in charge of dinners so I work backwards... I usually know what I'm having for breakfast so I add that.. then before lunch I talk to him and see what we are having for dinner so I can add that so I then know what I can have for lunch.

    Seems to be working for me.
  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    I do. It keeps me on track, I know what I am having & can plan for any snacks or anything else that may pop up.
  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    I eat the same stuff every single day so I dont have to come up with a plan.
  • NomiS6
    NomiS6 Posts: 67 Member
    When at sea make my lunch before sailing, that way I'm not chasing everything round the galley. Diinner normaly has to wait till things calm down.
  • mmy127
    mmy127 Posts: 14
    I plan my food at least the night before, because I know if I don't have my day planned, I'll just eat and eat! It helps a lot to have it planned at least the night before, if not days in advance.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I can't imagine being able to lose weight without planning ahead. I do a rough plan for the week, then plan for the next day everyday. usually my lunch is some version of what I made for dinner the night before.
  • ldicocco
    ldicocco Posts: 6 Member
    It keep's me honest and since I only have 1200 calories a day I need to be carefull on how I spend them. :)
  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    I plan a day or 2 ahead on weekdays. But on the weekends I wing it...but I still log everything. Planning ahead takes away the stress of worrying about what to eat when hunger drops in for a visit. If I log early..I'll know what I can choose from..even if it's not in the order I log it.

    If it's on the list for the day..I'll have it.

    I should note that I log stuff like..

    2 hard boiled aggs
    1 medium apple
    An ounce of raw almonds
    3 string cheese sticks

    Stuff like that..that I can carry with me. I found it easier to plan, when 90% of the foods are portable.
  • loseiteli
    loseiteli Posts: 242 Member
    I plan each day out the night before. I have changed my macros to very specific goals recently and found that this helps me with my lowered carbs and upping my protein! :) (also helps that i have OCD...haha)
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    I do, I make a lot of my meals over the weekend, and plan every day. I log most of my in the morning, if it is not logged or planned I don't eat it. This way treats are planned and are the ones I really want and feel I worked for, and not thoughtless eating which I end of with a bad case of regrets.
  • LadyRush
    LadyRush Posts: 95 Member
    I am a compulsive overeater so I plan my meals and stick to it. This is done on a daily basis, which works for me just fine.
  • ckenning
    ckenning Posts: 71
    I do...it makes life easier for me and helps me stay w/i my calories. I do end up changing it from time to time if something comes up.
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    I plan my meals in advance and pack all my food the night before. It's part of my routine every night when I clean my kitchen after dinner-- portioning out a bit of leftovers for lunch the next day and packing it up. If I know I'm going to be go-go-go the next day, I really do carry it around with me in an insulated bag. If I have what I have already prepared then I am less likely to grab whatever is available. And most times, whatever is available is NOT healthy at all.

    In addition to my leftovers for lunch the next day I pack things like:

    washed and cut fruit and veggies.
    2 high fiber bread slices (I like Nature's Own)
    peanut butter, salsa, and hummus in babyfood-sized jars
    roasted chick peas
    cheese sticks or slices/cubes
    greek yogurt cups

    I make sure I eat breakfast EVERY day, even if it's just some nuked quick-oats with applesauce stirred in. If I eat breakfast it will make me remember to grab my packed food to take with me.

    I keep two or three cans of Hormel Vegetarian chili (I am an lacto-ovo pescitarian) in my desk at work for days I forget to bring my food. It's low fat, high in fiber, and you get good protein.
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    I do it the night before so I know my plan for the day and can (mostly) stick to it.
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 397 Member
    I plan my food in advance for convenience and shopping purposes more than weight loss, but that's an added bonus. I eat a lot of fish and produce, and it can easily be forgotten about or go bad if you don't know when you are going to eat it. Additionally, I hate food going to waste, so knowing when I plan to finish eating something I cook is helpful.
    If it's a stressful day at work or people have unhealthy foods around, already knowing what I plan to eat and how tasty it is makes me more inclined to resist and stick to my plan- because you can't stick to a plan of being healthy if you don't HAVE a plan.