Flabby Arms After Weight Loss?



  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Heavy lifting, heavy lifting, heavy lifting. Honestly, my favorite day ever having to do with getting in serious shape was the day that I was in the lady's room at work jumping up and down in my dress and heels flapping my arms this way and that because I realized that for the first time in my life the only part of my arm that was waving back was my hand. Epic.

    That lifting light bs is . . . old school hoscience. I've never seen anyone with results like I want lifting powder puffs.

    As far as excess skin, it's my understanding that it may take 12 - 18 months to recover your skin's elasticity, the good news is that you're still young.
  • Flippiefloppies
    I don't believe in lifting heavy and I never will. I know what a 5lb dumbbell or smaller can do to my arms.

    You don't believe in lifting heavy? Really? Why is that? Have you ever actually tried it.

    I don't need to do it. I know my body and what's good for it.

    Right, that is your body. To even suggest that lifting weights would not do what the op is asking is obsurd. Your advice was asked for not talking down anyone elses advice.
  • Flippiefloppies
    Well op I suggest you look at the pictures of the responders and decide who you want to look at. Then take that advice.

    ^^ What she said.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    If you google flabby upper arms some exercises should come up for you. Good luck
  • maruxf
    maruxf Posts: 39
    Well op I suggest you look at the pictures of the responders and decide who you want to look at. Then take that advice.

    ^^ What she said.

    ^^ I co-sign!
    LMFAO!!! Exhibit A- Look at them guns! Exhibit B- Barbie weights. Decisions, decisions...

    On my way from 36%BF to 20%BF (Currently at 26%BF)
    "Positive failure!"
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Well op I suggest you look at the pictures of the responders and decide who you want to look at. Then take that advice.

    ^^ What she said.
    Yes I was focusing on your pictures by the way. I don't know how it could be 'deceiving' but I want to be deceived if thats the case. Beautiful arms!
  • LadyWingsFan
    Look into New Rules for Lifting for Women! I just started that and I hope it helps the 'bat wings'! LOL
    As for me, I'd look at the muscular women and take their advice. Clearly, they're practicing what they're preaching.
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    Loose skin will go away eventually. Some areas slower than others. Could take up to a year though. I'd try filling that loose space with muscle.
  • Flippiefloppies
    Well op I suggest you look at the pictures of the responders and decide who you want to look at. Then take that advice.

    ^^ What she said.
    Yes I was focusing on your pictures by the way. I don't know how it could be 'deceiving' but I want to be deceived if thats the case. Beautiful arms!

    LOL well thank you! They are actually my favorite part of my body! Worked very hard to get them to this place! Did it all with HEAVY LIFTING!
  • Flippiefloppies
    Well op I suggest you look at the pictures of the responders and decide who you want to look at. Then take that advice.

    ^^ What she said.

    ^^ I co-sign!
    LMFAO!!! Exhibit A- Look at them guns! Exhibit B- Barbie weights. Decisions, decisions...

    On my way from 36%BF to 20%BF (Currently at 26%BF)
    "Positive failure!"
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools

    Would you like some free tickets to the gun show??? LOL jk.. I just had to say it!
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    I'm lifting 8-15 lb for my arms, depending on the exercise. For most, that's probably not heavy. I started out with 3 and 5lb weights. At the time it was all I could do. It's not what you start at but that you progress. Use the 5lb weights you have, but move up in weights when you are able (and you'll find that soon you can).

    Use body weight exercises as well. If you cannot do a full push-up, do 'girly' ones. If you can't do those, try wall push-ups. Do chair dips-those are fantastic for triceps and can also be modified to be easier/harder, depending on your current ability.

    Just start. Do something. Challenge yourself. Keep doing it and make progress. You'll start to see the results you want.

    For a personal perspective, I started with plump arms that transformed into bingo wings that flapped with every movement. Now they are still there, but smaller, firmer as the skin has tightened and the muscle developed so they don't flap. I've still a ways to go, but I can see the progress.

    Edit: This is absolutely in no way knocking heavy lifting. I'm all for it and working my way up to those levels. Just pointing out that 'heavy' is a relative term.