June Amazing Amazon Thread



  • blueyed_blond
    blueyed_blond Posts: 156 Member
    Awwww all you ladies with lovely boyfriends/husbands is making me so jealous!

    I'm a single lady (for awhile now..:grumble: ) waiting for my special someone to show up....


    Don't wait around for him to find you, girl!!! Go out and find him! Met my hubby seven years ago on Match.com-- We've been married for three years now! By going on Match I was able to essentially "man-shop" and find one that was perfect for me: right height, similar interests, HOT... :laugh:

    Edit: tried to post a picture, but apparently you can't do that here??:huh:


    with guys.... I'm holding myself back from meeting anyone right now until I can gain a little confidence in my body..i know its stupid...but when i feel fat the thought of dating anyone terrifies me. so stupid I know. any decent guy isn't going to care if I have a couple of extra pounds...

    haha. you know what my ex-boyfriend said to me (one of many reasons we didn't work out)...he looked at me and said "I will only marry you if you lose weight..and keep it off for 3 years". :noway:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Awwww all you ladies with lovely boyfriends/husbands is making me so jealous!

    I'm a single lady (for awhile now..:grumble: ) waiting for my special someone to show up....


    Don't wait around for him to find you, girl!!! Go out and find him! Met my hubby seven years ago on Match.com-- We've been married for three years now! By going on Match I was able to essentially "man-shop" and find one that was perfect for me: right height, similar interests, HOT... :laugh:

    Edit: tried to post a picture, but apparently you can't do that here??:huh:


    I think you have to put [img]on both sides of the picture? with guys.... I'm holding myself back from meeting anyone right now until I can gain a little confidence in my body..i know its stupid...but when i feel fat the thought of dating anyone terrifies me. so stupid I know. any decent guy isn't going to care if I have a couple of extra pounds... haha. you know what my ex-boyfriend said to me (one of many reasons we didn't work out)...he looked at me and said "I will only marry you if you lose weight..and keep it off for 3 years". :noway:[/img]

    What a total Jerk!!!!:grumble:
    You are totally gonna snag your guy, they come while you arn't looking for them!!!! Gooood luck!:bigsmile:
  • RiverRatChick
    RiverRatChick Posts: 115 Member
    Awwww all you ladies with lovely boyfriends/husbands is making me so jealous!

    I'm a single lady (for awhile now..:grumble: ) waiting for my special someone to show up....


    Don't wait around for him to find you, girl!!! Go out and find him! Met my hubby seven years ago on Match.com-- We've been married for three years now! By going on Match I was able to essentially "man-shop" and find one that was perfect for me: right height, similar interests, HOT... :laugh:

    Edit: tried to post a picture, but apparently you can't do that here??:huh:


    I think you have to put [img]on both sides of the picture? with guys.... I'm holding myself back from meeting anyone right now until I can gain a little confidence in my body..i know its stupid...but when i feel fat the thought of dating anyone terrifies me. so stupid I know. any decent guy isn't going to care if I have a couple of extra pounds... haha. you know what my ex-boyfriend said to me (one of many reasons we didn't work out)...he looked at me and said "I will only marry you if you lose weight..and keep it off for 3 years". :noway:[/img]

    Wow, seriously, what a jerk. You don't need someone like that in your life! Good for you for realizing what an @ss he was....
  • blueyed_blond
    blueyed_blond Posts: 156 Member
    Awwww all you ladies with lovely boyfriends/husbands is making me so jealous!

    I'm a single lady (for awhile now..:grumble: ) waiting for my special someone to show up....


    Don't wait around for him to find you, girl!!! Go out and find him! Met my hubby seven years ago on Match.com-- We've been married for three years now! By going on Match I was able to essentially "man-shop" and find one that was perfect for me: right height, similar interests, HOT... :laugh:

    Edit: tried to post a picture, but apparently you can't do that here??:huh:


    I think you have to put [img]on both sides of the picture? with guys.... I'm holding myself back from meeting anyone right now until I can gain a little confidence in my body..i know its stupid...but when i feel fat the thought of dating anyone terrifies me. so stupid I know. any decent guy isn't going to care if I have a couple of extra pounds... haha. you know what my ex-boyfriend said to me (one of many reasons we didn't work out)...he looked at me and said "I will only marry you if you lose weight..and keep it off for 3 years". :noway:[/img]

    Wow, seriously, what a jerk. You don't need someone like that in your life! Good for you for realizing what an @ss he was....

    ya...not cool what he said. But stuff like that sticks with me....so now when i meet a guy i'm always thinking "if only i were 10 lbs lighter" i'd pursue this. gotta get over it!!!

    p.s. is it weird if my goal is to have your body? wow.
  • blueyed_blond
    blueyed_blond Posts: 156 Member
    Awwww all you ladies with lovely boyfriends/husbands is making me so jealous!

    I'm a single lady (for awhile now..:grumble: ) waiting for my special someone to show up....


    Don't wait around for him to find you, girl!!! Go out and find him! Met my hubby seven years ago on Match.com-- We've been married for three years now! By going on Match I was able to essentially "man-shop" and find one that was perfect for me: right height, similar interests, HOT... :laugh:

    Edit: tried to post a picture, but apparently you can't do that here??:huh:


    tried to fix the photo but didn't work....hmmmmm
  • RiverRatChick
    RiverRatChick Posts: 115 Member
    I think you have to put [img]on both sides of the picture? with guys.... I'm holding myself back from meeting anyone right now until I can gain a little confidence in my body..i know its stupid...but when i feel fat the thought of dating anyone terrifies me. so stupid I know. any decent guy isn't going to care if I have a couple of extra pounds... haha. you know what my ex-boyfriend said to me (one of many reasons we didn't work out)...he looked at me and said "I will only marry you if you lose weight..and keep it off for 3 years". :noway: p.s. is it weird if my goal is to have your body? wow.[/img]

    That's very nice of you to say! Thank you... :flowerforyou:
  • RiverRatChick
    RiverRatChick Posts: 115 Member
    Awwww all you ladies with lovely boyfriends/husbands is making me so jealous!

    I'm a single lady (for awhile now..:grumble: ) waiting for my special someone to show up....


    Don't wait around for him to find you, girl!!! Go out and find him! Met my hubby seven years ago on Match.com-- We've been married for three years now! By going on Match I was able to essentially "man-shop" and find one that was perfect for me: right height, similar interests, HOT... :laugh:

    Edit: tried to post a picture, but apparently you can't do that here??:huh:


    tried to fix the photo but didn't work....hmmmmm
    Fixed it-- a little too late though.... :sick:

  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :flowerforyou: So pretty! riverratchick
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Beautiful wedding photo!

    And I agree with Blueyed_blond, I hope that I can look half as great as you in a bikini!:flowerforyou:

    Motivation to run a couple extra miles tonight! :ohwell:
  • RiverRatChick
    RiverRatChick Posts: 115 Member
    Beautiful wedding photo!

    And I agree with Blueyed_blond, I hope that I can look half as great as you in a bikini!:flowerforyou:

    Motivation to run a couple extra miles tonight! :ohwell:

    Thank you! You gals are very kind... You CAN do it !!! I'm rootin' for ya! :drinker:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Beautiful wedding photo!

    And I agree with Blueyed_blond, I hope that I can look half as great as you in a bikini!:flowerforyou:

    Motivation to run a couple extra miles tonight! :ohwell:

    I'd settle for a one piece:grumble:
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    bumping so I can find us again!
  • blueyed_blond
    blueyed_blond Posts: 156 Member

    So last night I was having a lazy night....didn't work out, watching tv.....THEN I felt terrible...thought of bikini's and went for a jog :happy: felt so much better.

    How did everyone else make out with working out yesterday? Do you have a routine you follow..or do you change it up everyday????


    Summer 2009 WILL Be Different!

  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I have a routine, but I'm heavy enough that I'm a bit limited in what I can do. I did a mile and a half walk before breakfast, then after breakfast, my mom and I went for about three miles. This morning, it was raining, so I jumped on the stationary bike for half an hour before breakfast.
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Yesterday was one of those days I knew I would go over my calorie intake so I logged them all in beforehand in the AM, and sure enough was over by 450 calories!:noway:

    Sooo, I hit the gym before going home and made sure not to leave until I burned off more than that!:laugh: Ran 2.5 miles and hit the elliptical hard for about 15 minutes and that did the trick! Felt so much better and was able to enjoy the rest of the night!
  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    Okay, I think this is the thread that I want to join!

    CW: 155
    Temporary GW: 150
    Ultimate GW: 140

    I've been focusing on toning & lifing weights lately since i've been at a bit of a standstill. Hopefully having all you talllllllll ladies around will help with the motivation!

    Good luck everyone!
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    hello tallies! :flowerforyou:

    so here i am 33, 6'1 and 190 lbs. i would like to get down to at least 170. i was well on my way starting with MFP in january until april - lost 10 pounds and was feeling really great. then - wham! - i got stuck in a not so healthy rut and i am back where i started :cry:

    its all my fault, really. but i have big plans i tell ya! :drinker: i got the 30 day shred and plan on shredding it starting monday. i know that is a typical saying, but i really have a ton of things going on this weekend and i wont be able to start before then. i did the shred a couple times and it kicked my butt! then i hurt my knee and have been a bit lazy ever since...im on a shred thread and i think they are going to hunt me down! :indifferent:

    my goal was to slim down again by june 22nd (i am working at a charity golf tourn with a bunch of skinny mini 20-somethings :grumble: ) so we'll see how i do in the next two weeks. i dont think i will be nearly where i want to be, but if i could drop a few by then i can imagine stopping!

    you all know how its not easy to find great jeans...well i have at least 8 pair in my closet that i cannot get into. plus my boobage is waaaay more than id like it to be, so hopefully with diet and excercise i can shrink a bit. :smokin:

    im so excited about this thread! :drinker:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I'm 5'10" and have a lot left to lose, but so far on MFP I have lost 50 lbs!

    Looking at the thread with the husband talk. My husband is the same height as me. I have dated shorter and taller but as they say, everyone is the same height laying down!

    I met my husband in a chat room. We started talking and it progressed. It will be our 5th anniversary in September. Don't let your size hold you back from meeting someone. He loved me 50 lbs ago. He has lost 56 lbs on MFP and I loved him 56 lbs ago!
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member

    So last night I was having a lazy night....didn't work out, watching tv.....THEN I felt terrible...thought of bikini's and went for a jog :happy: felt so much better.

    How did everyone else make out with working out yesterday? Do you have a routine you follow..or do you change it up everyday????


    Summer 2009 WILL Be Different!


    Yesterday was such a bad day for exercise plus I went over my calories because I was cutting up fruit and could not stop picking at it. I normally workout in the morning but I woke up 45 minutes late so I didn't have time. I normally do abs and upper body tuesday/thursday and legs Mon/wed/fri but this morning I did both routines to make up for yesterday. I was totally wiped.
  • blueyed_blond
    blueyed_blond Posts: 156 Member

    you all know how its not easy to find great jeans...well i have at least 8 pair in my closet that i cannot get into. plus my boobage is waaaay more than id like it to be, so hopefully with diet and excercise i can shrink a bit. :smokin:

    im so excited about this thread! :drinker:

    boobage - the one thing i miss about being heavier :blushing:

    Summer 2009 WILL be Different!