I just peed standing up! Girls only...



  • bluex232
    bluex232 Posts: 135 Member
    I don't go out much anymore, but I wish I had one when I was younger! I have had many nights after a few drinks...(ok, maybe a few more than a few drinks) where I have squated in the bushes only to pee ON my pants...this could have come in handy!!

    ...BTW peeing ON your pants is TOTALLY different than peeing IN your pants...its much more sophisticated. 8-)
    Is there a reason you can't just squat in the woods?

    Some us are old, and have knee problems..plus, if your *kitten* is too big, you topple over into the dirt..so sorry for the visual on that one ladies..
  • NicolettetheGreek
    NicolettetheGreek Posts: 246 Member
    back at my first emt job one of my shifts was at the bay meadows horse race track in the wee hours of the morning for the training and it was freezing out there..we basically sat in the rig and waited for accidents to happen. the bathrooms were unheated concrete block and concrete floor with steel toilets. our uniforms were onepiece jumpsuits with a 2-way zipper that worked from the neck down or the crotch up...great for the men who could just unzip a few inches, pull it out, and pee, but i had to practically get completely undressed just to pee. so for christmas my super great partner gave me something called 'the lady j', which looked like a sort of angled funnel device that was made for women to use to pee standing up.....it worked great....he was a great partner ;)
    Heh... You said "wee". Heh.

    hee hee, are you Beavis or Butthead? hee hee

    She who wee's
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    Is there a reason you can't just squat in the woods?

    ^^^ lol This! I'm all about the squat. After 3 year in rural Africa I have mastered the squat :)
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,263 Member
    I am excited about it because you are so friggin' excited!!! Anything that assists me in my lavoratory adventures is a welcomed invention!!! Wooooottt!!!

    You have adventures in there, with unicorns and spies and *kitten*? That's brilliant, I want to use your lavatory !!

    Hey wait a minute, you're not weeing in your wardrobe are you? You're not p*ssing yourself into Narnia everytime you go off adventuring ?

  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    In the UK they're called a "she-wee" :laugh:

    Never bought one though, I just go with the squat behind a tree approach (or on more drunken nights out, replace tree with car :blushing: )
  • Lifting_chick
    Lifting_chick Posts: 275 Member
    lol I have heard of these products but never tried one......kinda gives new meaning to penis evny doesn't it lol
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Remember to shake it and wash your hands afterwards, lol. It had to be pink didn't it...Next thing ya know yall will be writing your name in the snow.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Is there a reason you can't just squat in the woods?

    I don't know about you, but I can't quite control the direction of the flow, so sometimes squatting can get pretty messy.

    I'd love one, they look awesome.