*rant* Don't tell me it tastes like...



  • cassblue21
    cassblue21 Posts: 207
    I was under the impression everything tastes like chicken.:happy:

    Oh yeah thats right! :P
  • diinva
    diinva Posts: 57
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I had moonshine in South Carolina a few weeks ago, that honest to god tasted like apple pie. Not similar, but spot on. Got myself into a mess of trouble. O.o

    That stuff is WICKED. And yes it DOES taste like apple pie. :D
  • cassblue21
    cassblue21 Posts: 207
    I do eat as healthy as I can most of the time, and I do love veggies so that is a good thing, but I just think that people and companies that try and push things that are not even close to being as good as the real thing need to just flat out stop lying about it. :) I know there are things that you can do to make super yummy fatty things into almost as yummy healthier versions. I have just been bombarded lately with the Body By Vi stuff and then on here there are people pushing protein bars that taste like candy bars. In fact I have tried the Snickers Marathon bars a long time ago, and I did not like them AT ALL! There are definitely some companies that can get it wrong! Like what was said about Yoplait earlier.

    Personally I love desserts and do what I can to eat what I want and I think JELLO Temptations has done the best just making super small pie like snacks. :) I love the Key Lime one. Still not the real thing, but it is yummy and will satisfy a craving!
  • cassblue21
    cassblue21 Posts: 207
    I had moonshine in South Carolina a few weeks ago, that honest to god tasted like apple pie. Not similar, but spot on. Got myself into a mess of trouble. O.o

    That would make for a fun mess though I am sure! lol
  • blandwriter
    blandwriter Posts: 50 Member
    The only thing that tastes like pie is pie. On the other hand, Atkins makes a chocolate caramel nut roll that is as close to a Baby Ruth as you can get.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    Skinny cow ice cream tastes EXACTLY like ice cream. :(

    Edit: If I closed my eyes and had to compare, I wouldn't be able to tell.
  • slhtree
    slhtree Posts: 9
    With all the icky stuff they put in that Yoplait ....you are better off having a real piece of pie! Life is too short, eat the pie and go for a bike ride :0) Yogurt is so good for you but alot of people dont like it, I get that. But if you have yogurt,definitely go for the Chobani,or Liberte' brands. Stonyfield farms has some yummy ones too...no artificial icky stuff. And the ricotta cheese with splenda and chocolate cocoa is NOT like chocolate mousse lol! Splenda is not that great for you either....
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    I had moonshine in South Carolina a few weeks ago, that honest to god tasted like apple pie. Not similar, but spot on. Got myself into a mess of trouble. O.o

    Having grown up in South Carolina, I have to add that enough moonshine can result in one believing they can taste/see/hear/feel/accomplish just about anything.

  • c8linmarie
    c8linmarie Posts: 358 Member

    On that note, the Pure Protein Revolution Peanut Caramel Bars DO.NOT.TASTE.LIKE.A.SNICKERS. I do enjoy my pure protein stuff, but don't sell it as something it isn't.

    Rant over.

    WOW. PMS much?

    No one is trying to push anything on you. Just because it tastes like something to them (but does not to you) does not mean they are trying to peddle that product. Did it ever occur to you that maybe it was just the best way to describe something to someone else that can be used as a point of reference?

    I like the "flavor" of strawberries. If I tasted something that tastes "like" strawberries, I wouldn't tell someone it tastes like chocolate, it wouldn't be a close COMPARISON, would it?

    Of course that yogurt isn't apple pie! Apple pie is apple pie. The yogurt just has the (artificial) flavor of apple pie.
  • SonoRoo
    SonoRoo Posts: 1
    Wellll, it doesn't taste like regular bacon, but Butterball Turkey Bacon is pretty good when crispy. Enough that I don't mind it as a substitute for real bacon for the most part. I have had turkey bacon though that tastes like dog treats (or what I suppose they taste like). *shrug*
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    roast beef smoothie??? wtf??? nasty
  • mbts08
    mbts08 Posts: 284 Member
    I hate yogurt, but I have always attempted to try the ones that are "like pie"! lol And I have never liked them because as you said, it still tastes like yogurt! lol

    How can it taste like pie if there is not crust in there?! :huh:
  • cassblue21
    cassblue21 Posts: 207
    roast beef smoothie??? wtf??? nasty

    I am just saying that I really like my sweets as dessert, not for my meal! :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i think this way about mayonnaise. reduced fat/no fat mayo doesnt taste anything like real mayo. just because it looks the same and kinda smells the same doesnt mean it tastes the same.

    my mom used to try this on me with liver. putting it on a hamburger bun and throwing a piece of cheese on it did not fool my tastes buds into recognizing it as anything less than liver.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I love this post :)
    My aunt used to tell me beets taste like candy..only got me on that once..okay maybe twice :laugh:
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Wendy's Frosty Protein Shake:
    6 ounces fat free milk
    2 ounces sugar free chocolate syrup (not Hershey's syrup.. it's the syrup you find in the coffee isle. My brand is Torani)

    2 scoops of the Chocolate Milkshake protein powder from Premier Nutrition (I buy mine at Sam's club. Tastes way better than regular old chocolate protein powder!!)

    LOTS of ice= at least 8 cubes.

    Pulse all ingredients until right consistancy.

    nomnomnom. I usually use almond milk so I hope that would work as well!
  • stablesong
    stablesong Posts: 224

    On that note, the Pure Protein Revolution Peanut Caramel Bars DO.NOT.TASTE.LIKE.A.SNICKERS. I do enjoy my pure protein stuff, but don't sell it as something it isn't.

    Rant over.
    WOW. PMS much?
    Yes, because every woman who has a strong opinion/gets angry/is not positive all the time is on her period. What a sexist, misogynistic concept.

    I love Jello No-Bake cheesecake, but once you mix the crust with butter and the filling with milk, it can get unhealthy in a hurry, and the Jello Temptations raspberry cheesecake are a pretty good alternative. They're not huge servings but only 120(?) calories each. They're good enough that I won't go out and buy a no-bake instead. And Publix makes a light tiramisu ice cream that tastes a lot like some caramel frozen Starbucks drink that I can't remember the name of, and only 140 calories per half cup. You can find yummy substitutes, but they will never be perfect.

    Most of the time, nothing "tastes just like" anything else to me. Eventually I learn to prefer the healthier version though.
  • Redbird99ky
    Redbird99ky Posts: 305 Member
    I like my Zone chocolate chip cookie dough protein bars ... they DO taste like cookie dough, and I am a cookie dough conniseur! (more like common sewer... I'll eat anything cookie dough!)
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    On that note, the Pure Protein Revolution Peanut Caramel Bars DO.NOT.TASTE.LIKE.A.SNICKERS. I do enjoy my pure protein stuff, but don't sell it as something it isn't.
    Nothing... but nothing tastes like a Snickers... except a Snickers. To say otherwise.... well, it's just wwrong!

    That said, I still don't understand my own logic, in my life before MFP. I mean really - why was it always Snickers and a Diet Dr. Pepper? Like the aspartame in the soda pop was going to offset the sugar in the candy? Sometimes I do the most illogical stuff!
