The BEST thing said, done etc.



  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    Over a years ago I started talking to a girl that went to college with my sis after my sis bugged me for weeks to call her. Best decision I ever made. We talked every day on the phone for two months before I even met her. I finally went home to Texas for 3 weeks leave (im in the Army) and we were inseperatable.

    Sadly I had to go back to Virginia, where I'm stationed. We agreed to keep talking and try the long distance thing. That lasted for a week before we both figured out that we couldn't be away from one another. She was moved in with me the following week.

    I proposed to her in December and we will be married on the 1 year anniversary of us meeting in person. May 18th.

    To think I almost said no to my sister.
  • TitanGM
    TitanGM Posts: 1,161 Member
    There are 2 best moments in my life.

    1 - I saved a 10 y/old girl from drowning while on vacation.
    2 - Two years later after that, I was falling from a cliff to a sure death, but to suddenly se my brother's hand grabing mine and to throw me into safe ground.
    I'll never forget those moments :)
  • joya313
    joya313 Posts: 3
    Meeting my boyfriend who treats me like a queen who Loves me for me AND accepts my flaws =))))
  • Axels91
    Axels91 Posts: 213
    was told i have nice legs :D
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    When we announced that we were expecting our sixth child, we got plenty of "OMG, are you crazy?!" type remarks.
    But one cardiologist I worked with smiled really big, said he thought it was great, and said that I seemed well-suited to mother a large family. I really needed to hear that!

    Bleh, can't seem to spell tonight. :wink:
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    There are 2 best moments in my life.

    1 - I saved a 10 y/old girl from drowning while on vacation.
    2 - Two years later after that, I was falling from a cliff to a sure death, but to suddenly se my brother's hand grabing mine and to throw me into safe ground.
    I'll never forget those moments :)

    Those sound like truly life-changing moments!
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    Best thing I have ever done was getting together with a friend to buy Christmas gifts for the son of a co-worker. We both pitched in, bought, wrapped and delivered the 3 bags to her house Christmas eve. After her son went to bed of course. They literally had no extra cash for Christmas.:sad:
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    The day I left the YMCA, after 5 years of being part time, minim wage, with no benefits, not even holiday pay, no advancement or pay increase, even though I have college under my belt, and kept getting denied a full time position. I now work at a different daycare, full time, that pays more than min. wage, gives me paid time off and holiday pay. I've been at my current job for a year in a half and I love it!
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    I was told

    "How much have you lost, girl?" and I replied with "40 lbs" and he continued to say "You can really tell, you look great"
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    One best thing done for me.....When I was pregnant with 1st child a lady that worked at a local pizza shop, where hubby and I frequented, entered a contest to win a crib for us. You had to write about someone pregnant and why deserved to have a baby. It was a very touching letter!
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Graduating from college, buying my first house, marrying my husband... being able to talk with my grandmother right before she died, and looking into my mom's eyes before she lost consciousness and died. Those all rank high on the list.

    But, I guess having my mom, dad, and grandparents all tell me how proud they were of me... guess that tops my list these days. If I ever give birth, I bet that will top the list...

    One other: I climbed a pyramid in Mexico once and I'm afraid of heights. There was guy, a stranger, who helped me tremendously by holding my hand tightly and singing to me as he guided me back down... I was trembling and sweating profusely from fear. So glad I did that, because that's one of those memories I never want to forget.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    I just got back from a visit (once a year) to my parents.

    The first thing my son said to them when we got there was "doesn't dad look strong? look at his arms!"

    So that was pretty cool.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I can't decide the best of all time, but here's something that happened Friday that made my week.

    I'm in an all-female a cappella group at my college and we sing on campus quite a bit, so sometimes people recognize us. I have a couple of solos and occasionally get personally recognized. Well I was walking around wearing the shirt my group wears to perform and this girl I've never seen before stopped me and said, "Oh my goodness, you have an AMAZING voice!" I got so excited and thanked her and she walked away. I always kind of feel like a celebrity when that happens, and it was such a nice compliment :)
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    When I went to my Aunt's today for lunch she told me I looked great and she was jealous of how much I've lost.

    Best thing I've done was probably conquer my fear of planes to go see my boyfriend of 3 years last year. Sure I puked up all my meds before the flight but I learned to not be so frightened and to be more assertive because I had to not only take cabs by myself but I had to check in and then handle a flight issue when I was going home. I'm normally very meek and scared to talk because I get tongue-tied but I learned how to assert myself without being aggressive, especially when the cab drivers would refuse a payment method they clearly stated they would and could take. Plus I got to see my man, which was awesome.
  • esphixiet
    esphixiet Posts: 214 Member
    Over a years ago I started talking to a girl that went to college with my sis after my sis bugged me for weeks to call her. Best decision I ever made. We talked every day on the phone for two months before I even met her. I finally went home to Texas for 3 weeks leave (im in the Army) and we were inseperatable.

    Sadly I had to go back to Virginia, where I'm stationed. We agreed to keep talking and try the long distance thing. That lasted for a week before we both figured out that we couldn't be away from one another. She was moved in with me the following week.

    I proposed to her in December and we will be married on the 1 year anniversary of us meeting in person. May 18th.

    To think I almost said no to my sister.

    I do love military relationships, they always have such interesting stories. Military spousehood isn't for everyone, but strength of character is apparent in every military spouse I've ever met. And being one myself, I've met a few. :)
    Thanks for your service.