Whats your goal "treat?"



  • niknak30
    niknak30 Posts: 58
    My ultimate goal weight which is yet to be determined will allow me to have skin removal surgery should I need it and to buy a great set of boobs.
    That goal is still a LONG LONG LONG way away so I need to work in 10kg lots and treat myself along the way.
    10kg was new heels
    20kg will be some new clothes - I am only buying odd pieces if desparate and am trying to make do best I can along the way
    30, 40 and 50kg rewards are yet to be determined
  • Amberchalon
    Amberchalon Posts: 207 Member
    When I hit my ULTIMATE Weight loss goal-- it would be a beach vacation
    I do have mini goals set up, though--massages, new outfits, mani/pedi and along w/ the mini goals I give myself extra money so when I hit that major goal I will have extra money for clothes/trip
  • ArwenP
    ArwenP Posts: 53 Member
    I know this is going to sound hokey, but seeing the scale be so much less has been a treat in itself. It seems like the best treats come without planning, like when someone hasn’t seen me in a while and they stop dead in their tracks in disbelief, the pleased shock on their face is a treat. I do go shopping, because I have to (everything in my closet is too big), but that’s more of a necessity than a treat. Although, when I fit into things I thought I never would, that’s a treat! I have an old dress I want to be able fit into for a fancy event in November, and being able to do that will be a treat when I get to that point. Maybe going to my belly dancing class with a bare mid-drift will be a treat too when I’ve gotten fit again and feel comfortable with that.
  • CrazyMidget611
    CrazyMidget611 Posts: 102 Member
    For every 5% down, I'm giving myself a small motivational treat (I mean, 9lbs is a chunk that deserves to be celebrated!!) like a polish change or a new book.

    When I hit my end goal, I'm giving myself an entire spa day and a new 'do!
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm getting hair and eye lash extensions once I lose 50 pounds. :)
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    When I hit 130 lbs I'm ordering a swimsuit I have been eying off the Victoria Secret website and going for a shopping spree at lululemon.
  • OMGLeigh
    OMGLeigh Posts: 236
    My last treat was to try a donut from a well known donut place.
    My next treat is a mani/pedi.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I am 17 pounds from my goal now, so i am looking at my final goal treats. A new bike (i put a lot of $ into my bikes so this is a big reward) and my next tattoo, i wanted it for my 25th birthday last november but am making myself wait until i am at goal.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I'm not sure what my eventual goal will be, depends how it comes off and how much loose skin I'm left with, but I'm aiming for 100lbs by the end of June 2013 and I intend to book a luxurious holiday as a reward :-)
  • pat6250
    pat6250 Posts: 90
    Clothes! Every time my jeans get baggy- new, smaller replacements! And when my fat rolls go away, new tops with a sexy cut. These are for interim goals. Final goal- bring on the new dresses and cute shoes! New bathing suits. Shorts that are not knee length.
  • STLaferty
    STLaferty Posts: 38
    Pedicures! The make my feet look and feel great!
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I'm going to rock the bathing suit I bought and can't fit into yet on the beach in Cancun....sooo a bathing suit picture on the beach (drool-worthy of course). Oh and shorts....I don't wear shorts becausse I don't like my legs....but I will!!
  • amyniceneasy
    amyniceneasy Posts: 143 Member
    We are going on a cruise in the fall. If I stay on track I should be at goal by then. My reward....for the first time EVER being the smallest one out of my group of friends. Up until recently...I've always felt awkward and out of place because I've always been the only one with a weight problem.
  • em435
    em435 Posts: 210 Member
    Ooh lots of ideas!
  • teschy123
    teschy123 Posts: 89
    I have a mini reward for each mini goal!! I based it % percentage loss of body weight instead of pounds!!

    My first goal was 10% weight loss!! hit that on March 29th I treated myself to a pedicure and manicure
    My 15% Date night with Hubby
    My 20% a new bathing suit and summer clothes!!
    my 25% goal new dress for cruise I am taking in September ( Hope I make it by then)
    My 30% goal is new fall and winter clothes
    My 35% goal is a weekend away with hubby in a nice hotel!!
    My ultimate goal of 40% weight loss is shopping spree in Chicago or NYC with a complete makeover!!!

    Hope Everyone has a great day and week!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend
  • amgilman87
    amgilman87 Posts: 62 Member
    10lbs lost -Haircut - got this a couple weeks ago! :)
    15lbs lost -pedicure
    20lbs lost -new outfit
    25lbs lost(goal weight) -shopping spree with my change jar money I've been saving up
  • danamattingly
    danamattingly Posts: 2 Member
    I'm going to lease a horse. It's always been a dream of mine to have my own. I live in the city, so that is not an option, but leasing is! Right now I feel as though it could be bordering be "animal cruelty" to ride. LOL. I will do it!
  • angeldaae
    angeldaae Posts: 348 Member
    For every ten pounds I lose, I am "giving" myself an amount of money (putting it in a savings account). When I have reached my goal, I will use the money to buy a new wardrobe!
  • TinaCleg_cancel
    Everytime I lose 10lbs I am going to treat myself to a massage ! Maybe a facial too :)