Advice on NROLFW - Just starting Stage One



  • kmjenkins
    kmjenkins Posts: 396 Member
    I started last week as well, and I didn't gain this week, but have had a much smaller loss than I normally do. I did not however increase my calories, nor did I change my regular workout routine other than to add the additional strength training sessions to my week. I read the whole book, but am not following it to the letter as I'm really only looking to add the strength training into my food/exercise routine that I've already established.

    As for the weight gain or my lack of weight loss, if I had to guess based upon what I read in the book--I'd say it is due to muscles retaining water/repairing themselves. Once you get used to the strength training it should even itself out. Good luck!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I can kinda answer your question. Anytime you start a new exercise plan it can take 4 to 6 weeks to see results. With that being said, you'll probably see results within a week or two. I can almost guarantee your 6 pounds is water weight. Are you sore? If so you body will flood the muscle with blood to repair it and retain water to make additional blood. It will soon pass. Be patient. Try not to weight in on the day after you lift as you'll be retaining even more water. BTW you would need to eat 21000 calories to gain 6 pounds, if you didn't eat an extra 21000 your retaining water.

    ^^^ I second this post.

    100% sure you didn't gain 6lbs of real weight eating 200 extra per day.

    Give it a good 4 weeks of the program before evaluating.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 795 Member
    The best advice I can give you is, put your scale away, or only weigh in monthly. Your body composition is going to change quite dramatically, and neither the scale nor the BMI chart are going to be your friend for the next little while. Get yourself a measuring tape, and use THAT as your gauge!

    I'm one workout away from finishing Stage Two... so far I've dropped about ten pounds in just over two months, which would have me completely bummed if that's all I was going by - but in the same time frame I've lost twelve inches total (thigh, hips, waist, chest, arm) and feel a whole lot better in my own skin. Eat the calories the program recommends (NOT what MFP tells you), do the workouts, keep inching up the weight on the bar, take the rest days you're supposed to take, and you will see progress faster than you think. :o)
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    Thanks for all the advice and support everyone!
  • ATLMel
    ATLMel Posts: 392 Member
    I'm on week 4. Don't panic yet. Get a measuring tape. Give it another month.

    I think you'll be pleased. I know I am after a month! I can't wait to see what Stage 2 has in store.
  • LuLuRunner1
    LuLuRunner1 Posts: 329 Member
    I'm about half way through reading the book and I cannot wait to incorporate it into my routine! I've got to dig out the measuring tape from somewhere, though!