Any other nurses? Or anyone in the medical field?

I'm Shauna...24 y/o and I recently switched to working with the oncology population after working with trauma patients for about a year.

When I started as an RN two years ago...that's when I noticed my weight gain. Obviously, still my fault...but the stress, limited time to eat (and with all the patient and facility gifts of food, I have a hard time eating healthy!), and fatigue from 12 hour shifts (aka lack of exercising)...I've found the weight has crept on and stayed on...!!


  • hollymedic
    Hey Shauna! My name is Holly, I'm a recovery room nurse, and feel your pain. I graduated 5 years ago and before that was a paramedic for 7 years. Being OFF the ambulance definitely improved my diet (we would always eat out), but I've definitely slowly been creeping up the scale. Actively working on that by reducing cals/exercising/strength training. We caregivers have to be extra careful because we tend to look after everyone else but not ourselves! Good luck with your weight loss journey! All the best!
  • xsmilenbstrongx
    Thank you! I can see how the ambulance rides would add to the problem...although the holidays on the floors are BRUTAL! haha. any tips that you've found work for you in this hectic schedule we do?!
  • hollymedic
    Well, I work 4 ten hour shifts, with weekends off, usually. I found that if you bring healthy snacks and eat every 3 hours, you don't become so hungry that when it's time for your break you eat terribly because you're starving. Pack your lunch, don't eat in the cafeteria. You can't control your calories and you'll be saving lots of money! You have to MAKE time for yourself for cardio/weights, because you'll use every excuse in the book to not work out when you get home or before you go to work because you're tired, or stressed, or whatever. You feel that way because you're out of shape and overweight! Once you start losing weight, you get much more energy and it gets easier. When you're first starting out, you have to just plow through the first few weeks, because they're gonna suck.
  • xsmilenbstrongx
    ughhh you're so right. i just needed to hear it. i'm tired, lazy, and making excuses because i'm out of shape...not because i can't do it. it's never gunna change if i keep making these excuses. thanks for the tips!
  • Diamond241
    Hey guys! I'm a nurse as well. I'm now in a management position and I sit a lot instead of being on my feet all day! I used to have an office on the third floor, so I did the stairs a lot to keep in shape, and they have now moved me to the first floor, and I'm not getting as much exercise during the day! it really sucks.
  • hollymedic
    run up the stairs anyway! I have a friend that moved into a nurse educator position and she also now has a "desk job", but she's always running around anyway. Also, it's great to find a hobby outside work that involves physical activity! I was doing roller derby for awhile but took a break from it for a bit, but that's a great way to have fun, blow off stress and lose weight! One of my teammates lost like 30 lbs in the first several months! :)
  • oreyna
    oreyna Posts: 88 Member
    Hello...I've been an RN for 12 yrs working from wound care to community based home services. I 'm a returning MFP member after a year off. I'd like to get in better shape because it just feels so wrong to teach and encourage a healthy lifestyle to my patients, but not practice what I preach. Fellow RN's...feel free to add me. I could use all the support I can get!!!
  • KerrySayers27
    KerrySayers27 Posts: 36 Member
    Hiya. I'm a nurse in the UK and have been qualified for 11 years. I've worked in nursing for 15 years now (where has the time gone?!). I work in the community and would love to meet more nursing friends. Please feel free to add me. Kerry x
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,161 Member
    I am a Business Consultant in the healthcare/medical sector.
  • AJ_MotherRunner
    AJ_MotherRunner Posts: 175 Member
    Pediatric ER nurse - former PEDS Oncology nurse. I also gained weight when I was on the night shift, but as soon as I went to days it seemed to come right off. Not to say that I don't struggle occasionally. One thing I ALWAYS do though is pack my own meals. I work 12's so I pack breakfast, lunch, and dinner and 2 snacks.

    Good luck to you all!
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    I am a Surgical Tech doing endoscopy! I hate our break room as the Doctors are always filing it with donuts and the like. Well not just them, patients bring thank you stuff, the drug reps buy lunch.. Sigh I have to stay out of there... when I first started working there when it was brand new I did good and then I started gaining weight.. after 6 years I had gained 50lbs... Now 100lbs lighter I stay out of there and away from the "brought in" foods.. When we have pot lucks I just have a taste of a few things and call it a day!
    So hard as I know being in the health care field there is so much "junk" food to choose from.
  • dtpss188
    dtpss188 Posts: 85
    Physical Therapist working in schools full time and with a home care agency part time. Prior to that, home care, outpatient ortho, brain injury, acute care. My favorite acute care was always trauma so I can relate to you trauma nurses. Nurses ROCK!!!
  • Tiki1978
    Tiki1978 Posts: 364
    I find this hard as well. I work 3-11:30pm on a med/surg floor. I find if i have something to eat around 9pm Im ok. But sometimes I get home at 12:30 and im starving!! I try to just have a bowl of special K. I mean I am on my feet for at least 6hours running around so I should be allowed to fuel that activity level. Also on my days off I drop my calories as I only exercise on the treadmill.. so I kinda of compensate for those extra calories on my days on.

    Nurses have the worst eating habits!
  • duncanryan
    duncanryan Posts: 122 Member
    I'm a Physical Therapist in a research setting, looking at the effects of exercise on chronic diseases. Before, I worked at a hospital on the orthopedic floor and definitely gained respect for nurses!
  • Ren1111
    Ren1111 Posts: 2
    Hey guys, lovely to see lots of fellow RN's out there. I'm an RN in merry ol' England, and when i started my training nearly 12 years ago i was slim, but now i'm not!!! Whilst i'm certainly not going to be applying to appear on the biggest loser any time soon, i definately weight more than i should. I spent 3 years after qualifying on various wards, so plenty of walking to do, but i've spent the last 6 years working as a specialist nurse in contraception and sexual health, so LOTS of sitting and talking to people, oh and eating crap as well!
    With lots of weddings and special events to go to, and the love of an amazing, supportive guy, which has been so important, i finally feel motivated to do something about it. 3lb down 25lb to go.
    Good luck to eveyone else
  • susieq_pt
    susieq_pt Posts: 12
    I too am a Physical Therapist and work in the schools!
  • leap314
    leap314 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm a school nurse. There are tons of sugary, sweet snacks in our faculty lounge. UGH!!! I try to stay out of there! I heat up my own prepacked meals and eat at my desk and then walk/run during lunch.
  • bestbreakfast
    bestbreakfast Posts: 19 Member
    I am an RN also. I just had a baby 3 months ago and I am so ready to let this weight go. I know it is very easy for nurses to gain weight because they are tired (being tired makes me want to eat) and there are always temptations at work. Now, I need to get myself back on track!
  • aemedrano
    aemedrano Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all,

    I am a phlebotomist and quit my job about a year ago to go back to get my nursing degree. While being on the floor in the hospital, I began to drop a few pounds here and there, but the 12 hour night shifts became snack time shifts. However, now that I am in school, the stress, the late night studying and constant snacking has brought my weight to a place I don't want to be. When I achieve my goal as being an RN, I want to be as healthy as possible.

    Here to give support and for support.
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    I am a med/surg, tele nurse. I gained all my wt working nightshift, and I plan to lose all my wt working nightshift. It's nice to meet y'all.