Any other nurses? Or anyone in the medical field?



  • zombiesama
    zombiesama Posts: 755 Member
    I am applying for the nursing program at my school this fall.

    I currently work as a medical assistant, if that counts for anything.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Hi I'm Cindy, I want to go to nursing school but was a medical assistant for 4yrs and assisted in derm. surgeries and other stuff. I found my weight crept on too, and now I work in finance dept of the hospital and now that I'm not moving around it's gotten worse and the article "your co-workers could be making you fat" completely applies here. Everyone brings in sweets almost every day. I avoid the break room for this reason
  • NekaLee
    NekaLee Posts: 51
    Hello everyone. GM, Shauna. I'm a full time paramedic and guuuurl, I've gained 50 darn pds. I've been a medic since 1999 and was thin, in shape and sexsay.....after multi work related injuries (my right knee, my wrist and on going back problems) the weight has crept up. I do understand your frustration. When we're busy we don't. We don't get lunch breaks, we have to fit our meals in when we can. I've been so unhappy with my weight gain that I've finally decided to take charge. I've been slowly making sure that I eat in the morning when I'm working the daylight shift (we switch shifts every month) I've also been working out to Jillian 30DS and Insanity. Which at times can be difficult because I'm tired when I get off work and when I'm (3-11) I do it in the morning. I've lost 20pds since Jan (that's including me not working out....blah) We have to try our best to take care of us first. Easier said than done, but if we don't care about ourselves, no one else (meaning the job) will.
  • abrooks428
    abrooks428 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm a hospital social worker. I had to completely STOP going to the cafeteria. I bring my lunch now. I make it a point to never touch the goodies at the nurses station. I play a sick game with myself where I feel proud for each cake or box of donuts I don't touch.
  • Txnurse97
    Txnurse97 Posts: 275 Member
    I've been an RN for almost 12 years, and I find that my schedule actually helps me! I work 3 12s, 7a-7p, and on those days I don't worry about working out. I figure I get activity at work. So I only go to the gym on my days off. That helps me from getting burned out!I

    I actually have an easier time eating healthy at work too. I just eat only what I bring. Sure, we get goodies every now and then, but I just stay away. One day we had Panera catered for lunch and I just stayed out of the break room until it was gone. I eat a high protein breakfast before I leave home, then usually have oatmeal about 10am. Then lunch between 1-2, and that's my biggest meal of the day. Occasionally I'll have a small afternoon snack but usually just dinner around 8. I try and make it pretty light since I go to bed pretty soon after that.

    Feel free to add me...I still have a ways to go but with over 80 pounds lost I'm the healthiest nurse I've been in years!
  • VCWildberger
    I am a CMA/Phlebotomist and work for a hospital and I feel your pain and what everyone has said is true and you can do this! This site has helped me a lot and I feel I am doing the best I ever had with trying to beat this fat... Feel free to add me and we can help eachother along the way!!!
  • CherishQuick
    I'm also in the medical fiedl and I agree with everyone: it is really hard. Unfortunately we all know the negative effects, yet and still when you are finally done with a long day, and a house full of kids awaits, it is so tempting to skip the run/gym whatever and go home and eat all the comfort food you'd fix for them. Let's encourage each other.
  • wildeone4
    wildeone4 Posts: 204 Member
    My hubby has one more semester left before he takes his NCLEX. We are hoping to end up in North Carolina or somewhere warm (we are currently in Idaho for school,but he is from North Carolina) haha! I know it's all about networking, so I was just curious if anyone worked at a hospital in NC or in some warm place and would help with connections and who to contact when applying. Thanks :)
  • scottishlass78
    I'm Charla, an EMT and LMT. I work a full time day job in the IT Department at a local hospital, run as a volunteer EMT, and have my own massage therapy office, so as you can imagine, I stay pretty busy. It's so easy to lose focus, especially when you're on the go and it's just so damn convenient to run through the drive thru. So, to avoid that, I try to cook a bunch ahead of time and pack it accordingly so I have it right at hand and available. If I don't, that temptation tries to rear its ugly head and creep in. Fortunately, the guilt over-powers it and I'm usually safe. It was a challenge at first because I'd be so exhausted by the end of the day, it was easier to order something, but, reality kicked in and being on BP and Cholesterol meds at 33 has a lot to do with my will to stay in the game and be a better, healthier me. I wish all of you the best on your journeys, feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • YogaLife4me
    YogaLife4me Posts: 31 Member
    I'm an RN working in Occupational Health. My job is behind a desk and very sedentary, I work 10 hour shifts, and I have packed on the pounds since I've been here! Since starting MFP, I've started packing a healthy lunch every day, (I was eating out every day), and also a couple of snacks. I also keep some resistance bands in my desk to do a little exercise during my down time at work. I walk on the treadmill every night when I get home. I wear a pedometer, and I try to get in 10,000 steps every day. So far, these changes are giving me good results!
  • tsaustin
    tsaustin Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I am a RN in Virginia. I work on a tele floor and I do 3 --12s. I workout 6 to 7 days a week!! I can be difficult getting it on on work days but I now have a schedule for my workouts so I don't usually miss any.

  • hoffo83
    hoffo83 Posts: 51
    hey all im a rnld in wales in the uk and find working shifts a bit of a nightmare. but i do only work a 3 day week (basic without overtime) so i do as much activity as i can in my days off. if anyone wants to add me to swap tips/advice please feel free to do so.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Glorified drug dealer working for a big pharmaceuticals company in marketing, it that counts. and yes, we are the dark side and the bad boys, but don't hate me..i only do it for the money and NOTHING else.
  • lbordanaro
    lbordanaro Posts: 2 Member
    I am a nurse manager and have seen the pounds go up since I am sitting at the desk. I pack a lunch and healthy snacks everyday. I avoid the breakroom. This management position is stressful, but I try to exercise everyday. It is for my mental as well as my physical well being.
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    Hi, I am Hilary- I use to work in a crisis unit and now I work in a hospital with kids with developmental disabilities :flowerforyou:
  • BeckyProctor
    BeckyProctor Posts: 56 Member
    I am a RN. I spent 20 years working in a hospital, Peds Med/surg and Peds Oncology. I have worked the last 5 years as a School Nurse in an elementary school.
  • emma110984
    emma110984 Posts: 125 Member
    I am a group facilitator in a secure mental hospital in England... I put on a stone a year for 2 years, and now I am battleing to get it down... doing well...I am 3 pounds away from loosing 3 stone!!!

    I was eating junk on the short breaks to fill me with as much energy as possible for the rest of the shift. Then when I would get home, I would crash, so no energy for exercise or anything. For over a year my shift pattern and eating pattern has changed, so I am able to have a structured diet of self prepared meals... only the occasional visit to the canteen!! I also do a lot of walking too as escorting is in my job role!

    Leaving the field soon to work on a cruise ship... big change to routine... I will see how I get on!
  • peachprl
    peachprl Posts: 119 Member
    I am an RN and work 12 hour nights in tele. Let me tell you, the night cafeteria serves nothing but fried food! I learned to pack my own lunch after weight gain my first few years of nursing! I am learning to schedule workouts and hold myself accountable, but it is challenging between shifts especially!

    Just an FYI- there is a group on MFP for nurses :-) You should all join us if you haven't already!
  • lg3703
    lg3703 Posts: 190
    Hi, I'm a diagnostic tech (fancy word for a phleb that does EKGs & ABGs etc... too). When I was at the hospital I ran my hiney off and our cafeteria was great offering veggie burgers and a nice salad bar. But now, in a physicians office, the pounds have piled on... I too totally have a break room full of crap and drug rep lunches... but this site has helped me soooo much. I type in the food BEFORE I order or reach for that snack & when I SEE how bad it is.. and I used to shovel it in like my co-workers... I GET MORE DETERMINED! Knowledge IS POWER!! Anyone can add me for support and motivation cause I'm here to stay! :happy:
  • Marti135
    Marti135 Posts: 6 Member
    HI! I've been an RN for almost 20 years and for the past 7 years (wow!) I have "treated" myself to a desk job as a Utilization Review Nurse for an insurance company, and now back in the hospital as a Clinical Documentation Specialist - another desk job, which I love. However, I have gained almost 50 pounds! I haven't weighed this much since I was pregnant with my last child over 16 years ago. Just started an incentive weight loss with co-workers (company match entry fee). Thanks for posting and we'll lose the weight together!!