


  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    Potatoes, Bananas, Oranges... the usual suspects... also Pomegranates and any of these juices. I love Pom Wonderful and Trop 50 OJ... Oh, and though it isnt listed, Romaine Lettuce is a good source, as is TG Lee skim milk.

    I would recommend talking with your doc before taking any kind of potassium supplement. You can throw your system out of serious whack if you're not careful. Finding the equilibrium between sodium and potassium is tough for a lot of people (definitely for myself), and supplementing is the first thing to come to mind for many. But do some research on potassium toxicity and deficiency and know what you can potentially do if you're not careful.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Try potatos they have WAY more Potass then Bannan's,

    reserch high potassium on the web and you well see its can be done, I was getting all mine last week, lol it was kinda hard, took a lot of fruit and right food