Am I a narcissist ?



  • aaaaaamy
    aaaaaamy Posts: 24
    I had my first negative family reaction over Easter too - ah, the holidays, bringing families together.

    We had a family gathering - my mother, all her sisters, and all their children. I noticed that one of my cousins, who is a few years younger than me (late teens) and who I usually get along with really well, was being strangely cold towards me. I asked her what was up and she lost it at me - accused me of trying to steal her position in the family as the 'skinny' cousin. I almost fell over - first, I had no idea that such a position was even a thing, and second, how on earth did she come to the conclusion that that was my primary motivator?! I see my family maybe twice, three times a year.

    I told her that if I could somehow lose weight and allow her to keep her imaginary crown I'd go that route, but as there isn't I was most certainly going to put my own health above her place in the family weight hierarchy so she was just going to have to cope with it - am hoping she won't turn herself into a skeleton to solidify her position between now and Christmas!

    People are just bizarre.
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    Bumping to read later.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    when i mentioned to my father that i had started weight lifting, he said that i should stay away from steroids.

    i had a guy from college defriend me on facebook because he was pissed about my apps that would track and show my running and biking distance.
  • bigredhearts
    im so sorry they reacted like that, i cant say what their motives were in saying such things but what i can say is this:

    If thats the def of narcissism, then you bet your behind that i, am a narcissist!!!

    "Egotism- an excessive or exaggerated sense of self-importance" - You better believe that I'm excessive in my self-importance! You gotta love yourself!!!

    "Vanity- is the excessive belief in one's own abilities or attractiveness to others."- Not only do I believe that Im the best, but I strive to be that way!!!

    "Conceit- favorable opinion; especially: excessive appreciation of one's own worth or virtue."- I I am amazing, and im proud to be amazing and love myself. I am worthy of as much love and appreciation as i give to others!

    "Selfishness- is denoted by putting concern with oneself or concern with one's own interests above concern for the interest of others."- I can for sure say that selfish is a good thing! I refuse to concern myself with the interests of others when their interests are not positive ones, and because of that, i continue along my life doing things the way that i see best fitting for me!

    So for all these things i must say that my name is jackie, and i, am a narcissist :flowerforyou:
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    When I completed my first 90 miles I got reactions like "who would want to do that?" :frown: "That sounds like a lot?" (and trust me, these questions were not being asked in a polite way)... I quickly realized why I come to MFP and why I chose this forum for support; like minded people is what folks like us need in our lives.

    The folks who were making fun of me and asking those questions, where smokers, drinkers and all overweight.... I know how much time one has to dedicate in order to be prepared for a 90 mile ride and YOU have worked your butt off! Congratulations.... you have achieved so much in the last year and keep it up! Don't let ignorance get in the way of your success!

  • Hood25
    Hood25 Posts: 208 Member
    Unfortunately you are a minority! It is very hard to do the things you have done and takes a lot of will power and strength. A lot of people don't understand it because they don't have the strength to do it. They get jealous as well and find comfort in people who are like themselves. We have all probably been that person at some point but we had the mojo to do something about it! It' ok that you are different (healthy and active)!!!! You have a huge group of supporters here and don't mind letting you know you are doing great! I think it is so important that your children see your accomplishments. They will remember it anD hopefully try to follow in your healthy footsteps.
    As for your family....well maybe somewhere down the line they will become more accepting of it and maybe try to be more healthy and active too. That is what I am hoping about my family. Until then....DO YOU!!
  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks for the feedback everyone, that's exactly why I use this forum.
    Your all AWESOME !

    I guess I understand why they react the way they do, actually I have come to expect those reactions, but man I would love it if it was different.

    I appreciate everyone's feedback, and I will continue doing what I do, and sharing with those who care to listen :)
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    I just had this conversation with a friend of mine. I've never been in the situation of someone calling me out as being narcissistic, but I get asked a lot of questions about what I'm doing, and end up talking about this journey with a lot of people. I mentioned to her that I was scared of being considered vain for focusing so much on bettering myself.

    It's a different situation for us, but the take home message is the same...There are going to be people who support you, and there will be people who get upset because they don't understand your way of life or aren't strong enough to stick with this journey that we all have committed to here. Take any negativity as an indication of your success, and let it roll off your shoulders. Turn to your supporters and absorb the positivity from them and realize that you are doing something worth while.

    The people on this site are a bunch of rock stars! I know that I've gained more confidence and self worth in the last year than I've felt in my whole life. Everyone should be so lucky as to suffer from this narcissistic disease! You keep it up!!