At a stand still. PLEASE HELP!



  • BABY14342069
    yes I have read that. My mother-in-law showed me it. But like I said. I am actually happy right now with the outcome. I lost a size and that is a big accomplishment for me. I see muscle forming in my legs and arms again my shorts are lose on me now and my face has slimmed down some too. My family is helping me with my weight loss too, with encouragement, exercising with me, and helping me buy the healthy snacks and foods that I really want. Its hard being on a strict budget But on the plus side,I have finally gotten approved for food stamps and that is thrilling too! I can buy my own healthy foods now. I have started using the hungry girl websight too. It has a bunch of really healthy and yummy dishes that I can use. Thank you ByrdMessy for your help. I appreciate it a lot! =^_^=
  • bigneshia19
    bigneshia19 Posts: 8 Member
    I agree it could be inches and not pounds. Also when you first start loosing weight sometimes you build muscle which ways more than fat so you end up not seeing the results on the scale as much as you would like to. Good luck you can do it