how do you potty train a boy?



  • HollywoodDJ
    HollywoodDJ Posts: 296
    With my son's (3) ...going pee was easy...They got that was going poop in the toilet that they didn't wanna do~! It was like they were scared to let their poop go in the toilet for some odd reason~
    I had to wait them out....sat there with them while they were on the toilet.....the first one for two hours. I wouldn't let him get off the pot. He wanted to play...but nope...I waited him out and drew a picture of him even...great picture. I wish i could find it . It's in one of my sketch books! Ha!~

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  • BlessedShauna777
    BlessedShauna777 Posts: 118 Member
    let him run around without a diaper and have his potty sitting out in the open (like in the living room or family room) and tell him thats where he wants to go. expect him to make plenty of mistaks but you have to be patient. if he doesnt want to run around naked then he's probably not ready. if he regresses a little dont get discouraged my son did that too. Best of luck!
  • With my first, it was about 2 months before his 3rd birthday and we planned a weekend where we wouldn't be leaving the house. We taught him to go sitting - the standing thing same later - and we started straight on the big toilet with a smaller seat on top. Then every 30 minutes we put him on it, rewarded him with lollies when there was a success and just gritted out teeth and cleaned when there was an accident. We broke the back of it that weekend and by about the 4th day we'd stopped having accidents altogether. With my second son, he declared at 2 1/2 that he wanted to go to the big boy toilet like his brother and that was it.
  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member
    My friend who had 3 boys (I only have girls) carried around an empty PB jar (plastic) everywhere they went so when the lad in training needed to go, they didn't have to rush around and find a toilet. Used it like a 'bottle' in hospital, not standing back and aiming!
  • NewTeena
    NewTeena Posts: 154 Member
    As a single mom I could only teach my boys what I knew, which was sitting, that was fine at first, but my dad eventually showed them how. They seemed to be impressed that they could stand to pee. They're 16 and 17 now, I wouldn't be surprised if standing to pee still impressed them.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I don't think it's any different... I just bought him underwear and stopped putting diapers on him. He got the hang of it after a few days.

    he peed sitting down for a while... he still does most of the time. Sometimes he stands up. It's really awkward because I don't want to touch his penis and show him how to point... but I just kind of tell him to hold it and point the stream into the water... he does pretty good... he's 4 now. I potty trained him 2 years ago.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    :happy: My girlfriend trained her son with only shorts on. No underwear. They are easy to pull up and down and a "potty chair" in the livingroom made the potty spot easy and quick access. Only a couple accidents were needed to understand what the object was.
  • Buy him some spongebob ( or whatever his fave cartoon is) underwear and tell if he poops in them, spongebob will bite his butt. If he pees in his undies then spongebob will bite his weiner.:bigsmile:
  • OmegaGator
    OmegaGator Posts: 37 Member
    My family runs a daycare they train all the kids the sameway. They tell the kids if they wanna join he big boy/girls club they have to go on the toilet, and reward them with smarties 1 for peeing and 3 for going pooh.
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 532 Member
    Put a potty in his usual hangout room or whatever. Let him run around bare-assed...and encourage him to use the pot. Fruitloops, cheerios....they're good too.
  • manda1002
    manda1002 Posts: 178 Member
    Some kids you just can't make them do it until they're ready. We tried and tried with my oldest, but he just pee'd and poo'd all over the floors. So after about 3 days of that we put the pull-ups back on, and about 5 months later he decided he was ready and he never had any accidents. I think a lot of it was him watching Daddy go and wanting to be like Daddy. He was about 2. My youngest will definitely not be ready any time soon, and he's almost 2.
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    No pull-ups. Straight to underwear. Start giving him juice boxes in the morning to make him go more, put the underwear on, and then sit him on the potty about every 15 minutes. If he happens to go while he's on it, give him a reward as immediately as you can. Whatever he loves best (M&Ms for my boys). If he really loves juice boxes and doesn't have them often, you can even use another juice box as a reward and then your job is even easier. The more often they go, the better. If there is some success, you can gradually move to every 30 minutes, every hour, etc. Sit him on the back of the toilet seat by the way...with his bum up against where the lid is and his legs sticking straight out along the two sides of the seat. Aiming is easier and they can see what they are doing that way. If he's truly ready to train, this method takes between 1 day and 1 week usually. I am sure you can tell, though, that when you use this method, potty training is pretty much the only thing you are doing until it is done. It's worked for my first two, and failed with my third but he was about six months younger than the other two when I trained them. We're going to have another go in a month or two. Good luck!
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
    my son always stood up to use the potty...
    my husband showed him how to do it,cause i obviously dont have the equipment to do that
    any whoo,he got it down,monkey see monkey do
  • kathyc727
    kathyc727 Posts: 187 Member
    My boys were so easy to train it was ridiculous. I had alot of trouble with my daughter. Avoid pull-ups if you can (some day cares require they wear them), it's just like wearing a diaper, so why not pee in it. I got the padded underpants so they felt wet but there wasn't a puddle on the floor if they had an accident. I also used a potty in the living room for faster access, plus they would sit on it & watch TV til they went. Didn't take too long til the potty moved to the bathroom, then became a seat on the toilet, & then a step stool in front of the toilet. Being firm but patient is the key. They all learn eventually.
  • 412HeavyLifter
    412HeavyLifter Posts: 170 Member
    Must be hard because alot of grown *kitten* men can't even aim in the fuggin' toilet LMAO
  • debstanley4
    debstanley4 Posts: 208 Member
    Start by teaching him to pee sitting down....otherwise you'll be cleaning it up forever. He'll make the transition to standing when he's ready.

    This my son was easier to pot train than my girls. He was great.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I have no idea. Mine is almost an adult and still doesn't put the toilet seat up half the time!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    My husband works out of town, and I'm home all day with the kiddo, and had him in underwear at night before his 3rd birthday.
    We started though when he was about 20 months old. The first day, I took his diaper as soon as he woke up and took him potty. Then we left him nekid waist down, and I just had to pay attention. When he would start to drip, or full on pee sometimes, I would snatch him up and run him to the potty. We had a little potty in the living room that was easier to get to too. Anyway, you do that a few days, and before you know it, he runs his little nekid butt to the potty before he drips. Jonah took like 3 days before I found him crawling on top of the toilet.
    Then the next day, pick a time right after he potties, put some pants on him, without underwear cause its just more layers for him to master. Then go out, do errands, go to the park or whatever. Give him a chance to potty when you do.
    When we got home, we would let him get nekid again as long as he was indoors, then this kinda teaches what is ok out of the house too. You still just keep a real good eye on his signs and help him run there if ya need to.
    Putting on a diaper at night can become part of the bedtime routine as he recognizes when he has control and when he don't.
    My boy started refusing nighttime diaper and still has accidents maybe once a month at night, which is fine with me at 3 years old :)
    Good luck, have patience, cheer and reward, and have fun with it.