What type of work do you do and what do you have to deal wit



  • celticgladiator
    celticgladiator Posts: 49 Member
    Deputy Sheriff Sergeant
  • 2kidsmckinney
    2kidsmckinney Posts: 39 Member
    Director of IT for a financial need analysis company.

    Jade of all trades over here.
    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    Type of work: Insurance
    I verify insurance coverage for patients coming in for outpatient services at a hospital.

    I call United Healthcare... a lot! They are the worst for customer service. Their phones are answered by overseas / middle east employees. They are very nice, but they read from a script and don't really know the information they are giving out. They have long names that are difficult to understand so they always say.."my name is woeiflsnfa;jdfj, but you can call me_______" and they give me a more American name. I have spoken to Denzel and Fabio. They must get their names from People magazine or something.

    They transfer me.... a lot. No one knows anything and they waste my time all day!! Soooo annoying!!!
  • gwmedicgod
    gwmedicgod Posts: 180 Member
    I work for the Government, in Child Support Collections. People hate me for this.

    no offense to you.. but I think the CSEB needs to die a slow sadistic death... most crooked goverment agency...
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    Yes...the joys of working at a Financial Institution LOL!! I actually couldn't take it any longer after a good 5 1/2 years...when people start yelling at you for thier mistakes....no thank you! Now its bookkeeping :) only have my bosses to answer to. :)
  • Jedi_Jewel
    Jedi_Jewel Posts: 83 Member
    I am an ultrasound technologist in an OB/GYN office. I love my job, but I am so sick of hearing "look at that big head!" or "can you check again (for the 5th time) and make sure it's a girl/boy". Most pregnant patients are awesome, but some are just plain pesty!!
  • MrEmoticon
    MrEmoticon Posts: 275 Member
    I schedule jobs at a refinery.

    Me: Don't excavate there, you need to bring in a crane tomorrow.
    them: No, it'll fit.
    Me: Whatever, I'm writing this down though.

    next day

    them: oh ****, the crane is going to cave in the excavation. We have to backfill. I guess we're losing a couple of days.
    me: *facepalm*
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    If I told you I would have to kill you. :glasses:
  • melbot24
    melbot24 Posts: 347 Member
    I work for a beer distributor. I'm the Executive Assistant. I also help out or non-alcohol sales department and our accounting department with little things here and there, but my typical duties include arranging travel for my bosses, setting my main boss's calendar, random personal things from time to time, lots of meetings being the boss's extra ears/note taker, and my favorite: potential brand meetings or "brand appreciation" meetings.

    Those are meetings where we are either sampling a new brand's full line of beers or tasting a full line of an existing brand's beers and learning about the flavor notes/food pairings etc. I'll get an email from our Brand Development Manager to come to one of those and basically I just get to go drink beer at work. THIS IS THE BEST JOB I HAVE EVER HAD. I love my company and the people I work with/for, and the perks are pretty awesome :)

    Um...are you hiring?
  • gwmedicgod
    gwmedicgod Posts: 180 Member
    I'm a paramedic... I have to many favorites to mention... but by far my favorite is....."I figured if I called an Ambulance I'd get seen at
    the ER Quicker.... "

    and I make sure I introduce the Pt to the "triage Nurse" out front and tell em what the Patient said.... that usually gets the Pt an extra hour or 2 wait in the lobby....
    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    I work for the Government, in Child Support Collections. People hate me for this.

    no offense to you.. but I think the CSEB needs to die a slow sadistic death... most crooked goverment agency...

    I wish someone would actually help me get all the back support that is owed to my kids. They are the ones who go without. I don't want the money. I want them to have it so their quality of life is better. Only so much I can do on my own and my local child support "enforcement" is a joke.
  • Vespyr
    Vespyr Posts: 111 Member
    Type of work - Pharmacist
    Population - Addictions and mental health

    Can't really relate any stories about my current work, but I'll say it's never boring.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I work for the Government, in Child Support Collections. People hate me for this.

    Can I give you my son's dad's phone number?
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    Tech Support

    1- Why dont my wireless work? - cause you dont have a wireless router/modem
    2- My computer is making noise? - get your foot off of the side and move your purse away from the fan in the back
    3- my email doesnt work - yes it does, you just didn't receive anything...

    and before you ask.. NO! you are NOT important enough for me to read your email.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I work for a beer distributor. I'm the Executive Assistant. I also help out or non-alcohol sales department and our accounting department with little things here and there, but my typical duties include arranging travel for my bosses, setting my main boss's calendar, random personal things from time to time, lots of meetings being the boss's extra ears/note taker, and my favorite: potential brand meetings or "brand appreciation" meetings.

    Those are meetings where we are either sampling a new brand's full line of beers or tasting a full line of an existing brand's beers and learning about the flavor notes/food pairings etc. I'll get an email from our Brand Development Manager to come to one of those and basically I just get to go drink beer at work. THIS IS THE BEST JOB I HAVE EVER HAD. I love my company and the people I work with/for, and the perks are pretty awesome :)

    Um...are you hiring?

    Haha my friends ask my like on daily basis if we're hiring! My boyfriend is such a happy person since our fridge is always full of beer and he gets to go to events with me...that all involve beer...

    I got SUPER lucky with my job, I'm one of the few women that works here, and I'm NEVER EVER LEAVING haha
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I work for the Government, in Child Support Collections. People hate me for this.

    no offense to you.. but I think the CSEB needs to die a slow sadistic death... most crooked goverment agency...

    I wish someone would actually help me get all the back support that is owed to my kids. They are the ones who go without. I don't want the money. I want them to have it so their quality of life is better. Only so much I can do on my own and my local child support "enforcement" is a joke.

    Knew I shouldn't have said anything. :ohwell:
    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    I work for the Government, in Child Support Collections. People hate me for this.

    no offense to you.. but I think the CSEB needs to die a slow sadistic death... most crooked goverment agency...

    I wish someone would actually help me get all the back support that is owed to my kids. They are the ones who go without. I don't want the money. I want them to have it so their quality of life is better. Only so much I can do on my own and my local child support "enforcement" is a joke.

    Knew I shouldn't have said anything. :ohwell:

    My deadbeat ex is not your fault. :/
    I dont' take my frustrations out on the people on the other end of the phone when I call. It isn't their fault. It would just be nice if everyone on the planet did what they are supposed to do.
  • MrEmoticon
    MrEmoticon Posts: 275 Member
    I work for the Government, in Child Support Collections. People hate me for this.

    no offense to you.. but I think the CSEB needs to die a slow sadistic death... most crooked goverment agency...

    I wish someone would actually help me get all the back support that is owed to my kids. They are the ones who go without. I don't want the money. I want them to have it so their quality of life is better. Only so much I can do on my own and my local child support "enforcement" is a joke.

    Knew I shouldn't have said anything. :ohwell:

    I have no kids so I don't hate you!
  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    I drive a school bus so I have to deal with:

    1. A-hole drivers who have nothing better to do than cut me off because heaven forbid should they be "stuck" behind a bigger vehicle for any length of time.

    2. Students who don't listen and there is only so much "disciplining" I can do while I'm driving.

    3. Parents who are never at the stops on time so some days I'm waiting until the very last possible minute to go then I have to explain to said parent that I NEED them at their stops 5 minutes early, as per school board policy because it gives me extra time to get to my next stop where the poor child is waiting in the bitter cold or pouring rain.

    4. Parents who insist their life and schedule is more important than a dozen buses filled with kids and decide to park in the bus zone in front of the school (I've called by-law many times!)

    The good side:

    1. When a grade 2 boy gets off the bus and every single day he turns around and waves at me, saying "bye Shawna" before proceeding home.

    2. When a kindergarten kid tells you that you're beautiful, even when you don't feel like it at all.

    3. When the parents give you a present "just because" and in the card they thank you for keeping their child safe.

    4. The beginning of every school, meeting all your new students for the first time and hearing all about your previous year's students' summers.

    I love my job...so all the bad things that occur are quickly forgotten...
  • stephenglover
    stephenglover Posts: 87 Member
    Service Manager for a small commercial/industrial Electrical Contractor in Jax., Fla.working on getting my state masters.

    Dealing with bidding on projects against people who arent qualified to tie your shoe. Do not provide any type of benefits to their employees. End result you get what you pay for.