I blew it today (And yesterday!)

I dont post here much. I mainly click around and read things, but I've been around for a month or so.

I try to stay withint 1500-1700 calories a day. Today, however, I completely blew my calorie intake. I'm a girl experiencing wicked cravings once a month (during those awesome times:) ) I never noticed these cravings before, when I ate like a cow every day. But this month, for some reason, I craved chocolate and french fries, fast foods and chips. So, I over indulged tonight.

By 1000 calories, putting my daily intake at 2700 instead of 1700.

I'm starting to feel a bit of guilt about this. I keep telling myself "Oh well, its just one day. Pick back up where you left it tomorrow and carry on." But i can't get over feeling like I messed everything up. Has anyone else ever done this?


  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    It happens lots.

    Don't sweat it.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    I agree!!!! I did not realise that I was experiencing those particular monthly 'cravings' until I started calorie counting as I was also eating everything and anything!! It's amazing how true and bad those cravings are during that time!! I also ate more than my calories for a couple of days during this time, but it's all good. We all get through it.
  • USMCConditioning
    The guilt is natural, i feel guilty today for eating bad food (in comparison to what my normal diet is). All it does for me is ensure that i will make sure to push myself harder and harder.
  • AimeeLynn90
    I've totally done it and I know alot of people have too. We all have good days and the occasional bad day. Most important thing is to keep focused and not quit. I totally understand the cravings during our wonderful time of the month, but don't sweat it! We have all been there at least once. :)
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    It is about changing you lifestyle and life fluctuates. Take it in stride and try again tomorrow
  • madmum99
    madmum99 Posts: 19
    Easter has been a bad few days for me and I have exceeded my cals every day over the four day weekend, but I got on the scales this morning to find I hadnt put any on and I felt great. Then my partner got on, he has had the same food as me all weekend, and he has lost some, I went plummeting, but am trying to pick myself up and show him how I can really lose weight. Dont beat yourself up, you have had a slip, we all do it from time to time. Just get up the following day and use the anger/upset you felt to motivate you to better days to come. x
  • gabriellejmgb
    Don't feel guilty. We all do it. I seem to do this routine every three weeks. i need to break the habit too. Once I blow it I usually go full steam ahead and act like the whole day doesn't count. It's ok to blow it, there is always tomorrow and you will pick yourself up and stay within your range. Just don't beat yourself up over it! Your human.:smile:
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    I feel you love.

    I just blogged about it, if you wanna read

  • AmateurSurgeon
    maybe you should just increase your calorie intake.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    It takes about 3500 calories to put on ONE POUND!

    So don't get too mad at yourself by going over by 1000 - you havent blown it completely.
  • StephC74
    StephC74 Posts: 64 Member
    It happens just don't make it your normal again. Besides if you have a goal to lose 1 pound a week then you have a 500 calorie deficit built in already so the first extra 500 put you back at maintenance calories and its only an extra 500 which probably won't hurt you much in the long run as long as you don't continue to eat over.
  • armadillolabrat
    armadillolabrat Posts: 104 Member
    This also happens to me during such times for 2-3 days. I just try to cut some calories the following week and keep exercising. Don't beat yourself up about a couple of days when you are doing well the other 3 weeks of the month.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    I got sick and used it as an excuse to stop exercising and completely go off my diet for 2 weeks, eating all types of crap. Easy convenience foods, fast food (whopper with huge fries and massive coke anyone?) cookies and such. Put on 5 lbs in two weeks.

    Positive side, 1 week back in the gym and back on the diet, and I had lost those 5 lbs.

    In the grand scheme of life, one day, a week or even a month is not that long. Don't use a few days of eating badly as a a reason to throw away all the good things you're accomplishing right now! Maybe give into the cravings now and then to control binge eating?
  • kaiteboo
    kaiteboo Posts: 141 Member
  • annieoaklea
    annieoaklea Posts: 2 Member
    One rotten day won't spoil the whole week. Honest!

    If you had 7 flowers in a vase and one of them died, would you throw out the entire bunch? NOT!

    Keep going and it will sort itself out, it's just a blip.

  • karmaticgeek
    Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and carry on. I know some people cut calories the next few days to try to compensate but that always leads to another binge for me.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    Just close the door on today and treat tomorrow as a completely new day!
  • Hyermi
    Hyermi Posts: 6 Member
    Happens to me too. In fact almost every sunday I feel like I overdo it by about 1000 calories. Luckily, that is not a pound worth of extra food. Whew. Mabey that is something I can work on is my weekend habits. On some days recently, I exercise away the excess. Cheating will happen. Keep moving forward. Good luck everybody!
  • vahine03
    vahine03 Posts: 214 Member
    Yeeeppp. Definitely done this. Especially when i tried..DIETING. :p But after a while i decided that dietin just doesn't work for me. I chose to eat whatever i wanted. But i cut down on how much i ate. It wasn't a huge change but a lot better than over eating like i would always do when i get those cravings. This worked for me. It helped me avoid cravings and lose weight. Prolly after every 8 lbs i would subtract more from my meals and slowly get to eating healthy. Making healthier choices. I still have chocolates, pizza, and ice cream. This would prolly help you too.
  • ryansgram
    ryansgram Posts: 693 Member
    Thats no problem!!! I did the same thing a month ago and lost weight!!!