Your go-to lunch?



  • LeslieMDoyle
    LeslieMDoyle Posts: 162 Member
    Baby spinach or spring medley, half an avocado, tuna or salmon, and almond slices. Mix it all together in a salad. I don't even need dressing on it. It's lovely and filling.
  • galvodka
    galvodka Posts: 102
    Bump! I always need help with lunch ideas. A lot of times I spend a work day driving around in the car and always looking for "neat" lunches I won't drop all over my lap!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Hummus and carrots/celery is my easiest go-to. Mostly do leftovers, but low-carb tortilla/low-sodium deli meat, low-fat cheese, spinach, and dijon mustard sandwich is another.

    I also really like shrimp. My grocery store's meat counter has a seafood mix with tomatoes, cucumbers, and jalapenos that is delish and low-cal. I will also bring in plain cooked shrimp and add to a salad.

    Hummus..... that stuff RULES!

    I make a spicy-vegetable batch and mix into my hummus...
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Shaved turkey or leftover chicken breast on a wrap with loads of various veggies tucked inside. Sometimes I use half an avocado as a spread on the inside, sometimes a few spritzes of the Wishbone salad spritzers dressing. Sometimes I eat some fruit on the side or more veggies like baby carrots.

    Or I eat a salad, sometimes with left over chicken breast. Sometimes It's just chicken and greens (romaine and spinach) or it's greens with veggies and the chicken, and sometimes I make an apple chicken salad. Greens, chicken and a cut up green apple. Yum!

    These 2 are what I typically have for lunch ... everyday.
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    Turkey wraps or salad with veggies, chicken and a hard boiled egg. It really depends. If I have leftovers from the night before that's normally for lunch too.
  • cassavaca
    cassavaca Posts: 89 Member
    my main lunch consists of: 4+ cups of Romaine Lettuce, 2 roma tomatoes, half an english cucumber (for crunchieness), 5.5 oz baked salmon (i usually buy a whole filet from Sams club for $16, slice it and it makes 6-7 pieces, bake it with spices and then take a piece with me for my lunches for most of the week) and the wishbone 1 calorie spray.

    If i dont have salmon, i usually use Jenny-o turkey ham. I can cube about 4-5 oz and its only 150 cal or so.

    If you want to add more flavor, i like to add feta cheese crumbles or shaved parmesean careful of those cause they can jump the fat/sodium/calorie level if you dont measure out the serving prior.

    lunch can be 300-450 cal depending if i add cheese or not.

    Also, if you want to add a different level, Mccormick has the salad supreme you can sprinkle on for some flavor but no calories. I know there are other salad seasonings out there to add as well.
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    I'm a sandwich for lunch type of person for lunch. I usually have a turkey sandwich on whole wheat sandwich thins, reduced fat kettle chips if they were on sale, some form of fruit, and some form of veggies. I keep my lunch around 300-400ish calories. I usually freeze leftover portions of meals for a quick meal when I'm busy and have to take my dinner to work.
  • Honestly, I have leftovers almost everyday for lunch. It's cheap and (usually) delicious. :wink:
  • blgerig
    blgerig Posts: 174 Member
    Cottage cheese with fruits and veggies or hummus and pita chips/ veggies. I love making beans part of my lunch, find they fill me up and give me energy! I'll mix white beans or chickpeas with frozen veggies or do blackbeans with salsa and/ or avocado. Sometimes I will make a homemade batch of soup at the beginning of the week and eat it all week long for lunch!
  • rheamanda
    rheamanda Posts: 19 Member
    I teach so by the time I drop my kids to the cafeteria I typically have a 20-25 minute lunch. I have fallen into a nice routine of baby spinach, baby carrots, 2 tbs of light ranch dressing, weight watchers cheese, diced up, and oven roasted turkey sliced/diced. My dessert is usually a cutie or some other fruit and if there is time a Jell-o or 60 cal pudding! Since beginning my weight loss journey this has been the healthiest I have ever eaten!
  • tdj819
    tdj819 Posts: 41
    Being on a job where it's hard to get out of the office to eat, I brown bag it daily. And it's better for me. Usually fruit, a lean cut of meat, something sweet and simple.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    Tuna sandwich on wheat bread with a side of Chobani :)
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    bump - great topic - wish I had some ideas!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Unless there are none, I bring leftovers. My lunches are usually 200 - 350 calories. If no leftovers, I like:

    cottage cheese and tomato w black pepper
    hummus and veggie or apple slices
    peanut butter with carrots and celery
    hummus wrap w kale, cucumbers, tomato and onion
  • jhartram
    jhartram Posts: 165
    My most frequent lunch is an Orowheat thin roll, 3 slices of turkey lunchmeat, a slice of Lucerne 2% swiss, a huge Romaine leaf folded up so it fits on the sandwich, a slice of tomato and alfalfa sprouts. It's not quite up to 300 cals, but that leaves room for a side dish or a snack like a caio bella blood orange bar =D

    The numbers on this are 198 calories 24carbs 3 saturated fat 450 sodium 5 fiber 15 protein
  • NicoleG_86
    NicoleG_86 Posts: 61 Member
    Dinner leftovers work for me but we don't have time to cook every night so I make sure I always have some edamame or boiled eggs made and fresh fruit and veggies cut up so I can easily take them with me. I use "ranch" made of greek yogurt and dry ranch seasoning or hummus to dip.

    I also always have Amy's brand Organic burritos in the freezer just in case. Let's face it, sometimes there isn't time to cook. I work and go to school full time and have a small child. Busy is my middle name!
  • Thank you, so much for all of these healthy options! My mouth is watering for these simple & nutritious lunch ideas!