Aldi grocery store - favorite foods!

kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
I recently moved and a new co-worker of mine suggested a store called Aldi's. I had never heard of it but I gave it a try a few weeks ago and I am SO happy I discovered it! I can't believe how cheap some of their foods are! I now go there literally every few days. They have a healthy line called "Fit and Active" and *I think* it's better than a lot of other brands of healthier foods, like Weight Watchers for example.

I thought I'd give some examples of my favorite foods from there, and cost so those that haven't been to one can see!

Fresh bag of spinach leaves - $1.49 (at my grocery store they are $3.99!)
avocado - 49 cents each
Orange cream bars (exactly like the WW ones that cost $5.99!) - $2.99
almond milk - $2.49 ($3.99 at other stores)
greek yogurts (49 cents)
dozen large eggs (79 cents)
huge bags of shredded cheese ($2.99 compared to $4.99)
cream cheese (99 cents compared to 2.49)

they have 90 cal granola bars, pita chips that are BETTER than Stacey's brand, low sodium soups, brown rice, fresh fruit and veggies galore, deli meat for sandwiches, packets of guacamole ($1.99 and just like Wholly guac), fresh salsa's.. I could go ON and ON.. I also buy their gummy vitamins :)

Anyone else a big fan of Aldi's? I hear they are only in certain areas (i.e. more urban areas)..
I'd love to hear what other people love to eat from there? I feel like there might be diamonds in the rough I'm missing!!



  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Their generic brands of Kashi Go Lean and Kashi Go Lean Crunch are excellent. They taste exactly the same and have the same nutritional values, but cost several dollars less than what you'd find at any other grocery store. Also, you can't go wrong with the bags of frozen vegetables and frozen unsweetened fruits--WAY cheaper than you'd pay elsewhere. :)
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I have never been to Aldi's. Alot of ppl have said that their produce and meat is the low end. Have you guys bought any of that stuff there? whats good and what should i stay away from?
  • joyspear
    joyspear Posts: 20
    Huge fan, been shopping there for years! I have never eaten anything there that wasn't good. I think their meats are much better than... W#LM@R&'s!:ohwell:
  • joyspear
    joyspear Posts: 20
    Again, I have never found anything that I didn't think was good. Ate a homemade Rueben last nite, cooked the Aldi cornbeef in the crockpot over the weekend. Delicious!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I have never been to Aldi's. Alot of ppl have said that their produce and meat is the low end. Have you guys bought any of that stuff there? whats good and what should i stay away from?

    I have bought their raw chicken breasts and though they are a little bit smaller than my other 'big' grocery store, they still worked well for a few crockpot recipes that I've made! I've also bought their canned chicken to make dips and stuff-it's great! I bought some Jennie O lean ground turkey there ($1 cheaper) and so you can't go wrong with that named brand item..
    I haven't bought any fish or lunchmeat yet BUT the lunchmeat looked totally fine.

    as far as fruit and veggies, I buy their bananas a couple times a week as well as green grapes and avocados.. I have once bought a cucumber and green pepper. Totally fine!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Again, I have never found anything that I didn't think was good. Ate a homemade Rueben last nite, cooked the Aldi cornbeef in the crockpot over the weekend. Delicious!

    I am obsessed with my crockpot.. I'm going to make this soon! do you have a great recipe for corned beef?
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    I love Aldi! So cheap! I buy frozen chicken breast and tilapia fillets there too. The pasta sauce is great! They have great seasonal items and their sales are great too!
  • diadori
    diadori Posts: 26 Member
    I do quite a bit of shopping at Aldi. I've never had a problem with their produce or meats. On average, I save about $150 a month by getting staples at Aldi as opposed to the other grocery stores in my area. The only grocery store that even comes close is Wegmans.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I love Aldi! So cheap! I buy frozen chicken breast and tilapia fillets there too. The pasta sauce is great! They have great seasonal items and their sales are great too!

    YES their marinara sauce is organic and REALLY tasty.. my fiance likes their spaghetti noodles (the boxes is twice the size of normal boxes at big stores, too)
  • hmstarbuck
    hmstarbuck Posts: 152 Member
    I do ALL my shopping at Aldi's. I haven't come across anything that I don't like. Their produce is FAB! And I can afford it. Their already made pizzas are great!!! I love their Fit and Active EVERYTHING! They really have come a long way from the perception they used to have. I bought a frozen box of turkey burgers. The SAME exact box at HyVee was $3 more. I'm too cheap and poor to pay for stuff just because it's "name brand". They have their skeletons too!
  • basbaluva24
    basbaluva24 Posts: 121
    We have one here but it's across town so I never ever go there. I really should though, because I keep hearing raving reviews. My parents used to shop there when I was little because it was such a cheap place but I haven't been there in my adult life. Thanks for the reminder!
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    I forgot - my all time fave right now is the steam brocolli packs-LOVE!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I love buying fruit and veggies here they are so much cheaper than the regular grocery stores in my area. Just like any other place you need to look over what you are buying.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I do ALL my shopping at Aldi's. I haven't come across anything that I don't like. Their produce is FAB! And I can afford it. Their already made pizzas are great!!! I love their Fit and Active EVERYTHING! They really have come a long way from the perception they used to have. I bought a frozen box of turkey burgers. The SAME exact box at HyVee was $3 more. I'm too cheap and poor to pay for stuff just because it's "name brand". They have their skeletons too!

    I've seen those pizza's! $5 what the heck! I'm glad you said you like it, I think I'll buy it next time I go. I love pizza on a 'cheat' day!! :)
  • hmstarbuck
    hmstarbuck Posts: 152 Member
    I love that you can buy 10# of potatoes for $3, sometimes they have them on sale for $1.50. I prefer Aldi's over most stores anymore. Oh and their Fit and Active ice cream sammiches..............YUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMM
  • hmstarbuck
    hmstarbuck Posts: 152 Member
    I do ALL my shopping at Aldi's. I haven't come across anything that I don't like. Their produce is FAB! And I can afford it. Their already made pizzas are great!!! I love their Fit and Active EVERYTHING! They really have come a long way from the perception they used to have. I bought a frozen box of turkey burgers. The SAME exact box at HyVee was $3 more. I'm too cheap and poor to pay for stuff just because it's "name brand". They have their skeletons too!

    I've seen those pizza's! $5 what the heck! I'm glad you said you like it, I think I'll buy it next time I go. I love pizza on a 'cheat' day!! :)

    We love pizza too!! And yes..... you can't beat them. I bought 2 one day and we had an entire pizza left over. They are filling and I loved them. But I haven't found a pizza I don't like :happy:

    There really isn't anything that I don't buy from there anymore. Except they haven't got a low fat mayo yet. But once they do I will! I'm a huge fan. Aldi's allows my family to eat well!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    You have aldi in the US now?! I live in the UK and as a dirt-poor-student I would be DEAD without their cheap fruit and veg. Love it.
    My favourite is their soy milk, it's unsweetened and costs £0.59p a carton (about a dollar?). Everywhere else is more like £1.50-£2.00.
  • gurl0411
    gurl0411 Posts: 41 Member
    i love aldi's i go to the states just to shop there... well and wal mart lol
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    You have aldi in the US now?! I live in the UK and as a dirt-poor-student I would be DEAD without their cheap fruit and veg. Love it.
    My favourite is their soy milk, it's unsweetened and costs £0.59p a carton (about a dollar?). Everywhere else is more like £1.50-£2.00.

    I saw almond milk there for the first time last week so I'm going to grab it next time! I was buying their skim but I love almond milk since it's so much better. and at 60 cals a cup it can't be beat!
  • shantavah
    shantavah Posts: 3 Member
    I love Aldi's and with a big family it is very affordable my family grew up shopping at this store .They carry a good selection of fit and active foods very good and affordable.