

  • RobertaKR
    RobertaKR Posts: 22 Member
    I agree, you should try eating at least some of your exercise calories back. Start with half for a week or two and see what happens. Also try changing up your workout.
    Another thought is your carb intake. For me, when I overdo the simpler carbs like potatoes, bread and pasta, my weight goes up or I do not lose any that week.
    Good Luck

    There is much misunderstanding about Carbs. Potatoes and bread are not necessarily simple carbs. See link:

    Also, I always eat back my exercise calories. You will likely hit a plateau the closer you are to goal weight. I've been trying ZigZag calorie counts, but it's too soon to tell whether I'll get results.
  • trababes1971
    trababes1971 Posts: 173 Member
    Im not an expert hun but i do think you need to eat your calories up as its probs like you are in starvation mode.? I remember years ago when i lost a lot of weight with weightwatchers i got stuck at a certain weight think it was around 8 stone 3 or something but she recommended i didnt go any lower. But this time round when i went to weightwatchers only a few years back i got stuck but it was because i wasnt eating my exercise calories orbasically not eating all my daily qouta. Try just eating them hun for a week see how it goes? xx
  • deetra
    deetra Posts: 35 Member
    Eat until it says "0 calories remaining".

    Perhaps, but undereating seems to be the #1 or #2 most common cause here on MFP.

    ok i will give this a go but i think i wil find myself looking for things to eat to fill up my calories !! hahaha!!!! thanks for your help !!
  • deetra
    deetra Posts: 35 Member
    Im not an expert hun but i do think you need to eat your calories up as its probs like you are in starvation mode.? I remember years ago when i lost a lot of weight with weightwatchers i got stuck at a certain weight think it was around 8 stone 3 or something but she recommended i didnt go any lower. But this time round when i went to weightwatchers only a few years back i got stuck but it was because i wasnt eating my exercise calories orbasically not eating all my daily qouta. Try just eating them hun for a week see how it goes? xx

    ok chica, thanks i will really aim to give it a go and eat all the calories and see if it makes any difference , please god it will cuz its driving me mad been stuck at the same weight for so long !!
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    The closer you are to your goal, the closer you should eat to your calorie goal. for some reason eating under is only effective in the beggining and for people who are more overweight. You're body is probalby not getting enough fuel and storing what food you do give it.
  • deetra
    deetra Posts: 35 Member
    Eating back exercise calories has worked well for me personally. I know that's just one personal experience, but if what you've been doing is no longer working, it's a good time to try something a little different. Also don't forget to take a rest day every now and then. :-)

    Ye it seems to be the general idea here that eating back the calories is a good idea because i seem to be leaving the gap too big. If everyones saying the same thing, it cant be wrong, ill give it a go !!
  • trababes1971
    trababes1971 Posts: 173 Member
    You will do it :). xxxx
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Thanks guys, I know everyone hear seems to be saying that i should be eating more so maybe it is something that i should look into, today for example i have had 1300 or so calories so its not that im starving, ive had cereal, fruit, meat and veg , ive even had a gin and tonic!! So i dont know, maybe i should try and eat more but i do not where to draw the line at eating enough and over eating, as i said in a recent post, i generally have 3 meals a day plus 2 snacks! Could there be any other reasons for not loosing weight ??

    You eat 1300 calories - you then burn 650 calories - so your Net calories for the day is 650......YEP - being so close to your goal you will not be losing weight.....personally I work on my NET never being less than 1200 per day - and most days it is 1650

    Time to start eating more - at this point I suggest you reset your goal to 0.5lbs per week - AND then eat the majority of your exercise calories.....

    You will have to give it time - your body will most probably not respond immediately, and you might see a slight rise before you start losing again...... Do this for at least 3 to 4 weeks - and you should start seeing smaller, but consistent drops in your weight....
  • deetra
    deetra Posts: 35 Member
    The closer you are to your goal, the closer you should eat to your calorie goal. for some reason eating under is only effective in the beggining and for people who are more overweight. You're body is probalby not getting enough fuel and storing what food you do give it.

    Hey there, ye i think this seems to be the case, maybe it is being stored as fat !! I will try to give myself more fuel thanks for ur help!
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    How much fiber are you eating a day and how much water are you drinking a day? What kind of workouts are you doing?
  • deetra
    deetra Posts: 35 Member

    thanks jenny i am going to look at this now !
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    hey thanks for your reply ....im dont think im working out more than i should (an hour a day) and i dont think im starving myself, i am eating breakfast and a good dinner every day, i just happen to be below on my calories because when i work out i do not eat back my calories as to me it defeats the purpose !!

    You're wrong.

    Also, "lose" and "loose" are not the same word.
  • deetra
    deetra Posts: 35 Member
    You will do it :). xxxx

    thanks hunni xx xx
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    If you are eating 1300 cals a day and then working out for an hour -and not eating back your exercise calories, then you are probably only netting something like 400-700 calories a day depending on the workout.

    If you open your diary we can actually help you.. otherwise this is all guess work.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    There is never and easy answer for the plateau. Some say up the calories, and others say hang in there. Losing all that you did, you are being honest about your diet and exercise, so here is what happened to me. I was 1200-1400 + exercise calories and I lost 64 pounds. I hit a plateau, and lost nothing from August to December. Zero, nothing. I upped it to 1800-200 and gained 14 pounds. Dropped it to 1600-1800 and lost 7 pounds in 3 weeks.

    I run 3 times a week, and do a 1 hours cardio circuit twice a week plus walks, skating and biking with my family.
  • deetra
    deetra Posts: 35 Member
    ye i think i need to start trying to eat more and gain some of my calories back to see if this makes any difference .......thanks so much for your advice, i wil be giving it a try as of tomorrow and please god i wil some difference, i just seem to be one of these people that when i look at food i gain weight and so have spent my whole life watching what i eat. At the start of my diet it worked as i have lost 15kilos but i think your right maybe i should try and eat some more now in order to reach my goal !! x
  • deetra
    deetra Posts: 35 Member
    heya ........fiber i dnt no, i would imagine probably only in the bran flakes i would have some mornings and of course in some veg. i have not been tracking that... as for water i do alot. i do interval training workouts 3 or 4 times a week and then the other workouts i do twice a week are uphill walking and down hill running for an hour. i generally have a day off a week or sometimes 2 depending on how busy i am during the week !
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Eat until it says "0 calories remaining".

    Perhaps, but undereating seems to be the #1 or #2 most common cause here on MFP.

    ok i will give this a go but i think i wil find myself looking for things to eat to fill up my calories !! hahaha!!!! thanks for your help !!

    Easy way to up your calories without actually haviong to eat a hell of a lot more is to start adding healthy fats and protein back in....

    Nuts, Nut butters, Cheese, Full Fat yoghurt / milk instead of low fat, avocado, olives, salmon are all great options for increasing your calories.....
  • deetra
    deetra Posts: 35 Member
    There is never and easy answer for the plateau. Some say up the calories, and others say hang in there. Losing all that you did, you are being honest about your diet and exercise, so here is what happened to me. I was 1200-1400 + exercise calories and I lost 64 pounds. I hit a plateau, and lost nothing from August to December. Zero, nothing. I upped it to 1800-200 and gained 14 pounds. Dropped it to 1600-1800 and lost 7 pounds in 3 weeks.

    I run 3 times a week, and do a 1 hours cardio circuit twice a week plus walks, skating and biking with my family.

    thanks for your advice, i can see how what u mean about upping and dropping calories and the difference it has made, it is something i will need to look into and see what will happen if i make these changes !!
  • deetra
    deetra Posts: 35 Member
    Easy way to up your calories without actually haviong to eat a hell of a lot more is to start adding healthy fats and protein back in....

    Nuts, Nut butters, Cheese, Full Fat yoghurt / milk instead of low fat, avocado, olives, salmon are all great options for increasing your calories.....

    ah thanks ye thats a good idea actually, i didnt think about that, i will certainly try the full fat milk option, love it !!