Food Diary Snooping... OR Why is your diary CLOSED?!



  • JoannaLouden
    JoannaLouden Posts: 70 Member
    I just joined. No idea if my diary is open or closed but in case anyone cares I just ate half a tuna salad kit for lunch (under 100 calories)...had to share it with my toddler. :)

    Going to the store later to get the stuff to make a WW recipe hummus dip (fresh veggies!)
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I don't usually look at other people's food diaries... I just never thought to. Mine is open. It was closed for a while because it just makes me feel so exposed lol! having what I eat put up there for people to see... just seems kind of personal. But it makes me feel like I need to eat better. For some reason I think eating unhealthy food is embarrassing. I want people to see me eating really healthy food. I don't know why I care. Like at school I feel so cool when I whip out the baby carrots or grapes for a snack when the person sitting next to me is eating a bag of chips and a dr pepper. LOL.
  • puppycloud
    Mine is open, but as I live in an non-english speaking country, I usually log the food in my language - it won't make much sense to most of you guys.

    I like to look in other peoples diary to get meal ideas, especially for lunch as I usually eat crispbread with cream cheese and fruit/yoghurt for lunch (under 200 cals).
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    I just opened mine. As I am new advise is a ggod thing. If its not going well I can always close it
  • AndiJoy812
    AndiJoy812 Posts: 236
    Mine is closed mainly because I haven't taken the time to figure out how to open it. If someone that I knew would like to see it, I would have no problem showing it to them.

    As far as reading others, I don't. I really don't care what other people are eating. This is their journey, and each one of us are finding our own way. If someone were to ask me to take a look, I would do so. However, I am not a nutritionist or an expert of any kind - so I would be hesitant to try and tell someone else what to do, other than the basics. And I am not a nosy person. :o) What someone else is doing really doesn't have any impact on my life, so I'm not going to waste my time and energy reading food diaries. If I have a specific question, I will ask it. That is not meant to sound snotty...just saying my energy is going to be focused on what I am doing, not someone else.
  • doinitforme2012
    doinitforme2012 Posts: 98 Member
    mine is open. i like it when i can have someone check my diary if i hit a plateau and they can tell me what i'm doing good and the things i shouldn't be eating.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    The Title says Why is your diary CLOSED? so I'm going to answer that.

    1. I don't look at people's food diaries. It just doesn't interest me.

    2. My diary is closed because it's pretty much all manual entries. I hand cook all my food and only JUST discovered the recipe maker feature that MFP has.

    3. Honestly it would just annoy me if someone told me: You need to eat more carbs or less carbs or more protein or less protein... I'm mostly interested in losing weight, I'm not too concerned about macro-nutrients and all that. I don't even fully understand them yet so I'm not concerning myself with them!!!!

    And those are my reasons for having a closed diary.

    PS: I mainly eat clean which is why I don't concern myself with macros... I figure if my daily dose of veggies, fruits and meat isn't enough then... not much I can do about it!
  • doinitforme2012
    doinitforme2012 Posts: 98 Member
    Mine is closed because I am still working on reducing what I eat, not changing what I eat...and what I eat is pretty terrible right now. BUT I do work 25 hours a week and I am taking 5 classes at the university so cooking is definitely not fitting in anywhere! haha

    However, once I graduate in May, it is my goal to make changes to my diet so that my diary can look much, much healthier (and a lot less "fast foodie" haha)

    Oh...and when I first started using MFP, I added some, uh, personal cardio in and labeled it accordingly. I didn't realize it would post to my profile as "Shellsrenee burned X calories doing 45 minutes of sex" :laugh: :embarassed: Oops! Learning as I go :blushing:
    :laugh: fantastic!!! Lol. I just count that as a hidden extra. Did someone seriously eat whale sperm?:noway: I keep my diary open as I like being held accountable. Friends don't bash me if I'm over, but if a patterns immerging they will give me support and I love it! I check everyone elses food diaries, and give them support and constructive help if they need it, and I think they appreciate it! I feel people with closed diaries aren't getting everything out of this site that they could, but reading some explanations on here definitely makes me more understanding of why some people keep theirs closed. What ever works for you is what you need to do. X

    lol a lot of people log their um... personal cardio as dancing... because the way your body moves is like dancing... but in my case i would "dance" atleast once a day sometimes more... so i count it as bonus.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I closed my diary a few weeks ago. It wasn't to keep you (MFP friends) out it was because I was trying to not log my food in, I became over OCD about foood. I found myself not eating enough because I was couting every little bit. So I closed it and stopped logging. It was a trial but a month straight I'm enjoying it. I'm still eating my daily allowance, still going strong.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I answer any questions from friends or anyone that sends me a message about how I have lost 305 lbs. but my diary is closed and for no other reason than I choose to have it that way... I eat 3200 calories a day now and am still losing weight that being sad I just feel I only need to be accountable to myself, and I am for that matter, so there is no one else I have to answer too....
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    a) I'm not looking for advice, I've spent years trying to figure out how to maintain my weight and I'm happy with my diet
    b) It's not indicative of everything I put in my mouth. I use it as a tool to look at trends in my nutrition.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Lost 305lbs? That is a serious achievement. Amazing stuff. Truely is
  • TwtyMami35
    There is a difference between advice and blatant judgment. We are all on here for the same reason. To become more fit and healthy. When people give advice and it is actually a hard judment on someone else's eating habits, it demotivates. I was on here for only one month and received some unfair remarks. I appreciate the few members that were courteous enough to send messages that were between only us.
  • shan_0517
    shan_0517 Posts: 88 Member
    Anyone can read mine.. Don't care :glasses:
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    My diary is closed because after a year of being on MFP, I have decided to try and not log. Basically, I am trying to see if I can do this on my own now.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I guess I never pay much attention. Mine is closed because I KNOW I eat weird foods or too much of one thing or the other and me seeing it and logging it for myself is as much scrutiny as I can handle haha.

  • mamaclose
    mamaclose Posts: 219 Member
    Lost 305lbs? That is a serious achievement. Amazing stuff. Truely is
    ^^Yeah, that. Wow.
  • itsalaina
    itsalaina Posts: 27
    mine is closed because I have a hard enough time eating in public and would rather not share. I eat pretty healthy though, but some days I slip.

    (i also keep it closed so people cant see what I do as exercise)
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    Mine is open to public scrutiny and public shaming. LOL.
    i personally dont care who looks at it....if i get a scolding for eating too much carbs or sodium...then its because that someone actually took the time to let me know he/she cares!
  • Anu_mee13
    Anu_mee13 Posts: 73
    My diary is open. I don't have anything to hide. When I choose to skim through someone's diary, I don't make a big deal about what someone's eating. The quickest way to piss someone off is to come at them about what they're eating. Just that simple. If they don't think what' they're eating is one, it's not my place to tell them different. OTOH, if they're asking for opinions on what can they do differently to clean up their diet, then someone's response would be warranted!