Gawwwd! I cant eat all this food!!



  • seekingstrengthX2
    Your body gains weight when you eat too many calories in one sitting. So it wont matter if you havent eaten all day, if you are eating large amounts of calories for dinner. Key is to spread out your calories during the day in 4-6 meals, cut down on bad carbs and sugar. Pasta and rice should be infrequent.

    This is 100% false, what matters is your intake for the day or week, not per meal. Timing of eating is also irrelevant.

    ok, i have a question then....I totally crapped out on my calories yesterday. I got home from work at 12:30 pm and was totally NOT hungry, but probably cause I was really I just went to bed. Soooooo in your opinion, can I make up those calories today with no ill effects in regards to weightloss....or health for that matter. Will my body care if I even make them up today??

    I can't imagine why one would want to "make them up", unless you're jus looking for a reason to be able to eat more, LOL. :) I would treat today like any normla day.
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    Sooo im starting to think now that my problem before wasnt over eating but maybe undereating at times, or having a huuge meal late at night! As sometimes i could go all day without hardly any food, but then i would cram it all in late at night, and majority of food was sugary cereals, biscuits, and the odd takeaway, but then some days hardly a thing would pass my lips. I have 800 cals left to eat and i feel ive already eaten loads!! Totally feel im eating too much, is this because im retraining my brain into having actual proper meals do you think? Also i guess im feeling full of the water, as i NEVER used to drink any water, yet now i am. Am sat here racking my brains on what to eat for tea..need to use those flippen cals lol!

    Calorically dense foods


    nut butters


    full fat dairy



    ice cream

    hahahaha... I am not going to say anything about the fact that you said nut butter...

    Maybe add in a double scoop of protein powder to your shakes? I do this sometimes to make up calories after working out hard. I also use almond milk and fruit which also adds calories (and frozen strawberries mixed in using the blender turns it into a yummy milk shake!)