Long distance relationships.

AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
Ever been in one? How did it work out? How far apart?

I'm talking states. Very new relationship, very excited about it and nervous at the same time. I have jealousy issues that I never knew I had, with him. Tips? tricks? ideas?!

lol HELP!!


  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    I've been in long distance relationships. Not different states, but about 40-45 minute drive apart, they didn't work. I'm the type of person where I need someone close by.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Trust. Like I said, #1 thing needed.

    Butttttttt, you already have my advice.
    You can do it. Best of luck.
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    No matter how you look at it, they are hard and a lot of work. I'm a very physical person, so I need to be in a physical relationship. I dated a guy in Ohio, only a state away, like 3 1/2 hours. But it was mostly me and my son driving to see him. It seriously got to be such a pain in the *kitten*. It finally wore on me so bad that I didn't even look forward to seeing him because it meant driving there and back.
    It's all a personal thing though. You may be able to pull it off. What distance are we talking?
    With the jealousy thing though... you might have a problem with long distance. Have you ever actually met him? Or did you just do the online meeting thing? If you actually know the guy and have a developed trusting relationship, it would be easier. But plain and simple, if you only know him online, he could be someone you have no idea about. Lying is so easy online.
    I seriously wish you the best of luck though. Just be patient, and be ready to do a lot of wanting...
    xo girl
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    yes, I was in one where the guy was about an hour away. Worked out fine.

    The other was I was in Washington State (as in on the WEST coast) and he was in Alaska. Didn't work out because he said he wanted to try, but when he got there didn't really try and would call me and ask me about how to handle girls who were hitting on him.

    i really think it depends on the guy, if he wants to make it work he will.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    My friend has a bf in Sweden. (haha)
    They're madly in love though.. they met last summer and have visited each other several times now.

    He wakes up every morning at 5am (her 10pm) to chat via Skype for an hour before starting his day. They text/call each other every day...

    Both of them are dedicated to make it work. She goes out with me all the time, dances, has fun, isn't focused on wondering what he's doing.. they completly trust each other.

    He's here now actually. And later in May he'll be moving here for the summer and that's when they'll decide what's next... who's moving where etc.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    No matter how you look at it, they are hard and a lot of work. I'm a very physical person, so I need to be in a physical relationship. I dated a guy in Ohio, only a state away, like 3 1/2 hours. But it was mostly me and my son driving to see him. It seriously got to be such a pain in the *kitten*. It finally wore on me so bad that I didn't even look forward to seeing him because it meant driving there and back.
    It's all a personal thing though. You may be able to pull it off. What distance are we talking?
    With the jealousy thing though... you might have a problem with long distance. Have you ever actually met him? Or did you just do the online meeting thing? If you actually know the guy and have a developed trusting relationship, it would be easier. But plain and simple, if you only know him online, he could be someone you have no idea about. Lying is so easy online.
    I seriously wish you the best of luck though. Just be patient, and be ready to do a lot of wanting...
    xo girl

    I've met him, and like 8 hours apart.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    yes, I was in one where the guy was about an hour away. Worked out fine.

    The other was I was in Washington State (as in on the WEST coast) and he was in Alaska. Didn't work out because he said he wanted to try, but when he got there didn't really try and would call me and ask me about how to handle girls who were hitting on him.

    i really think it depends on the guy, if he wants to make it work he will.

    An hour away is not a long distance relationship. Sorry.

    It depends on BOTH the guy and the girl too.
  • hillary124
    hillary124 Posts: 112
    Im in one! My boyfriend and I met in high school and hes in New Jersey (home) and Im at school in Florida! Being 1200 miles away SUCKS. I hate it. So much. But weve been together over a year and never been happier :)
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    my husband I were only together 6 months before he deployed to Iraq. we had to spend 9 months apart...barely any phone calls or computer time. he had to trust me and i stayed close to his family. it all worked out. you have to have the trust.
  • TitanGM
    TitanGM Posts: 1,161 Member
    Trust me, they don't work.. unless you're determined to not keep it "a long distance relationship" anymore. I know it because I've been in one. If you decide to be, then make sure you can be together one day. :drinker:
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Trust me, they don't work.. unless you're determined to not keep it "a long distance relationship" anymore. I know it because I've been in one. If you decide to be, then make sure you can be together one day. :drinker:

    In my case, it's not a long term situation. So I agree with that part.
    But I wouldn't move just 3 weeks in.
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    When my wife and I met, I lived in Ohio and she was on Ontario, Canada. Bout a 6 hour drive for visits at first. Later (after we got married, but before I finished the immigration process to come to Canada), I lost my job in Ohio and wound up having to move out to Boston, so the drive was more like 9+ hours. Bleh!

    It's hard, but you can make it work if both people really want it. Kier and I are both computer gamers, so we were able to spend a lot of time having fun together that way, voice chatting with wireless headsets and Google Talk. We would also do things like rent or download the same movie and watch it together.
  • TitanGM
    TitanGM Posts: 1,161 Member
    Trust me, they don't work.. unless you're determined to not keep it "a long distance relationship" anymore. I know it because I've been in one. If you decide to be, then make sure you can be together one day. :drinker:

    In my case, it's not a long term situation. So I agree with that part.
    But I wouldn't move just 3 weeks in.

    I'm not saying right away, but after a period of time, long distance will become a serious issue you can't ignore anymore. This is something you have to think from the start, so when the time comes and you still like to be with that person, you decide to take the risk and go for it.
  • ttaylor68913
    ttaylor68913 Posts: 320 Member
    my husband lived 1300( i live in kansas he lived in new jersey) miles away while we were dating. skype was our best friend and we visited each other as possible. He moved out here in aug of '10 we got married in june '11. You just have to trust each other. We met in 2004 playing online pool. talked back and forth for a while. then in 2008 when my relationship with my son's father went down the toilet. he was the one i turned to for support
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    yes, I was in one where the guy was about an hour away. Worked out fine.

    The other was I was in Washington State (as in on the WEST coast) and he was in Alaska. Didn't work out because he said he wanted to try, but when he got there didn't really try and would call me and ask me about how to handle girls who were hitting on him.

    i really think it depends on the guy, if he wants to make it work he will.

    An hour away is not a long distance relationship. Sorry.

    It depends on BOTH the guy and the girl too.

    ummm...EmCarroll stated she was in a 'long distance' relationship that was 30-40 minutes away...I'm just giving MY opinion on that distance.

  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member
    I dated one that lived just outside of Lansing, MI, which is about 4 hours away from me. We didn't mind taking turns for the trips. We lasted 8 months like that, but ultimately broke up because she was becoming jealous of my then lead singer, who now today is my wife.
  • Karrix
    Karrix Posts: 288
    My ex and I were together for nearly 6 years. 1-2 years of it was long distance.

    While I lived in Quebec, he was in Ontario. He moved to be with me, we lived together for a good 2-4 years. He after took a move to Alberta / Saskatchewan to go back to his family and to work. We kept the relationship up by monthly visits and daily chatting/calls/video chats.

    We ended up splitting almost a year ago, distance was only one of the issues.

    Long distance can work out, you just need trust and patience. :flowerforyou:
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    I was in a long distance relationship for 2 years. He lived in Virginia and I lived in Ontario.

    It was very lonely, and expensive. we talked on the phone multiple times a days, and saw each other about 5 days a month. (14 hour drive, or fly depending on costs)

    But with a long distance relationship it means going to social functions alone as you can't always be together for those things. It also means being alone for some holidays, as it was impossible to see both families if we were together, and invariably too hard to take time off to travel for every single holiday.

    We were planning on getting married, but as it involved 2 countries, it was more time consuming to figure out who should move, and how to get work - as we had to look into visas and work permits etc.

    It ended because he cheated on me with one of my best friends who was also the wife of his best friend. A very easy thing for him to do since I wasn't in the same town. It was no problem for them to do what they wanted because they were both relatively comfortable I wouldn't show up unexpectedly.

    So that was my experience. Not so good, and I wouldn't do a long distance relationship again. Its just too hard being apart all the time.
  • GeneveSparkles
    GeneveSparkles Posts: 283 Member
    I don't know how it would work out with a new relationship, it might be difficult because you don't really know the person that well and you may not have connected with them on a deep enough level to commit to working on a really difficult situation.

    My last bf and I were long distance (PA/WI) but luckily we practically lived together for about 6 months before we started the LDR. For us, complete openness, trust and honesty were key. Emails, texts and phone calls were vital, (clean as well as dirtly :)) He is in the process of getting deployed to Kuwait so we're not together anymore but when he gets back we may pursue our relationship again (besides the distance we are a super overly complicated couple).

    My advice, try it out. What do you have to lose. If you can make it work fantastic, otherwise it hasn't been that long so I'm sure you're not completely emotionally invested. It's also expensive, flights/gas is ridiculous, taking time off work etc. so keep that in mind.

    GOOD LUCK with whatever you decide!! :)
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Trust me, they don't work.. unless you're determined to not keep it "a long distance relationship" anymore. I know it because I've been in one. If you decide to be, then make sure you can be together one day. :drinker:

    In my case, it's not a long term situation. So I agree with that part.
    But I wouldn't move just 3 weeks in.

    I'm not saying right away, but after a period of time, long distance will become a serious issue you can't ignore anymore. This is something you have to think from the start, so when the time comes and you still like to be with that person, you decide to take the risk and go for it.

    Correct. It's something that her and I discussed from the beginning.