New mommy trying to get fit!

Hi im new to this and im also a young mom! If you have little ones and any ideas for exercises with them let me know! I can use all the support i can get!



  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    I have a 2yo, and I exercise either with him in the pram, or I do dvds at home. Most of the time he is tryng to lie underneath me while I do pushups, etc, or wanting a snack half way through so I just do what I can, and half the time end up skipping on the spot at the pantry grabbing something for him!

    I also try to time the workout dvds in the morning while he eats his breakie, 30 day shred is great cos its only just over 20 min long

    There's also a park near us with a big hill and a slide, so he plays on the slide while i run up and down the hill