

  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    THE SUN CAME OUT! HOORAY! :smile: I haven't seen that bright thing in the sky in a REALLY long time.

    Anyway, I'm still bummed about life, in general. But I haven't binged... still! Improvement. Because I keep imagining myself coming on here and telling you all that I binged and then I feel embarassed, so then I don't do it in real life. haha. So thanks!
    Today I had to go buy khaki capris for tomorrow. Actually, I bought bermudas, but whatever. I grabbed hangers that read 14, 16, and 18, expecting the 16 to fit. But of course I try on the pants on the hanger that says 14 just to see. They fit. Whoah! I was so excited. BUT, now that I got home and just cut off the tag, they are really a 16. Someone put them on a 14 hanger by mistake. :angry: And here I thought I was making progress... :sad: Oh well.

    Vani - ditto what Liz said. Don't fret. :smile:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    :bigsmile: WOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Today I weighed in to see that I'm back down to 209, the weight I was before I quit smoking. I'm so happy... literally jumping for joy! That was such an accomplishment for me... I feel on top of the world!!!!!!!!!

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Sorry... so excited I have to share with everyone right now. I can only imagine how I'll feel when I get to my goal weight if I feel this good now. :laugh:
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    o my lord...
    i have had the work diet week in the history of all diet week...
    i have been going to graduations all week...
    tuesday, wednesday, and two yesterday
    and the after parties have been full of pizza and buffalo wings...
    i didnt over do it but 3 days a week eating this is killing me...
    so today im back on track...
    i had my protein shake...
    and im ready to do some homework...
    thats what i get for procrastinating...
    its due tonight...
    and i wanna go work out...
    but i cant till my hw is done...

  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    Thanks guys, I know, I dont' feel too bad about it, which is good, I just can't get out of control, ya know :ohwell: I'm over it and I worked out during my lunch hour and I"m back on track.

    I hate this stormy weather because we get a lot of tornados here and I'm not too fond of those...bring back my sunny hot weather :love: That way I can do more outside too.

    I'm sorry you've been bummmed nevermore, but atleast you have your eating control!
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    Thanks guys, I know, I dont' feel too bad about it, which is good, I just can't get out of control, ya know :ohwell: I'm over it and I worked out during my lunch hour and I"m back on track.

    I hate this stormy weather because we get a lot of tornados here and I'm not too fond of those...bring back my sunny hot weather :love: That way I can do more outside too.

    I'm sorry you've been bummmed nevermore, but atleast you have your eating control!

    dont be down about it...
    we are all trying to change our life!
    its not something that is going to change over night...
    we have a lot of years of bad eating habits to fix...
    so get back on track and make urself proud :]
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Thanks guys, I know, I dont' feel too bad about it, which is good, I just can't get out of control, ya know :ohwell: I'm over it and I worked out during my lunch hour and I"m back on track.

    I hate this stormy weather because we get a lot of tornados here and I'm not too fond of those...bring back my sunny hot weather :love: That way I can do more outside too.

    I'm sorry you've been bummmed nevermore, but atleast you have your eating control!

    You wanna swap houses? :laugh:
    I've always wanted to see a tornado! (Ok so now you all prolly think I'm crazy but whatever, I've wanted to be a storm chaser since I was little and Phoenix isn't great for severe storms)
  • alisha11
    alisha11 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm new but am up for joining! As of today I'm 223lbs
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I'm new but am up for joining! As of today I'm 223lbs

    I'll add you in my master spreadsheet.
    We weigh in on Mondays.
    And welcome, of course! :smile:
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Well, off I go to the special olympics. :smile: As of yesterday, it was supposed to be a nice day today - in the low 80s and partly/mostly cloudy. But now, of course, there's a 50% chance of Tstorms in the afternoon. Just great... :noway: And, I'm not allowed to carry anything besides what I have to - 2 forms of ID, my car key, and my cell phone, and anything they give me. Therefore, if I get drenched, not only am I going to be drenched ALL day (great for being sick - right?), but my phone will get mad at me. PLEASE DO NOT RAIN! And now it's only going to be 73 degrees... and I have to wear shorts/capris. It might be a bit chilly early in the morning...

    Oh, and yesterday I had a pretty good day - went over my calories by 80 or so, but I don't really care so long as its not like 300. We'll see how today goes because I don't know what I'm going to have to eat for lunch and/or dinner.

    Well, have a great day [and a great weekend].

    Just thinking ahead a little bit - if people post or message me your weights on Monday, I'll update the spreadsheet and post a couple versions as new weights come in.
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Well, off I go to the special olympics. :smile: As of yesterday, it was supposed to be a nice day today - in the low 80s and partly/mostly cloudy. But now, of course, there's a 50% chance of Tstorms in the afternoon. Just great... :noway: And, I'm not allowed to carry anything besides what I have to - 2 forms of ID, my car key, and my cell phone, and anything they give me. Therefore, if I get drenched, not only am I going to be drenched ALL day (great for being sick - right?), but my phone will get mad at me. PLEASE DO NOT RAIN! And now it's only going to be 73 degrees... and I have to wear shorts/capris. It might be a bit chilly early in the morning...

    Oh, and yesterday I had a pretty good day - went over my calories by 80 or so, but I don't really care so long as its not like 300. We'll see how today goes because I don't know what I'm going to have to eat for lunch and/or dinner.

    Well, have a great day [and a great weekend].

    Just thinking ahead a little bit - if people post or message me your weights on Monday, I'll update the spreadsheet and post a couple versions as new weights come in.

    I know you're already gone now...but I would've put my phone in a sandwich baggy.....

    I hope your day goes well!

    I'll write more later...gotta go take care of the elderly lady....
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    Well, off I go to the special olympics. :smile: As of yesterday, it was supposed to be a nice day today - in the low 80s and partly/mostly cloudy. But now, of course, there's a 50% chance of Tstorms in the afternoon. Just great... :noway: And, I'm not allowed to carry anything besides what I have to - 2 forms of ID, my car key, and my cell phone, and anything they give me. Therefore, if I get drenched, not only am I going to be drenched ALL day (great for being sick - right?), but my phone will get mad at me. PLEASE DO NOT RAIN! And now it's only going to be 73 degrees... and I have to wear shorts/capris. It might be a bit chilly early in the morning...

    Oh, and yesterday I had a pretty good day - went over my calories by 80 or so, but I don't really care so long as its not like 300. We'll see how today goes because I don't know what I'm going to have to eat for lunch and/or dinner.

    Well, have a great day [and a great weekend].

    Just thinking ahead a little bit - if people post or message me your weights on Monday, I'll update the spreadsheet and post a couple versions as new weights come in.

    I hope all goes well. I hate when you have plans and the weather screws everything over:mad:

    Today is supposed to rain here and it's beautiful outside. I already went for a 30 min bike ride, so I'm going to be outside as much as possible today and stay on track with my eating :smile:
  • soggysox
    soggysox Posts: 18
    WOO hoo the suns out! Thank you blighty!

    I love excercising but i seriously don't think it likes me... i seem to be 2lb heavier the day after i've excercised..than when i dont...whats that all about!?
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    So, it was really nice from about 6:30am (when I left) to around noon. Then, it poured... and is still raining. So, 3 hours of being drenched... they called everything off for the afternoon 2 hours early. But still... it was a long day. Oh, and the concert thingy is canceled tonight because when you step on the grass, you sink a foot (NOT JOKING!) because the ground is beyond saturated... we can't take anymore water!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Haha, Jess, we think alike. As I was leaving, I said "Oh, plastic baggy!". Haha. Awesome.

    Anyway, gotta run. I'll be back later.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    just bumping it up so people can find it...

    off to work i go.
  • anglbebe
    anglbebe Posts: 89 Member

    Hy guys I found this in another thread. I don't know if you guyz have read it or not. But to those who didn't, it's really informative.

    Just thought I'd share
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I feel weird starting the new thread since Monique started the team, so I'll just hold my pants on.

    Unfortunately, I'm back up at 180. :sad: Which, honestly, I have no idea why or how! Granted I only went to the gym 4 days last week (but still, Saturday I had quite the workout all day at the special olympics running around everywhere - so 5 days). I might have exceeded my calories a couple days, but I was still well under my BMR (+ exercise calories). I've been eating most, if not all, my exercise calories back, because I'd still have about a 5000 calorie deficit. This is so frustrating! :explode:

    And you cannot say, oh you are just gaining muscle, because the measuring tape says I have not gotten smaller... anywhere.

    Anyway, I hope your scales are nicer to you. I'm going to buy a new cheap scale and compare it to the somewhat expensive (but old) scale in my parents' bathroom. Perhaps it's just worn out... haha.

    So now I'm bummed and don't feel like going to the gym.

    So, when you all wake up (wow! It's already 7am here! time flies), just message me or post your weights and I'll stick them in my spreadsheet. Thanks
  • freezeframe
    freezeframe Posts: 184

    Last week was 197.8
    This morning 196.6 so down 1.2 not huge, but going in the right direction!!

    good luck to everyone else
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    Hi guys, it's been a great morning so far! I woke up early and thought I'd get back into my running routine. I thought, I'd run about 3-4 miles this mornign, but I ended running six miles and I honestly could have gone for forever :love: It felt realy good this morning! In addition I lost an extra pound, so am back in the 140's at 149....YAY! I hope this motivation lasts this whole week :smile:

    SW: (05/10) 152
    CW: (05/15) 149 (down 3)
    GW: 125
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    I feel weird starting the new thread since Monique started the team, so I'll just hold my pants on.

    Unfortunately, I'm back up at 180. :sad: Which, honestly, I have no idea why or how! Granted I only went to the gym 4 days last week (but still, Saturday I had quite the workout all day at the special olympics running around everywhere - so 5 days). I might have exceeded my calories a couple days, but I was still well under my BMR (+ exercise calories). I've been eating most, if not all, my exercise calories back, because I'd still have about a 5000 calorie deficit. This is so frustrating! :explode:

    And you cannot say, oh you are just gaining muscle, because the measuring tape says I have not gotten smaller... anywhere.

    Anyway, I hope your scales are nicer to you. I'm going to buy a new cheap scale and compare it to the somewhat expensive (but old) scale in my parents' bathroom. Perhaps it's just worn out... haha.

    So now I'm bummed and don't feel like going to the gym.

    So, when you all wake up (wow! It's already 7am here! time flies), just message me or post your weights and I'll stick them in my spreadsheet. Thanks

    I have had so many of those days where you weigh yourself thinking I HAVE to have lost at least a pound and you lose nothing or gain :mad: Man, it's never a good feeling. Then you tell other people and they're like Oh it's just muscle....PSSSHHH..PUH-LEEZE!

    Just remember that your weight fluctuates and there could be many reasons why nothing happened. You're doing good so don't let it distract you or bring you's a new week, so just forget about last week :flowerforyou:
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    freezeframe and vani, i have your new weights in my chart... so when the week 7 thread opens, you don't have to worry about re-posting if you don't want to. congrats to both of you for doing great. :smile:

    i turned my frustration into motivation and just burned 650 calories at the gym. SO tired now. haha