how do you stop urinating so much?



  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    Umm, I'm not meaning to be funny here, but maybe you could try some potty-training.
    First, if you can, cut out all forms of caffeine--- no coffee, tea, energy drinks, or sodas. I find when I drink soda I have to pee almost immediately, and again 10 minutes later (even if there's very little that comes out.)
    Second, keep track of how often you need to pee. Every hour? See if you can last an hour and 5 minutes. If you are peeing every 2 hours, try to last a little longer. The muscles will strengthen with time. If you never practice holding your pee, your muscles will weaken and it will be harder and harder to hold it.

    If this came up suddenly, you should see a doctor to check for a UTI. If, like me, you've always had to pee a lot and some situations make it worse (caffeine, nervousness), then I'd guess you have weak pelvic muscles (like me) and you have to strengthen them through training. Good luck!
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I don't know, Depends?

    You know when someone is asking for advice being a SMART ALECK isnt helpful

    If you have nothing nice / helpful to say then be quiet

    so telling her to drink cranberry juice is helpful? If there is a medical issue she should go to the doctor...not get bogus advice from strangers.

    Cranberry juice is actually very helpful and its good for clearing up UTI. When I had UTI my doctor told me to drink this all day. It really does work.

    Cranberry juice is highly recommended as a daily thing regardless of if you have UTI or not. There's also caplets in the supplement aisle though I don't know the effectiveness versus juice or that Cystex stuff. It's not even a new discovery. My 63 year old mother and my 80-something year old aunt have both done the cranberry juice thing for UTIs.
  • Spooney45
    Spooney45 Posts: 76
    What msblushie said. A UTI (urinary tract infection) will make you feel the urge to pee a lot, but you may not actually need to pass anything. What is your water intake like? I got exactly the symptoms you've described when I really wasn't drinking much water at all. Now I make sure I drink a minimum of 2 litres a day and it's no longer a problem. You may want to consider upping your water intake.

    If you already get plenty, it could be a symptom of your anxiety as you said before. Either way, I'd see your doctor. They ruled out diabetes, but that doesn't mean it couldn't be something else.

    How long do UTI's last though? :S

    A UTI is a bacterial infection. If untreated, it will eventually run its course. Maybe 2 weeks.

    actually they may not just run its course, it can move into your kidney's and cause life long damage.

    That is true. She could have already progressed to that point.

    If it had progressed she would have symptoms like, rigors (shaking), high temperature, blood and puss in urine, back pain, this is pyelonnephritis. If the symptoms have been present for ages its most likely not this, she would have suffered kidney failure by now.

    I have similar symptoms and no UTI's, STI's or diabetes. Your bladder can be over sensitive to urine and so when some is in your bladder it contracts to get rid of it - the more concentrated then the less there is but the more it will affect your bladder. You can get tablets to desensitise it. You can also do bladder retraining where your make yourself go to the toilet every 15 mins for a few days and gradually work your way up to about 3-4 hours. This is what I did but obviously see your doctor. It runs in my family and my cousin suffers quite badly so had botox injected into part her bladder to reduce the contraction so she could hold the urine.

    Hope this helps.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    Some people just pee a lot. Bladders are not one size fits all. It may be something you just have to get used to. Depends on the person.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Voiding your bladder every 1-2 hours is fairly normal for women. Not much coming out may or may not be a problem. Is the uring light yellow or clear? If so, then I wouldn't worry about it unless you have pain or feel an urgency (like you can't hold it). If it is darker, then you may need to drink more liquids. If you are drinking enough and still you feel too little is coming out it's possible that your bladder is not emptying completely. If are worried you might want to see a Urologist.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    I don't know, Depends?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Oh no....I think I laughed too hard. :blushing:

    PLEASE!!!!!!!!! For the love of all things Holy. TELL me you peed a little!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    Cranberry juice only works if you are "developing" a UTI or are in the very early stages........... You know what also works, antibiotics and that pill that makes you pee neon orange....... you know....... stuff your DOCTOR prescribes?????????
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Ive always peed every hour or so for as long as I can remember. More if i drink a lot of water. My husband jokingly asked if I was pregnant the other day because I swear I was in there every 30 min.
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    I don't know, Depends?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Oh no....I think I laughed too hard. :blushing:

    PLEASE!!!!!!!!! For the love of all things Holy. TELL me you peed a little!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thats what I'm talkin' bout!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I don't know, Depends?

    You know when someone is asking for advice being a SMART ALECK isnt helpful

    If you have nothing nice / helpful to say then be quiet

    Posting medical problems on the interwebz for all the armchair dr.s to chime in isn't such a brilliant idea either. Just sayin'.

    OP - Please go see a Doctor, and get a real diagnosis.

    yeah I will when I can get the money and time.
    other than working full time plus going to school full time it takes up to two weeks to get an appointment which can cost anywhere rom $60-$200