Are there other C-Section Mommys out there???



  • BronnersHarris
    BronnersHarris Posts: 247 Member
    I've had two sections, one 6 years ago and one 3.5. Unforunately I also have two scars about an inch apart. First scar was too high for them to use so they had to cut a second one. Even at my smallest I still had the pooch. I will look forward to seeing success pics from people. :)
  • Marie047
    Marie047 Posts: 240 Member
    I have a crash C-Section with my little girl nearly 18 months ago, I still havent totally go feeling back in my stomach, I have decided once I have lost my weight if I still havent got rid of the over hang I going to have a tummy tuck to make it nice and flat.
    However I have just got the insantiy workout dvd`s which is meant to be fantastic for toning especially on our ab area. Have you thought about giving this ago?
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    For me, it was almost 19 years ago - emergency C-section - Toxemia/preclampsic and was already showing signs of dying because I was never diagnosed with gestational diabetes... My daughter was 9lbs 7 1/2oz - almost 22 inches long... Aint no way I was capable of delivering naturally if I had no problems, let me tell you - INSTANT TODDLER! LOL!!!!

    Ive noticed that a good method is to start with building your core muscles.

    Instead of a traditional chair at your desk, use a large workout-ball to sit on. This will help GREATLY!!!!! Working out with leg press will contribute to the lower portion of that surgical site, good body positioning for situps (alternating position via sets/reps).

    In the 60+lbs that I have lost, I can definitely say I do see improvement. the only thing I know I will have an issue is, will be with loose skin. That part Im not too worried about.

    Good body mechanics with exercises that involve the core muscles will definitely be key.... but it will require hard work.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I had 3 c-sections and an ovarian surgery that involved a cut at the c section scar. (first was emergency, other two planned)I with I would've looked more into having a lil tummy tuck with my last c, but I think I will never have a totally flat tummy, mostly due to stretched skin from pregnancies. It's smaller than it used to be, though, by steadily doing lots of cardio to drop the lbs, now working on strength training. Slow and steady...
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    c-section births= easy birth? Obviously, they've never had one and had to deal with the pain. I had an emergency c-section in 2007 and a repeat c-section in 2008 (my oldest was born vaginally in 2004). With my scar being up and down, my pooch is just ugly. My scar seriously makes my pooch look like another set of *kitten* cheeks. Ugh... It has gotten smaller since I've lost some weight and I don't expect it to completely go away by just losing weight. It's a reminder of what my family and I have gone through. A "bump" has grown near my incision and I've had it checked. Turned out to be a muscle bump and the only way to help make it go down is to massage it before doing any abdominal workouts. It doesn't's more tender than anything after a hardcore workout.
  • donnam40
    donnam40 Posts: 246 Member

    I have had 2 c-sections - one 18 years ago and the other 16. I had no problems with scarring or a pooch from those despite 30kg of weight gain. It was the hysterectomy 7 years ago that left me with the pooch because that was done higher up. It's not big but it is still there and I don't think it's going anytime soon in spite of all my training efforts!

  • 123Linz
    123Linz Posts: 80
    Thank you for writing this, I was beginning to wonder if my scar/stitching was normal.
    I have fat below and above the scar, and a belly to go with it, even when I've been overweight my belly was always pretty flat, now it's my biggest problem, it's going down now I have lost a bit of weight, but it's p____ing me off!!!
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    I'm another, emergency c-section 7 years ago. I gained 70lbs during pregnancy which took me 4 years to lose 53lbs, just with very small lifestyle changes.

    Like other's have said the scar area has little sensation but for those who have not long had one the scar does improve, mine was like a red rope and now is barely visible and only slightly raised :happy:

    One thing I do get is pain occasionally when working out is a kind of tightening pain on the right side of my scar, it burns and I have to stop working out, has anyone else experienced similar???

    Tightening may be scar tissue???

    I had horrible pains for 2 years - did all sorts of tests - looked for an ovarian cyst - checked my small intestine for polyps or other obstructions- looked for scar tissue everything came up empty...finally one day while exercising (of all times to happen while I was doing the Hula Hoop thing on Wii Fit with my daughters) had a big POP occur and went to a different Dr. thinking I had a hernia - he sent me for an ab ultrasound (all those different tests I went through and not one ab ultrasound - grrrrrrr to think I didn't have to have my intestines checked) and they found a small mass along the C-section line....

    Turns out I had incisional endometriosis - when I had my C-section a small amount of lining must have gotten caught up in the incision when closing...what was happening since the lining responds to hormone fluctuations - when I was ovulating it would swell and cause intense pain (like being stabbed...) - supposedly it is fairly rare according to papers written (seem more in women who have hysterectomys) and my surgeon had only seen 3 cases in his entire 35 year career (I was his last surgery - hope he saved his best for last) but I have had 2 friends (both have had multiple birth C-sections) who complained of the same type pain as I had and I suggested they take the diagnosis of incestional endo to thier Dr's and sure enough....they both had surgery to remove it as well...

    Anyway when they did surgery to remove the mass they also found 2 areas of roped scar tissue that they removed. My surgeon said the one area of scar tissue could have been restricting movements and when I felt the pop it was actually the scar tissue being pulled and ripped because I pushed to far.
  • lorforde
    lorforde Posts: 68 Member
    I will learn to love "shelf." HAHAHA LOVE THAT!!! :heart: picassoadagio
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    Sounds like quite a difficult birth experience! Judging by your profile picture, I take it it all ended with a healthy mom and baby?

    As for the c-section, you are not alone! Just this morning I was looking at my own little pouch hanging over my scar and wondering I'll ever get rid of it. I don't have any suggestions though. My c-sections were 11 and 7 years ago, I've lost a lot of weight since then, I do situps regularly, my abs are decently toned, but still have the excess skin and fat being shelved by the scar (great description!). I'm interested in what others say!

    this accept 11 and 8 years ago
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    I had a Category 1 Crash C-Section almost two years ago due to a placental abruption.

    I have a huge pouch overhanging my scar that has reduced in size as I have lost weight but is still like it is being shelved by the scar.

    I need your help with motivation and support as well as things that have worked for you and exercises to do to try to increase the use of the muscles to see if I can reclaim some of this tummy that is a distant memory.

    Success stories would be amazing too!!!

    I haven't read the whole thread yet, that's next, but I can say, I have had four c sections. And after the third, I got back down to 140ish and I still had exactly what you describe as a shelf. It was certainly smaller and I didn't feel near as self concious as I do about tit now that I'm sitting at 190 after this last baby, but mine never went away. No matter how many planks I did, no matter how I dieted, I got down to a 20% or so bf before, and it was still there. From what my OB told me, only surgery can fix it, and it's a cosmetic surgery and you'll be down and out as long as you were with your csections.

    I should also say, I ran to get rid of belly fat, which it did, training for 10ks and higher, but not in that area. Also things like reverse crunches which I because phenomenal at didnt help either. :(

    God I feel like such a debbie downer.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I've had 4 c-sections and I know what you mean about the shelf. I can only echo what others have said about working on the core and building lean muscles. I still have a slight bulge, but it really doesn't bother me anymore. I figured it's a small price to pay for my four beautiful boys! :heart:
  • WVHeather
    WVHeather Posts: 53
    I've not had a C-Section so I hope that it's ok to post on here. I did, however, have an abdominal hysterectomy almost 2 years ago, and my scar is almost from hipbone to hipbone. I immediately gained weight and now that I've lost some my belly looks like a deflated basketball below my belly-button. As a matter of fact, I was just in the bathroom studying it in the mirror and wondering if it would ever tighten up. Actually, I'm kind of obsessed with it and worried that I will always have it. I am getting ready to start C25K and wondering if that will help.
  • silvermane7682
    silvermane7682 Posts: 3 Member
    Wow to say the least!! You had a rough delivery there and i know exactly what you mean..Ive been fighting this pooch for the last 27 years.. i jokingly tell folks my baby fat has all grown up and is adult fat now..still have the pooch it NEVER goes away...ramdon thought... c-section tummy tuck combo...i mean they are right there trim a few inches of that extra skin and fat off...ive done situps, crunches,planks... i do Taekwondo and still the evil pooch remains...just short of that tummy tuck ive got no idea how to get rid of this thing so if anyone has a reasonably good idea im game!!!
  • chewbee16
    I too had a planned c-section 5 years ago and have the same problem I dont know a fix other than loosing weight . if any one else has a fix we would all love to hear it!
  • silvermane7682
    silvermane7682 Posts: 3 Member
    yep i get that too or if i sneeze while im laying down it hurts like the ****ins..i always thought it was cause the dr gave me a silly grin kind of scar kinda like:-/ def not a stright line and skin is sensitive on the scar as well btw that c section was 27 yrs ago
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    i have had 2 emergency csections i feel your pain, we are all here to support each other
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    I had two natural births and one emergency c-section. I didn't get any stretch marks and only have a tiny scar from the incision. No overhang or anything. I truly think this is a genetic thing though. We all carry our weight very very differently and sometimes it is impossible to get rid of in certain places. My problem area is the thighs....ugh!
  • SheilaParker
    SheilaParker Posts: 49 Member
    I had an emergency c-section almost 5 yrs ago and then a planned c-section 18 months ago and I also have the shelf. I do notice that it is decreasing in size as I lose weight but it is still there. I'm hoping if I continue to work hard and get to my goal that it will be gone. I guess only time will tell.
  • Jewel1201
    Jewel1201 Posts: 68
    I had a c- section 8 years ago because my twin boys were both breech. I hope someday I can lose the flab but time will tell.