hCG diet... proof...



  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    That's a shocker since HCG shots have repeatedly been shown to do have no effect and ti's the actual caloric deficit that causes weight loss

    Agreed. I spoke to my family doctor. Her response was the same as yours. Why get injections when you can eat less and lift heavy?

    Some reason "eating less and lifting heavy" don't seem to be a good idea to me? I thought you needed to eat better/more while lifting to get the benefit of lifting? Of course I don't know if you're basing this off a maintain weight goal or something else.
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    Anyone stupid enough to try this diet kind of deserves the outcome IMO. I am not big on helping the blatantly moronic.

    OP, I commend what you tried to do here, but there is about a 0 chance your target audience couldn't find this if their life depended on it, and it very well may.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Craziness... I get HcG injected weekly and it does nothing to my appetite that's for sure.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    Craziness... I get HcG injected weekly and it does nothing to my appetite that's for sure.

    every single website I have gone to, that sold it said it surprises your appetite.

    Would you like to know what hGC, really does?

    In side the male human body, it is one of two hormones that order the production of Testosterone, the male hormone that helps with muscle mass, deep voice, bigger bones, attitudes and a load of other things one normally finds in teenagers. Including sperm production, that is right. Doctors use this to aide in people with fertility problems.

    In the female body, it aids in the production of estrogen... and it does break down fat in pregnant women, so the baby can survive during the first 3 or so months, when mommy might not know she is pregnant, and mommy can't get a meal. But, the amount of fat broken down is tiny at best... remember it is only best for young embryos...


    Don't believe wiki? I will gladly point you to other sites I have found that say the same thing
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    That's a shocker since HCG shots have repeatedly been shown to do have no effect and ti's the actual caloric deficit that causes weight loss

    Agreed. I spoke to my family doctor. Her response was the same as yours. Why get injections when you can eat less and lift heavy?

    Some reason "eating less and lifting heavy" don't seem to be a good idea to me? I thought you needed to eat better/more while lifting to get the benefit of lifting? Of course I don't know if you're basing this off a maintain weight goal or something else.
    I've been lifting heavy since last june. I haven't died yet. In fact, I increased all my lifts by a substantial amount.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Craziness... I get HcG injected weekly and it does nothing to my appetite that's for sure.

    In side the male human body, it is one of two hormones that order the production of Testosterone. Doctors use this to aide in people with fertility problems.

    Exactly why some doctors prescribe it in-conjunction with certain cases of Testosterone Replacement Therapy.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    That's a shocker since HCG shots have repeatedly been shown to do have no effect and ti's the actual caloric deficit that causes weight loss

    Agreed. I spoke to my family doctor. Her response was the same as yours. Why get injections when you can eat less and lift heavy?

    Some reason "eating less and lifting heavy" don't seem to be a good idea to me? I thought you needed to eat better/more while lifting to get the benefit of lifting? Of course I don't know if you're basing this off a maintain weight goal or something else.
    I've been lifting heavy since last june. I haven't died yet. In fact, I increased all my lifts by a substantial amount.

    Yeah, lifting heavy is actually a good way of maintaining and even building strength while eating at a calorie deficit. When lifters go through a mass phase of course you don't want to be eating at a deficit but let's not open that can of worms in this thread. LOL
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    That's a shocker since HCG shots have repeatedly been shown to do have no effect and ti's the actual caloric deficit that causes weight loss

    Agreed. I spoke to my family doctor. Her response was the same as yours. Why get injections when you can eat less and lift heavy?

    Some reason "eating less and lifting heavy" don't seem to be a good idea to me? I thought you needed to eat better/more while lifting to get the benefit of lifting? Of course I don't know if you're basing this off a maintain weight goal or something else.
    I've been lifting heavy since last june. I haven't died yet. In fact, I increased all my lifts by a substantial amount.

    Yeah, lifting heavy is actually a good way of maintaining and even building strength while eating at a calorie deficit. When lifters go through a mass phase of course you don't want to be eating at a deficit but let's not open that can of worms in this thread. LOL
    lol we promise to be good and not hijack the OP's thread. Although doing a short bulk or maintenance phase during a very long cut can be a good way to get your second wind for the long haul, but anyway, back to pregnant lady pee.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    oh, just the reason I choose coffee... it is cheap, has about 2 calories per cup(with nothing added to it)... and no fat

    The Caffeine
    -may reduce your desire to eat for a brief time [this one was true for me....]
    -may stimulate thermogenesis (causes your body to start heating up).
    - and can act as a diuretic (causes you to pee more often [I can promise you this one is true])

    Though the studies into long term coffee, being used as a long term aid in the fight against weight, is questionable and controversial at best.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    oh, just the reason I choose coffee... it is cheap, has about 2 calories per cup(with nothing added to it)... and no fat

    The Caffeine
    -may reduce your desire to eat for a brief time [this one was true for me....]
    -may stimulate thermogenesis (causes your body to start heating up).
    - and can act as a diuretic (causes you to pee more often [I can promise you this one is true])

    Though the studies into long term coffee, being used as a long term aid in the fight against weight, is questionable and controversial at best.
    I was told that coffee would stall my weight loss (I know, I fell for broscience), so I tried to give it up, but you know what? I like my coffee.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    oh, just the reason I choose coffee... it is cheap, has about 2 calories per cup(with nothing added to it)... and no fat

    The Caffeine
    -may reduce your desire to eat for a brief time [this one was true for me....]
    -may stimulate thermogenesis (causes your body to start heating up).
    - and can act as a diuretic (causes you to pee more often [I can promise you this one is true])

    Though the studies into long term coffee, being used as a long term aid in the fight against weight, is questionable and controversial at best.
    I was told that coffee would stall my weight loss (I know, I fell for broscience), so I tried to give it up, but you know what? I like my coffee.
    I am currently in college, and broscience fails on essays... :P... it is a great starting point... but, I try to find more solid facts.

    So, from the Mayo Clinic itself... the people that your doctor goes to for health questions...


    The only draw back I have found with coffee... is instant puts me to sleep, and high doses gives me a headache.... but risks


    I know other sites, but I figured hearing it from one of the top groups in healthcare.... would drive home the fact better
  • laurieagain09
    laurieagain09 Posts: 183 Member
    Bump for later
  • channa007
    channa007 Posts: 419 Member
    Yeah the weight loss can be attributed to the lack of calories being consumed. I could eat a 600 cal meal at Mcdonald's and have the same results if that's all I ate for the entire day.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    Yeah the weight loss can be attributed to the lack of calories being consumed. I could eat a 600 cal meal at Mcdonald's and have the same results if that's all I ate for the entire day.

    Completely agree, one doesn't need to buy a 50 dollar product just to loose weight. And if one wants to keep the weight off, they need a lifestyle change not some miracle drug.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    YOU KIDS GET QUITE IN THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    That's a shocker since HCG shots have repeatedly been shown to do have no effect and ti's the actual caloric deficit that causes weight loss

    That is the reason, why it works... hCG makers only claim it helps the appitite be suppressed. and one has to eat about 400 calories a day. Caffeine does the same thing, The few calories one gains from coffee, wouldn't destroy the diet.

    So, What I did, was simply make a pot of coffee, with two tea packets, in the morning, being I am alone most of the day.... it is easy to do. And any time I felt hungry for anything... I drank a cup. No additives just straight black coffee. And made sure I ate about 400 calories a day

    400 CAL A DAY!? No wonder you lost weight. That sounds to me like annorexia! Is that really what the HCG program tells you to do!?

    You need to re-read the OPs first post again, they were doing it as an experiment to prove that it was the very low calorie caily allowances (400 calories per day) that caused weightloss and not because of the drops that OTHER people take when on the HCG diet.

    The HCG diet involves the drops and the low calorie diet, but the OP is showing that by the low calorie diet alone, it will cause the weight loss thereby rendering taking the drops irrelevant.

    OP I hope your headache has gone x
  • That's a shocker since HCG shots have repeatedly been shown to do have no effect and ti's the actual caloric deficit that causes weight loss


    HCG is not why people lose weight. 500 calories is barely enough to live off of. Probably why you have a headache.
  • It's actually 500 calories a day for the drops and 800 a day for the shots. My sister in law did the shots and I did 21 days of the drops. I probably wouldn't do it again, but I did lose 20 lbs in 21 days. It was an amazing feeling to see the lbs shed, that's why people get hooked. I only had a headache for the first two days and the rest of the time was fine. I never drank coffee or tea, I only did water, meat, fruit and veggies and I was fine. It's been almost 3 weeks since my last day. One thing I did learn that I was ignorant to before that diet was how important it is to monitor and weigh what you are eating. I never paid attention to that and then I wondered why I wasn't losing weight. Now to keep myself accountable I joined this site to keep me on track.
  • fresaivette
    fresaivette Posts: 6 Member
    Thx for this post. I am a very weight conscious person. Work out 4 times a week. But I lost my dad las January and due to too much anxiety I have gained 20 pounds. I was desperate so I just got in the Hcg thing which has all the rules that I already know. But I feel I have spend too much money in this... I will take in consideration ur words. If u have the time, read the South beach diet book. It's similar nice.
  • htolen
    htolen Posts: 28
    stupid is as stupid does.

    I was just trying to give stupid people a little more intelligence... by stepping to their level...

    though, I can see that I entered into the wrong location to have an intellectual discussion.

    No..you did fine. Some people are so caught up in their own personal emotions and belief systems that they aren't interested in hearing yours. Just ignore those folks. I'm glad you debunked some of the myth; I tried HCG for a few weeks a year or two ago, but it never sat right with me. My husband has gone on and off it for a long time, and while he insists that he weighs less now than when he started, I don't think this is accurate. Now he is doing an Atkins diet, which I also disagree with, and just won't ever see the sense in doing it the hard way: low calories, low fats, and lots of exercise. In the long run, the sensible, slow diet is the only one that really works.