Hypothetical relationship question



  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    Sometimes when Phil is thinking he is being funny and wants to embarrass me, he introduces me as his "roomate"...

    What?!?! Phil doing that...i just dont see it :wink:
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    by his name...A few times when talking about him to someone that doesn't know him, its "the guy i am dating"...

    Mom and Dad, meet TGIAD!
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    Ok since we're stretching the imagination, and since the technological age has come so far, you could refer to him as your c*ck provider (like net provider, cell carrier, something to that tune)
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    Well, you're the first person I'm actually playing in this game, so yeah I would expect it LOL....have I told you what's worse than a sore loser???? YOU :laugh:

    Ohhhhhhhhhh I just let you know your place that is all!
    On a side note, since we're going there.....Qi is a word? that's the cheapest thing I've ever seen

    You would be surprised of the words which are actually words that do not really seem like words. Just wait. You will be shocked.
    When you see some good ones, send them my way....ammo to use on others \m/
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    by his name...A few times when talking about him to someone that doesn't know him, its "the guy i am dating"...

    Mom and Dad, meet TGIAD!
    Funnier if it was TGIAF \m/
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    Ok since we're stretching the imagination, and since the technological age has come so far, you could refer to him as your c*ck provider (like net provider, cell carrier, something to that tune)

  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Women love to be agreed with.

    *Nods wisely*
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    i didnt want the lable when i began my current relationship. he tried for two months to get me to. eventually i realized i love this guy, and i wanted to be exclusive. i would say give it some time, if you really care about him be open with him.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I actually don't think it's that odd to not want that particular label.

    I refer to my boyfriend only as "my boyfriend" because that's the best label I have for our situation. Do I like it? No. We live together, have a child, and are in a committed, long-term relationship more similar to a marriage. We're not married, and don't want to be. Technically, we're living in a "domestic partnership", and "boyfriend" sounds like a term for a high-school or college relationship that just sort of a fun, dating-type scenario.

    But what else would I call him? My "significant other"? That still has a connotation that we're married, as I've found. "My partner" causes people to ask if I'm gay, which means I have to put energy into explaining something that shouldn't have to be explained in the first place.

    Being one of those people who doesn't like those traditional labels, I wouldn't worry that much about it. But that's me. If you're that worried or put off, talk to him about it.
  • Jessamine
    Jessamine Posts: 226 Member
    So, lets say "hypothetically" that I meet this guy...Funny, smart, treats me like gold, awesome in the sack. Then there is the conversation regarding relationship status. The result of said conversation is that both side are in for an exclusive relationship. However, the label of BF/GF for some reason weirds me out...But for him it means something (even though he is trying to say it doesn't). So, would you be worried/offended/indifferent if your "other" didn't want that label?? you know....hypothetically?

    Yes, I would be concerned and offended if my "other" refused to take that label or status. It's important to me.

    Before I met my wonderful husband, I was friends with another man who lived 1600 miles away. We had a platonic online/telephone/mail friendship. He came out to visit with me and my family twice. Labels were a HUUUUGE issue with him. He was scared of them for some reason, and would often remind me and anyone who'd ask that we were NOT boyfriend/girlfriend or dating, etc. We didn't behave like BF/GF or make any commitment to each other, but he would constantly talk about how wonderful a wife I would make, how he wanted to marry me in a few years, he said he wanted to kiss me, etc. He was incredibly confusing with all these mixed messages.

    I was only 20 and pretty stupid, but I finally wised up and decided that I wanted a *real* relationship, and I was obviously not going to get that with him. (There were other aspects of his character that were red flags, too.) So I shared all of this with him and put an end to his confusing, crazy dance. He and I wanted different things.

    He immediately started saying that I broke up with him. He told *everyone* this. My family, his family, friends... It infuriated me because he had been so adamant that we were "nothing." We never made any commitment to each other -- big or small. grrr!

    I started dating my husband about a year later. The difference was night and day. My husband was thrilled to call me his gf. He'd sometimes forget to introduce me by my name. hehe :-) And it's still like that with "fiance" and "wife."
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    You would introduce him to your friends and parents as your "boy companion"? Why is it strange to you to call him your boyfriend?
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    If BF/GF sounds too juvenile,say something like "this is the guy I'm dating" "my significant other" etc.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    I refer to my boyfriend only as "my boyfriend" because that's the best label I have for our situation. Do I like it? No. We live together, have a child, and are in a committed, long-term relationship more similar to a marriage. We're not married, and don't want to be. Technically, we're living in a "domestic partnership", and "boyfriend" sounds like a term for a high-school or college relationship that just sort of a fun, dating-type scenario.

    After we legally registered as domestic partners, I tried calling him my domesticated partner. He didn't find it nearly as funny as I did. Now I usually just opt for "husband," DOMA be damned.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I agreed last night to date a guy and only him while we get to know each other. I've been talking to him for 2 weeks now. I'm not his gf (the term scares me as well) but I don't have interest in other guys since starting to talk to him and he told me it'd bother him because he'd be afraid I'd fall for the other guy I was seeing at the same time and hurt him.
    I agreed.

    The labeling is a bit foreign to me and when I think about it, it gives me anxiety honestly. I talked to someone about it yesterday and she told me not to relate being a gf to a long term committment. Maybe I'm scared (I'm divorced) and therefore need things to just naturally flow and grow instead of talking about every step we're taking. She said not to overanalyze. I think she's right. I think of being a gf as long term, serious, committment (which it can be), even marriage and for some reason those words make me nervous and paranoid.

    So I'm taking things slow and at my pace. I'm talking but not overanalyzing. I'm also making sure I don't do things that will confuse me.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    I agreed last night to date a guy and only him while we get to know each other. I've been talking to him for 2 weeks now. I'm not his gf (the term scares me as well) but I don't have interest in other guys since starting to talk to him and he told me it'd bother him because he'd be afraid I'd fall for the other guy I was seeing at the same time and hurt him.
    I agreed.

    The labeling is a bit foreign to me and when I think about it, it gives me anxiety honestly. I talked to someone about it yesterday and she told me not to relate being a gf to a long term committment. Maybe I'm scared (I'm divorced) and therefore need things to just naturally flow and grow instead of talking about every step we're taking. She said not to overanalyze. I think she's right. I think of being a gf as long term, serious, committment (which it can be), even marriage and for some reason those words make me nervous and paranoid.

    So I'm taking things slow and at my pace. I'm talking but not overanalyzing. I'm also making sure I don't do things that will confuse me.

    Thank you for this. This is it exactly. I am greatful he is understanding about it, but do realize his desire for me to be able to freely call him that. I do think with time it won't be an issue but until then I don't want to label something I'm not comfortable with.