Gall Bladder Removal



  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Three days ago I had my gallbladder removed in an emergency surgery due to a severe gallstone attack. The last couple of days have been brutal. I wanna start eating again and have tried a few things today. My surgeon told me I have to stick to a strict low fat diet. I am also a clean eater.. So any suggestions would be appreciated. I can no longer have the following:

    red meat, pork, cheese, tomatoes, nuts, peanut butter.. just to name a few,

    Wow, im really surprised to hear this. I had my gall bladder removed a couple of years ago, and I started eating normally again right away. I already eat a decently low fat diet, and what fats I do eat, I try to make the "heathy ones" but never once have had an issue. They never told me I couldn't have certain foods either.

    I had gallstones and had my gallbladder removed when I was 11 (highly unusual)....My parents, nor myself were ever told I couldn't have certain foods, I started eating normally again right away. (I eat all of those things on your list with no issue) is that just a temporary thing while you heal?
  • nadya768
    nadya768 Posts: 6 Member
    I had mine out in 2001. I can tell you that it did not help my pain problmes. For several years after it was out I still experienced the galbladder attack pain and had no clue why. I read up on it and foud that up to 40 percent of people that have it removed still have attacks and can have stones in their liver. I also was not given a list of foods not to eat. I wonder if now they are starting to see more and more people complain of the same symptoms and are starting to introduce a food list. I have not had the attacks for a few years but they were horrible!!!!!!!!!!!! I do still get pains from time to time with certain foods, lettuce, peanuts, popcorn, etc but nothing like they used to be. Red meats, etc have never caused me a problem. But I do know that if i eat fatty foods there needs to be a bathroom nearby. :tongue:

    I am one of these. I still feel awful and get these really strange attacks every couple of months. most of the time it's when I am drinking alcoholic beverages and mixing with some kind of juice, but I don't always have to be drinking. It feels like someone is stabbing me in the chest all the way through to my back. No doctor can explain it. It lasts for about an hour and I usually end up throwing up a couple of times until the pain goes away. Anyone experience this after having their gall bladder removed???

    It's been 11 years and I still get the stupid things.

    Oh my god I had the same exact problems with drinking alcohol!!! Even one beer would put me in such pain i couldnt handle it!!! I went to a gastroenterologist and they did a scope thing and found that i had tons of bile around the outer lining of my stomach and leasions. I had to lay off the caffiene, spicy foods, alcohol, etc for a few months until the leasions healed. I did that and it worked. I dont have the pain from alcohol anymore. Thank God!! He said it is like pouring alcohol on an open wound!

    thanks for that info.i dont drink alcohol or caffeine though and very little spicy food:(-i have been checked for GERD too,and heart issues just in case-all fine thankfully.
  • alexngbr
    alexngbr Posts: 21 Member
    My gall bladder is gone too. I'm able to eat all those things on your list with no problems, maybe I'm just lucky. After the op was just advised low fat and everything in moderation. Working well so far!

    Not sure why you would have been told to avoid those specific food items, especially the tomatoes, as all that would happen if you ate a fatty food is that your body would just have a steady trickle of bile to digest it rather than a spurt from the gall bladder, and you would get indigestion or diarrhoea symptoms from the undigested fat.
  • rave7278
    rave7278 Posts: 10
    I have had my gallbladder gone for nearly ten years and the only thing I know I have trouble with is spicy other then that I can eat anything.
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    I had mine taken out in 1988. I had huge stones and my gall bladder was rupturing so now I have this huge 6 inch scar on my stomach.

    I had to watch eating anything greasy or overstuffing myself (like on Thanksgiving) at first, but now the only thing that kicks my behind is regular cucumbers and raw bell peppers.

    You'll quickly figure out what you can and cannot have!! :flowerforyou:
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    In the beginning there were foods I could not have either, but give it time as others said and you'll be able to eat those foods again.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    after mine was out i learned if you need to use the restroom dont wait .........