Anyone else with a partner who eats whatever the hell they w



  • juliexiuu
    juliexiuu Posts: 118
    Yep! And when he cooks it is usually fried and always potatoes involved.
    At least he has finally gotten the hint that I won't eat that and started cooking something grilled/baked for me and unless the potato is baked, he will make brown rice for me.....but that doesn't really help in trying to teach the kids what a balanced meal is.

    Oh and yeah, he also pisses me off that he can eat like that, eat every sweet in the house and weigh what he does.

    That's what I'm sayinnn! Damn men with high metabolism
  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    Yes, she eats whatever she wants and all the time. But she is 9 months pregnant.
  • cowchick4_fun
    hahahaha thats exactly my hubby too. he is 6'4" and 230lbs and he can eat anything and get away with it and he drinks coke like there is no tomorrow or if he has no coke its anything with sugar in it. he doesnt really ever drink water unless its the only thing around and he needs a i wished i could do that but i know where that got but its ok i have done great with my will power of saying no and telling him its ok your eating about 1000 cals in one meal or snack. better him then me i guess. lol my sister is the same she is a skinny mini and eats junk all the time and yet she doesnt gain anything but they both are a great support to me and tells me how proud they are of my choice to make me happy and they make sure if they offer something to me that i can eat it.
  • roachtg
    roachtg Posts: 56 Member
    I feel your pain!! My hubby is about 6"1 and 180, eats hotdogs, hamburgers, fries, onion rings, brownies, pound cakes and anything else filled with sugar or fried. Then he will get stressed out and not eat and end up losing 5 pounds instantly. Kills me.
  • KaylaKenzie94
    Yep! Totally unfair! Drinks soda like it's going out of style and plays video games all day. Biggest pet peeve is the fact that when he just stops drinking the soda he drops like 10-15lbs so not fair! I stop drinking soda almost completely and nothing happens! Grr.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Thankfully, no. He has a bit of an obsessive personality, therefore all he eats is healthy because he is obsessed with it (and the occasional splurge if we find ourselves at a buffet style restaurant, he can't seem to help himself with those, lol). The only difference he does eat A LOT of food, even if it is healthy, so that can be difficult sometimes.
  • Misdy
    Misdy Posts: 81 Member
    Yeah and his favourite food is Potato! Dinner can be a nightmare sometimes :-D
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    mine....and he's thin, has no problem with anything. He goes to the doctor and all his blood work is low & perfect!!
    I'm happy for him....but jealous!!
  • juliexiuu
    juliexiuu Posts: 118
    hahahaha thats exactly my hubby too. he is 6'4" and 230lbs and he can eat anything and get away with it and he drinks coke like there is no tomorrow or if he has no coke its anything with sugar in it. he doesnt really ever drink water unless its the only thing around and he needs a i wished i could do that but i know where that got but its ok i have done great with my will power of saying no and telling him its ok your eating about 1000 cals in one meal or snack. better him then me i guess. lol my sister is the same she is a skinny mini and eats junk all the time and yet she doesnt gain anything but they both are a great support to me and tells me how proud they are of my choice to make me happy and they make sure if they offer something to me that i can eat it.

    Same I'm much better will power now! But sometimes it's so hard... he'll be like "want a chip?" and we all know you can't just have one! hahaha xD At least he's proud of me too for losing some weight lol :p
  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    Oh yeah. My hubby can drink regular soft drinks and energy drinks all day long, eat whatever he wants, and sits around on his butt all day. He swears he doesn't need to eat healthy, even though my cooking put 20 pounds on him during my pregnancy. Of course, I put on about 50 pounds because of my gestational diabetes and being on light duty the entire pregnancy. But since I do all the cooking, he's eating healthier about 50% of the time at least now.
  • k_sharp
    k_sharp Posts: 100 Member
    Mine drinks dark heavy beers at least a six pack a night normally more and eats chips and salsa with cream cheese at like ten at night every night! He also drinks a couple rock stars and dr pepper daily! He eats whatever he wants and it doesn't affect him! When I eat something bad he reminds me that I'm eating "empty carbs" he thinks bc he only eats once or twice a day that he is eating healthier than me!
  • juliexiuu
    juliexiuu Posts: 118
    Mine drinks dark heavy beers at least a six pack a night normally more and eats chips and salsa with cream cheese at like ten at night every night! He also drinks a couple rock stars and dr pepper daily! He eats whatever he wants and it doesn't affect him! When I eat something bad he reminds me that I'm eating "empty carbs" he thinks bc he only eats once or twice a day that he is eating healthier than me!

    Oh lord sounds like my man. Sometimes, when I'm eating something bad too he'll tell me the same thing! How am I supposed to listen to him when he's always eating crap? Lol!!
  • Idothin
    Idothin Posts: 7 Member
    Yes.. he has an thyrold issues, but the end result is he has to keep his calories high. He had a physical the other day and the dr told him that his BMI is perfect. Sigh.. always an internal conflict for me on whether I've made enough food for him, but little enough for me and every night I get to try to avoid the extra food I made...
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    yep, but my hubby is in construction, so he gets a good workout whenever we're lucky enough for him to work in this dang economy.
  • LadyDiaw
    LadyDiaw Posts: 10
    My husband will eat something and then say mmmm this is so good, and then he will ask me if I want some. He drives me crazy sometimes.
  • juliexiuu
    juliexiuu Posts: 118
    Yes.. he has an thyrold issues, but the end result is he has to keep his calories high. He had a physical the other day and the dr told him that his BMI is perfect. Sigh.. always an internal conflict for me on whether I've made enough food for him, but little enough for me and every night I get to try to avoid the extra food I made...

    I can see how that's hard sometimes :o
  • juliexiuu
    juliexiuu Posts: 118
    yep, but my hubby is in construction, so he gets a good workout whenever we're lucky enough for him to work in this dang economy.

    If only I could do hard labour all day and then eat whatever I want :o hehh
  • jlg6599
    jlg6599 Posts: 162 Member
    Yes and my habby doesn't gain a pound.
  • blueeyedcristi
    blueeyedcristi Posts: 304 Member
    Mine does. I hear him snacking in the other room after dinner most nights. I've tried to talk him into logging his calories as he is good about reading labels, etc but once he starts snacking he has no clue the large amts of crap he eats. Of course I go in to get my portion controlled snack only to find he's eaten everything. Lol. He used to work out in the field and was so active he didn't have an issue. He has been in the office for a year and a half now and I try to drop small hints and get him to go walking with me but I don't think he'll do anything about it until I get closer to my GW.
  • juliexiuu
    juliexiuu Posts: 118
    My husband will eat something and then say mmmm this is so good, and then he will ask me if I want some. He drives me crazy sometimes.

    Omg I knowww!!! >=[ grrr