When do you weigh yourself??



  • mariuch11
    mariuch11 Posts: 24
    I weigh myself every Friday morning after I use the bathroom and before I eat or drink anything, I also do it naked ;) plus I do measurements once a month.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    At least three times a day, everyday.
  • tilleyflop
    I am going to weigh myself every week, on a Friday morning before breakfast. Your weight fluctuates daily naturally so getting weighed every day won't give a true picture (or thats what I've been told).
  • Stevalli
    Stevalli Posts: 15 Member
    Thursday morning only - once a week works best for me
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    I officially weigh in every Friday morning before I eat breakfast and after I've done my business.

    I generally weigh myself everyday just to see what is going on. It's interesting to me, but it doesn't really get me down. At this point, I know how my body operates. I know I'll have some up days and some down days depending on my eating, and I'm cool with it NOW. When I first started, I used to freak out. LOL
  • jazzyc41
    jazzyc41 Posts: 4
    most of the time i weigh once a week.
  • tinnie0212
    Every morning when I wake up. Then, if I had a good day the day before and I lost weight, it gives me motivation. If I had a bad day the day before and I gained weight, I know I need to step it up!
  • THEErikaR
    THEErikaR Posts: 160 Member
    That's why I had to ask... If I weigh myself daily I have a mental breakdown!! lol

    I decided once a week on Friday :)
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    On Thursday morning so I can see how I'm doing for the week, and on Monday morning to see how I did over the weekend.