Switching from unhealthy to healthy?

Hello! I would really, really appreciate anyone who can give me knowledgeable advice about this. I'm a 5'6" female, and three weeks ago, I realized I weighed 152 lbs as a result of unhealthy eating my freshman year of college. I kind of freaked out and started eating no more than 800 calories a day and doing lots of cardio. I now weigh 138 lbs. However, I realize that what I was doing was unhealthy, because I am not getting enough nutrients from those calories and they are slowing down my metabolism, which means that if I did that for too long and then began to eat normally, my weight loss would not be sustainable. Additionally, I realize that doing only cardio was a mistake because I've probably lost (or am on track to losing) lean muscle mass.

How can I go about losing as much weight as possible in a healthy way? I really want to lose at least 2 lbs a week. Is it okay if I up my intake to 1000 healthy calories (mostly protein and vegetables) per day? Also, I don't want to lose muscle mass, but I don't have access to strength-training equipment, so is it okay to just do crunches, pushups, lunges, and squats as resistance training to not lose muscle? I was thinking of maybe doing that 3 days a week in addition to cardio.

Again, I'd really really really appreciate anyone who can answer and help me!


  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Okay so I bet lately you have been feeling hungry and weak? Correct? Because I did this too and it was the worst week of my life,
    You need to be eating at least 1200 a day if you arent exercising.. this is what MFP reccomends.
    If you are, you need to be eating back those calories. MFP should calculate this all for you when you started.
  • nebulinda
    nebulinda Posts: 120 Member
    If you're in the normal BMI range (which you are; I am the same weight and height as you are), then losing 2 pounds per week is not really a reasonable goal. In general, the less you weigh, the harder it is to lose weight quickly. I would recommend setting your weight loss goal to a half pound per week. If losing that slowly will make you really unhappy, maybe you could do 1 pound a week. But that's probably heading into unhealthy territory. People who aren't very overweight or obese should really never eat below their BMR (according to MFP's calculator, your BMR is roughly 1400). I know that MFP sets a lot of people's calorie goals to 1200, but really, don't eat below your BMR, even if it's above 1200. For a few days you would probably be okay, but any longer and you'll most likely face some unpleasant side effects (slowed metabolism, crankiness, lethargy, etc). Upping your calories to 1000 is better than 800, but it's still not healthy.

    As for your other question. It is perfectly acceptable to do body weight exercises (though plank is a better ab exercise than crunches). If you want a program to follow, google Convict Conditioning or Be Your Own Gym, or something similar. Bodyweight exercises are fantastic for those who don't have access to free weights.
  • so i just started MFP 4 days ago, and i can already feel a HUGEEE difference. I am 19, 4'11 and 167 Ibs (after a 1 pound loss within 2 days).
    everyday when i "finish logging" i get the same weight in 5 weeks, sometimes a little less.
    I'm currently consuming 1200 calories, and the extra calories that i work off. (2 Ibs/week) I'm a waitress which counts as exercise also.
    I tell people I'm not dieting, just eating healthier. (BIG DIFFERENCE) I eat at least 3 fruits a day, switched to diet soda (mt dew is my weakness :love: ). i use to hate diet but since I'm very motivated at this point, i find it not so bad. I went grocery shopping and filled my kitchen with healthy foods, not necessarily diet foods. (I even bought oreos for a reward here and there)
    Don't be too strict or you're more than likely to fall off.
    I work at a absolutely delicious (and unhealthy) italian restaraunt, but i started packing my lunch with and snacks thoughout the day to keep from any temptations. (It was one of my boss's b-days today and i turned down cake ! NEVER THOUGHT I COULD DO THAT) and like i said only four days in.
    I started going to a nearby track to save money from the gym, i interval walk and run for 1/2 a mile for now, i plan to up it once i get my body use to running (never ran a day in my life!) I do this about 3-4 times a week
    and also some good apps to download are the daily workouts. I have the daily ab, butt and arm workout apps. It walks you through multiple exercises to target those areas and only takes about 3 min for a whole workout, and also has an on screen trainer to show you how you should be doing it.
    But today (4 days in) i felt so good and energized throughout the day, i haven't felt this good in a LONGG time !
    The best advice i can give you which I'm still trying stick with myself is to be patient ! I'm the most impatient person i know ! but i already see amazing results.
    Would you rather have quick results and a better chance at gaining it back quicker or slow results and being able to keep it off ?

    just start slow, it will come.
    If you never start, you'll never finish !
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Hello! I would really, really appreciate anyone who can give me knowledgeable advice about this. I'm a 5'6" female, and three weeks ago, I realized I weighed 152 lbs as a result of unhealthy eating my freshman year of college. I kind of freaked out and started eating no more than 800 calories a day and doing lots of cardio. I now weigh 138 lbs. However, I realize that what I was doing was unhealthy, because I am not getting enough nutrients from those calories and they are slowing down my metabolism, which means that if I did that for too long and then began to eat normally, my weight loss would not be sustainable. Additionally, I realize that doing only cardio was a mistake because I've probably lost (or am on track to losing) lean muscle mass.

    How can I go about losing as much weight as possible in a healthy way? I really want to lose at least 2 lbs a week. Is it okay if I up my intake to 1000 healthy calories (mostly protein and vegetables) per day? Also, I don't want to lose muscle mass, but I don't have access to strength-training equipment, so is it okay to just do crunches, pushups, lunges, and squats as resistance training to not lose muscle? I was thinking of maybe doing that 3 days a week in addition to cardio.

    Again, I'd really really really appreciate anyone who can answer and help me!

    At your weight, it is not healthy to lose 2lb a week - you should only be aiming for 0.5lb a week - if anything. You say you are 138lb - how muchb exactly do you want to lose? And NO it is not OK to only up your calories to 1000. At that deficit you will lose muscle mass no matter how much you strength train and you will totally screw your metabolism up and not be able to strength train effectively.

    Sorry to be blunt - here.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Okay so I bet lately you have been feeling hungry and weak? Correct? Because I did this too and it was the worst week of my life,
    You need to be eating at least 1200 a day if you arent exercising.. this is what MFP reccomends.
    If you are, you need to be eating back those calories. MFP should calculate this all for you when you started.

    MFP does NOT recommend 1200. It recommends 1lb a week off TDEE plus eating calories back. At 5 6", the minimum will be above 1200.