Guys: I have a a girl out?

hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
I’m single, will you date me?…hahahha just kidding. :laugh:

I have a date this weekend and my friend wants to give me a makeover for it. She is the type that wears the fake nails, big made up hair, fake eyelashes, tons of heavy makeup…the whole nine. She is beautiful don’t get me wrong. But I call her Barbie because everything on her is fake, yea even the boobs. Lol I on the other hand I am a mascara and lipstick kind of girl.:smile:

Once again she wants to give me a makeover. But I am afraid guys see through that kind of thing? What do you think? Do you care if a girl is heavily made-up? Is it a turn-off, do you prefer it? I’m so afraid one of my fake eyelashes will fall in his soup!!! :huh:


  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Is it a blind date? You know the guy who asked you out? He obviously asked you out because of the way you are now, not because of what he can picture you looking like with fake nails, tan, hair extensions etc.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    You're a very pretty young lady. Go as yourself. How you feel comfortable. Don't let someone make you up they way they feel comfortable.
  • Sildrae
    Sildrae Posts: 86
    If you had your friends full make over, you'd be going as her, not yourself.

    Just go as you, the chap will respect you for being just you, I personally would rather date and see someone who either doesn't make-up because they are comfortable with being with me as themselves, a bit of make-up doesn't hurt if it make's you feel better either, mascara and lipstick is more than fine.

    I really think that slapping on the full tackle, make's it look a bit, eugh... Sometimes it can be done to look nice, but other times it can be a tad over-the-top, but as I said, I'm more of a natural/little bit of make-up guy, not the full fireworks :)

    If you've seen the guy before and spoken to him, have you been yourself? Just the natural you, mascara and lipstick? If so, stick with it, don't over do yourself when for starters you wont be comfortable and it'll show and two, if it isn't your style, why change yourself? Tell your friend you appreciate her wanting to help you, but you'd rather stand on your own two feet and be yourself :)

  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    It is a if that isn't nerve-racking enough :grumble:
  • Lieberm
    Lieberm Posts: 51 Member
    I personally don't care for a lot of makeup. Some is good, just not a lot. Fake eyelashes and nails are just a plain turn off if they're obvious. Keep it real!
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    I still wouldn;t go over the top. Whats the location of the date?

    I doubt you will feel comfortable if you did.

    Be yourself and sure if it works it works and if it doesn't wasn't meant to be.
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    I'd say if you aren't normally made up like she is, don't do it. I can't stand to see a girl that I can tell has makeup caked on. Lipstick, eyeliner, mascara are usually plenty of makeup for my tastes.

  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    An upscale restaurant and then maybe dancing after.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Being that fake takes a lot of time and/or money. Especially if you are not into the fake look, I doubt you will keep it up. Go as yourself and meet a guy who prefers you how you are. If he likes the fake look, then you will have to keep it up. If he prefers the natural look, then you save 1+ hour every morning + $ + you'll be who YOU want to be.
  • Sildrae
    Sildrae Posts: 86
    Being that fake takes a lot of time and/or money. Especially if you are not into the fake look, I doubt you will keep it up. Go as yourself and meet a guy who prefers you how you are. If he likes the fake look, then you will have to keep it up. If he prefers the natural look, then you save 1+ hour every morning + $ + you'll be who YOU want to be.

    Added to that lot the fact the guy will like her for who she really is! =)

  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Well then,

    Just dress for the location and be yourself. Use whatever make up you normally do for a semi formal occasion

    Sure what have you too lose? Nothing, if you get yourself made up to the point that you don;t feel comfortable how will you be able to enjoy the night?

    And if you do yourself up to the extreme, and it goes well, sure you will end up having to do that all the time. How would that work out lol ?
  • awidener86
    awidener86 Posts: 247 Member
    I know this is for guys... But if I were you I'd just have her do my hair... I'm the same way as you when it comes to make up. Every now and then I'll go all out with my make up but its browns and tans and no fake eyelashes.
  • chat408
    chat408 Posts: 1
    Although I am not a guy - I know that most men perfer women who take care of themselves and use a more natural look. If you normally wear your hair down - you may try to put it up (not necesarily in a pony tail), a little mascara, eyeshadow and lip gloss go a long way. Then wear a nice but comfortable outfit (if you are dancing - try a flirty skirt). Then just be yourself - in most cases that is all you need to do - If you present a different picture on the first blind date - then suppose you like each other - do you really want to have a makeover each time you go out with him?
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    Make yourself look nice as you want to.
    You are pretty to start with so for a first blind date that is all you need.
    Trust your instincts and by asking you know deep down you don`t want to appear "fake".
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I'm in the "less is more" crowd. I like the natural look well enough, and a little bit of the right makeup looks great as well. Glitter, fake eyelashes, 2" fake nails, etc? Not really my thing.
  • foxy2311
    foxy2311 Posts: 179
    Being that fake takes a lot of time and/or money. Especially if you are not into the fake look, I doubt you will keep it up. Go as yourself and meet a guy who prefers you how you are. If he likes the fake look, then you will have to keep it up. If he prefers the natural look, then you save 1+ hour every morning + $ + you'll be who YOU want to be.

    I'm reminded of a line from Varsity Blues: "It takes a lot of money to look that cheap" lol

    Go as yourself. Its all well and good if she wants to help you get ready as long as she's not glueing stuff to you :) Good luck on your date!!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I'm not a guy either, but you are gorgeous. You don't need a bunch of fake stuff to make you look better. You already look fabulous.
  • peterhern
    peterhern Posts: 23 Member
    Be true to yourself.
    If you have a desire to even once get all made up like that, then do it.

    But, in my opinion, nothing is more attractive than a "this-is-who-I-am" genuine attitude.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    i've always been into girls with little to no make up.
  • arrow460
    arrow460 Posts: 28 Member
    Dont go fake! Go as you, your beautiful so go that way!