Do you let people know when you're watching your diet?



  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    I always refer to getting in shape, there are several women in my circle here who are working on weight loss, and all are losing weight, but as far as I know... I'm the only one doing it with out supplements or a diet pill or what not. I try not to talk about a goal of losing weight but more about being in shape and being able to run a marathon eventually.

    It is obvious I'm slimming down now and people definitely are noticing. I wish that my heart rate and the miles that I actually put in every week were the more obvious signs of my hard work. I am definitely wanting to lose weight, but I truly desire to be healthy and fit. I want my friends and family to know that it is hrd work and it is paying off, one mile and one meal at a time.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Like some others have said, pretty much everyone I deal with knows I've been working on losing weight. As far as anyone "helping" me watch what I eat? No. I would find it intrusive for someone to attempt to manage my intake & would politely tell them thanks, I'm good here.

    In general I like to talk about my food choices - only if someone else brings it up, of course - because I want to show people that it's really not that hard to lose weight. If someone asks why I don't want to order dessert, I can tell them I don't want to do the extra hour of cardio I'd have to do to offset it. There are also some goodies I am more than happy to run 3 miles for, & I don't mind sharing that either.

    Basically if someone brings up what I'm eating relative to my WL effort, I make it clear that if I do eat something decadent I have put the work in to offset it, or at least plan to in the immediate future. This way you can have your cake & eat it too. :bigsmile:
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    Of course my husband knows he has to live with this everyday, LOL. My family knows but it would only be me just mentioning in passing I don't bring it up all the time. I only have only told friends and co workers who I thought would care to know or who would be interested in hearing about it.

    I also work in a physicians office and have mentioned to physicians MFP as a free weightloss tool as a hint to inform patients who need to lose weight. We see so much uncontrolled diabetic patients who MFP could really help. I really think physicians need to know about MFP and be spreading the word.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    My mom, yes, because I live with her and get on her case about eating healthier with me constantly, haha. I only mention it to certain friends when they suggest going out for pizza, but I don't talk about my fitness and eating habits on facebook or anything.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    No, not really. People get irritated when you're constantly talking about your diet and losing weight. I honestly talk about my workout routine more, since I know several other runners. I talk about cooking a lot too, because it's a hobby of mine though.

    If I go home to visit my mom, I may put in healthy requests, but if someone had invited me over to their house, I'm going to be polite and eat what they serve. If someone at work brings cookies, I may just politely decline without giving a reason.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I've always watched what I ate in general, so people are never surprised if I get something healthier. Or not, since they know that I run so I can haz cheezeburgers now and then.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    As title; Family/friends/colleagues. Do people encourage you? Do they help you watch what you eat? Is it helpful to you?
    My family know when I'm watching my diet, but I don't tell anyone else as it drives me nuts if they ask "Should you be eating that?" or I catch them looking at my plate checking out what's on it, whether for calories or health value.
    What do you do?

    My kids and husband know. But I don't make a big thing of it. One or two co-workers know but they're always watching their food intake, too. The rest of my family and friends, I haven't said anything, but most family lives far away from me. I don't bother, as I've been heavy for the past 20 years and I just want to lose the weight and be done with it.
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    Absolutely! And, just know that you have to be consistent. For instance, I told everyone at my work since they all like to buy foods and bake. They wanted to take me out to a pancake all-you-can-eat breakfast and I told them i would go but would NOT eat the food. They were trying to get me to eat and I told them to save their money. They actually bought me breakfast anyway (which I DID NOT eat) because I was not going to be guilt tripped into letting someone sway my decision to be healthy.

    It took months, but my coworkers finally understand how serious I am. For my birthday, instead of cake, they did fresh fruit and angel food cake. As a thank you from my admin, instead of a candy bar, she got me my favorite flavor of greek yogurt. You have to be persistent and let people know. If you don't, you may just constantly be pressured or exposed to temptation and bad choices. Granted, telling people isn't always going to guarantee they will support you. But, if you don't try, how would you know if it can or cannot?
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I don't consider my new lifestyle a diet. If you call it a diet and believe it's a diet then you won't be able to maintain your weight afterwards. I never tell anyone I'm on a diet because they automatically assume that all I can eat is carrot sticks, celery and salads for each meal and then if they see me eat something 'unhealthy' they would assume that I'm 'off' my diet! Also, some people feel threatened if they know you are on a diet because they don't want you to be skinnier than them. I know it's mean but it's true. Plus if they are threatened they may try to sabotage you. Now that I've lost nearly 30lbs people notice and ask what diet I'm on, how I lost it, etc. I just say I'm eating healthy and exercising and not sitting on my *kitten* all day anymore. That seems to work. If they get ignorant about it I'll just say that I'll forgive them for asking if they forgive me for not answering. Then just laugh, most people change the subject quickly. lol Other than my family and MFP family, I don't bring it up. Good luck to you and if you need encouragement outside your home atmosphere, add me!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    NO. Only my boyfriend. I wouldn't tell the rest because they usually don't understand why and they'll judge. I would rather skip all that. Otherwise I get the whole YOU DON'T NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT speech and stuff. It's about getting healthy and fit but yea they don't get it. Oh well.

    It's frustrating when people with no detailed knowledge of health, fitness, normal weight ranges and who know nothing about your height, weight, body fat percentage and weight history say things like that.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    I've tried, succeeded, and failed enough times that I keep it to myself. If they notice and ask, I'll acknowledge it, but I don't want to invite them to think "here she goes again!" I know what they'll think if I say this time is different (i.e. yeah, right...). I'd rather show them.
  • Apa93
    Apa93 Posts: 57 Member
    No, my partner knows and he supports me. My mother-in-law has figured it out from me reducing my meal sizes and calorie in-take and what not and she's always trying to cut back anyway, so it's easier to go out with her and for her to not say anything about it. My mum, however, I try and hide it from. I was psychologically and physically abused as a child because of my weight and because of that she insists that I'm not fat and I never need to lose weight (even though I'm clinically obese) but doesn't realise that she is doing as much harm as the abuse I went through. It's easy to say someone else isn't fat when you only weight about 7 stone yourself (like she does.) So I just hide it from her; I don't have the patience to deal with her crap. I know she only means well but she has no idea how much damage she is doing by trying to help.
  • jpinge
    jpinge Posts: 71 Member
    I didn't say much at first, but it's becoming very obvious. When I explain to people that I'm calorie counting, and that I actually CAN eat whatever I want, in moderation, they seem kind of impressed that I can be satisfied with that. When I say that there's nothing I CAN'T eat, people look genuinely confused for a minute. But then I get to educate them a little. :)
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 886 Member
    I haven't advertised it. At the beginning only one friend knew about it, she is the person that told me about this site. If people asked, I tell them. But, I am not advertising. I did tell my niece in San Diego about it, because she had mentioned about losing weight. So, I told her about what I have been doing and this site. We keep messaging each other about our journey. I am always out there for Christmas. It is always a big get together. We can't wait to go to the get together on Christmas Eve and see everyone's faces. No one else out there knows I am doing this. I am friends with some of them on FB. When I get to my goal weight I plan on posting a new picture of myself. I don't even have a picture on there of myself right now.
  • Ohjeezitskim
    Ohjeezitskim Posts: 129 Member
    Everyone in my house knows! My mom and I are dieting together and my dad says "Good for you!" I don't like announcing else where because people look at me like I'm crazy because I'm 19, and because I'm young it'll just go away eventually. But I'll announce it when someone has food that's way to bad for me too eat (cheesecake, chips) and they'll say why do you need to diet, you aren't heavy! But my 27-28 BMI say so, so that's why I'm trying to be healthier. Lost 5 pounds because of it!

    But my younger sister on the other hand says I'm ruining my life because she thinks I can't eat whatever I want and that I have to eat little amounts of the bad. She's a annoying.
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    I've told no one except my husband. he's the only one who knows I'm diabetic and I plan on keeping it that way. I "blame" my new eating habits on food allergies (which is the truth) and that eliminates most of the "just try it" comments.
  • doinitforme2012
    doinitforme2012 Posts: 98 Member
    i tell everyone. because i tend to be surrounded by young guys (hubby's friends) who can eat what ever they want how ever uch they want and when ever they want and wont' gain a pound. and as they are stuffing their faces they'll ask me if i' going to eat anymore. my reply? nope i don't want that crap i'm watching my weight.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I did use to mention it a long time ago, but I dont anymore...Because I would still be the same..No progress..Now that there is progress some people havent even noticed it because I guess that they got use to me being so big. (I was skinny my whole life until I gained 50 plus pounds a few years ago)...So now that I am losing weight, I dont think they realize I was just bigger a year ago...I guess when I get to my ultimate goal weight maybe it will finally hit them that, "Oh wait, she was skinny, she gain tons of weight, and now she is fit again."

    So I dont mention it to anyone. My biggest supports are my parents, brothers, and MFP friends. I am satisfied with that:heart:
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 596 Member
    I have food allergies are right away I am forced to let people know I just cannot eat certain things. When I haven't, people question anyways why I won't touch the sweets, etc asking why I am scared to eat something delicious (I am dairy allergic)and that just gets frustrating because I definitely don't restrict myself. So, it is easier to just be up front at parties and such that I cannot eat dairy, so there may be items I don't accept. In general, since I am marathon training, I have a minimum 2000 calorie day intake so I don't have to resist things too much unless they contain dairy.