Do you let people know when you're watching your diet?



  • zclark13
    zclark13 Posts: 135 Member
    As other's have said, I have tried before and failed so I decided to just quietly do this on my own. I have told my husband and kids, but only after I lost about 10 pounds. Also, they see me dashing off to the computer after dinner or getting on my phone when we are out! I'm always on my kids about not texting at the table so they were starting to get on me about it but I told them I was putting in my food and they said they supposed that was ok!

    Since I have started losing weight, I have told others about MFP and have tried to encourage them to sign up so we can work together but they haven't lasted very long. Now I'm the only one left :cry:

    I'm looking for some new friends for encouragement. I've kind of hit a plateau and need some extra push!
  • LoserCruiser
    I try not to because I find people become too judgmental then and start pointing out everything you eat that is not 100percent healthy!
  • braign
    braign Posts: 89
    I worried about telling people for the same reasons as most here. But I told most of my family-in-laws at Easter that I was planning on losing some weight. I was expecting resistance and to be told/guilted into eating more, but the people that attended were cool with my husband and I having smaller portions. Plus he gets to say "Oh I'd love to have a second helping, but my wife won't let me!" which alleviates some of the pressure off him (he was always a big eater in the family). And we get to 'give in' sometimes and say "oh go on then... just a tiny slice" whole knowing full well it will fit into our calorie allowance :)