Dating on MFP? Why or Why not?



  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    Now I know some people are not here to meet someone, but what's wrong with meeting someone with a common interest, especially something as motivational as being fit?

    I think it'd be great to meet someone on MFP where I can see that they transformed their body through hardwork and strong will. I've read it transfers over to workplace and school too, that those that lose a lot of weight tend to get higher paying jobs and go further in college. Um, Yes Please! Yes I want someone successful!

    There needs to be a weight-loss dating group. Churches have singles group to meet someone in the same religion as yourself. Other groups have singles groups, why not a weight-loss dating group?

    If there was a part of MFP where you could meet singles and you were looking for someone, is that something you would join?

    EDIT - considering MFP has the largest female membership of any internet website I've seen outside of parenting websites I really wish they did have a dating section. That is something I would pay a few dollars a month to join.

    EDIT2 - someone pointed out there is an entire dating forum for single MFP people -

    Thanks for posting this!!! I joined right up!!! :drinker: I had no idea this existed, so thanks for getting the word out!
  • Shrinking_Xtina
    Shrinking_Xtina Posts: 478 Member
    It's been my experience you don't need a dating site or atmosphere to meet someone and hit it off to the point where you begin dating. Yeah sure it's easier to know what the intentions are if there's actually a group for it because then you know who's single and willing to give it a go, but it just seems like a lot of pomp in the end. Not saying I'm against the idea because hey everyone works differently on that angle and if it works for them then great, I just wanted to point out that you don't ever really need that sort of setup in order to find someone, and that's just me speaking from personal experience along with knowing other people who met online in other ways than a dating site or any place that encouraged an atmosphere for it.

  • loseweightjames
    OP: You are married. You have no business trying to date anyone on MFP or anywhere else.

    CoryIda - wifey moved out. if you'd stop ignoring my friend requests you'd know that :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I think it's a great idea. Similar interests/values defined by the fact you're on this site. Call me sexist, though, but I am only interested in women. Who still have a heart beat.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I would! Maybe it would be better than regular dating websites, as both men and women here are trying to lose weight, so I think men would assume maybe I don't have a perfect body (yet).

    I would PREFER someone that doesn't have the perfect body but is working hard to get it! I would LOVE a workout partner!

    Too many times I've fallen for these skinny girls that each McDs all day and flop in front of the TV and never gain a pound. That's not good! They're usually lazy as hell too, whine about walking across a parking lot

    I think a lot of us just fell a bit in love with you... ;)


    I'd take a 200 lbs woman that's doing couch to 5k over any playmate that sits on her *kitten* all day

    i can run with the runner, the playmate i'd just ogle.

    i've had the strippers and the cheerleaders. They're a lot of fun, but that's as far as it gets. They're like a roller coaster, fun to ride a few times but you wouldn't want it in your house.

    Swooning here...
  • MelissaT81
    MelissaT81 Posts: 123 Member
    Sure why not. There is already a common interest/goal. It would be great to find someone to share it with, eating healthy and working out. I did not sign up to meet someone but to better myself and if in that process i find someone who would like to join me and be supportive then I'm all for it.
  • kimber0607
    kimber0607 Posts: 994 Member

    and just for the record I totally do NOT want a David Beckham look-a-like that is naturally cut and eats no no!
    heinous idea...bad bad bad
    :ohwell: :ohwell: :indifferent:
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    Too bad all the women are hot and the men not so! No offence

    I totally disagree. There a plenty of hot men on MFP. My male friends are all handsome and great guys. Love them all!!!!!
  • kimber0607
    kimber0607 Posts: 994 Member
    Too bad all the women are hot and the men not so! No offence

    I totally disagree. There a plenty of hot men on MFP. My male friends are all handsome and great guys. Love them all!!!!!
    running to check your friends list..LOL
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I think it's as good an idea as any, I mean you'd have almost the same goals.. to get into or maintain your fitness levels right? I believe everyone has someone they're meant to be with and meeting someone on here is just the same as meeting someone at a club, except there'd be no embarrassing cheesy lines and you wouldn't jump straight into bed within five minutes of meeting. Okay well it takes a little longer than that but you know what I'm saying lol. I'm here to give and gain support through my recovery, that was my most important thing but along the way I've started to make friends too which is always nice, especially for someone who finds making friends difficult. I would love to have the same goals, or near enough, as someone I'm with because if we had a future together, there would be no issues with food and exercise. Like my ex used to say when we have children, he'd let them eat whatever they wanted, and yes I know moderation is key but eating sweets all day will only rot your teeth, ruin your skin and your health, this is completely not what I wanted for my children. Everyone needs proper norishment, and adults can do this for themselves but children rely on their parents or carers for this as they can't fend for themselves. I've gone completely off track, oops sorry! So in answer to your question, I think I would yes lol.
  • healthbunny
    There aren't many asian men on here, but if there were and I was single, I might give it a try.

    I fully agree with you. However, if Mike Chang is on here I could be single ;)

    EDIT: Just to make clear the Mike Chang comment was a joke!!!
  • loseweightjames
    Hmm...I think like any other online social media or one geared towards dating proceed with caution & your eyes wide open. If it works for you great. Go for it! Since there is a common interest of health & fitness that is a great start. If the two are on the same page. Me personally, I would rather meet someone the good ol' fashioned way. Maybe bumping into someone in the grocery store as we reach for the same item. Haa! (yea...what are the chances of that happening?) :drinker:

    you're right, health and fitness *should* be a life-long commitment for everyone, so it makes sense two people with the same life-long commitment would be compatible

    story: i was engaged to a stripper, 3 yrs together. she worked at taco bell when we met, guy came in said he ran a club and gave her a card and viola, stripper. she would eat all day. we even bought a deep fryer. never over 115. at 9 months pregnant she was a size 5. I, on the other hand, added 12 inches to my waistline. I didn't realize it, but i was miserable. she ended up dating the bouncer and we split up and i joined the army and lost all the weight but I will never commit to another naturally skinny girl

    ex-wifey was fat when we met. swore she exercised and ran. That was hot. she moved in and she went to gym for a few weeks and then nothing. Then she started getting mad that i'd go to the gym, saying i wasnt spending enough time with her. asked her to join me and she said no. She gained 50+ lbs after we met, she's 257 right now. she tries to eat healthy-ish but never exercises.
  • jleb5
    jleb5 Posts: 23 Member
    Isn't a bad idea, but I think MFP would loose it's purpose, which relies solely in helping people get in shape and count cals. And when you spread your wings too much, that's when you become an ordinary website. Having a community forum I think is more than enough MFP can give.

    I never saw i that way at first but youre right. perhaps if you find someone your interested in you can contact eachother off of the website but as for being on the website, its mainly for fitness and eating healthy, not finding "the one". Just don't let dating be your top priority when logging onto MFP.

    that's a scary thought, people joining just to date someone on here........
    I agree with the two above. MFP's direction is to provide help and support for a healthy lifestyle - weightloss. It would get tacky if it were a dating site and kinda creepy. Personally, I prefer the opportunity to make friends that are in the same situation as myself and that we form a bond as a support to each other.
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    Cuz the only clubs that I like gotta have poles.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    There is already quite of a few people dating that have met on MFP already.... I don't see why not.
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    I have a date with an MFP member in two weeks. It should be a fantastic time.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member


    I'd take a 200 lbs woman that's doing couch to 5k over any playmate that sits on her *kitten* all day

    i can run with the runner, the playmate i'd just ogle.

    i've had the strippers and the cheerleaders. They're a lot of fun, but that's as far as it gets. They're like a roller coaster, fun to ride a few times but you wouldn't want it in your house.

    :laugh: "They're like a roller coaster, fun to ride a few times but you wouldn't want it in your house." :laugh:

    You're cute! AND funny! Call me...
  • okcmomto3
    okcmomto3 Posts: 97 Member
    There aren't many asian men on here, but if there were and I was single, I might give it a try.


    click on my picture and see what you've won! :tongue:

    This just brightened my day!! lol:laugh:
  • All4Tris
    All4Tris Posts: 215 Member
    Although I don't see anything wrong with it, I personally would rather not date using MFP or any other online form of meeting. It can be disappointing to spend time talking on the phone, skyping, messaging etc. only to meet the person and not like them in that way.
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    Although I don't see anything wrong with it, I personally would rather not date using MFP or any other online form of meeting. It can be disappointing to spend time talking on the phone, skyping, messaging etc. only to meet the person and not like them in that way.

    My thoughts exactly...thus me wanting to meet someone the good ol' fashioned way! :explode: