Which do you prefer and why? Insanity or ChaLEAN Extreme?



  • mamamadonna
    I am so psyched to see this one! I am on the Lean phase of CLX and want to do a CLX/Insanity hybrid next. I'm glad to see someone who is doing it and liking it!

    On another note, does anyone doing CLX have a hard time dropping pounds? I have been religious to it and haven't lost as much as I would like (only about 7 lbs). Any tips?

    Thanks :)

    I would need to know your eating habits, if you are pushing yourself to lift heavy enough, what is your activity level at besides your work outs, did you take measurements and pics, are you seeing a change in that, etc.?

    I added you so you can see my diary. I work full time in a school so I am on my feet all day and I am definitely lifting heavy enough. Push month was awesome :) I haven't done measurements with this video and kick myself for it each time I start getting frustrated. No pics either.
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    I am so psyched to see this one! I am on the Lean phase of CLX and want to do a CLX/Insanity hybrid next. I'm glad to see someone who is doing it and liking it!

    On another note, does anyone doing CLX have a hard time dropping pounds? I have been religious to it and haven't lost as much as I would like (only about 7 lbs). Any tips?

    Thanks :)

    I would need to know your eating habits, if you are pushing yourself to lift heavy enough, what is your activity level at besides your work outs, did you take measurements and pics, are you seeing a change in that, etc.?

    I added you so you can see my diary. I work full time in a school so I am on my feet all day and I am definitely lifting heavy enough. Push month was awesome :) I haven't done measurements with this video and kick myself for it each time I start getting frustrated. No pics either.

    Try to do this then ask yourself how your clothes feel? Do you have a pic of you before that was just taken? If so take one now and compare. When weight training some times the lbs don't come off but the inches do which changes your body composition and makes you look good. Take at look at my pics I have some before and 30 day pics I am two weeks away from 60days and will post pics then too. Again feel free to call or message me.