Anonymity of the web...



  • spearfox
    spearfox Posts: 276 Member
    I don't share my bra size either.
    But moobs only come in a few, easily discernible sizes.




    With dietary changes and exercise I now have smaller moobs.:bigsmile:
  • Anaconda62
    Anaconda62 Posts: 181
    I'm shy in real life, but not online.

    I am shy in real life, and online.

    Me too. I'll talk about highly superficial things, but not about my relationships, my family, or my innermost feelings. That's what "real" friends are for.
  • BrionyTallis
    BrionyTallis Posts: 90 Member
    busted out laughing .. thanks spearfox
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    I don't share my bra size either.
    But moobs only come in a few, easily discernible sizes.




    With dietary changes and exercise I now have smaller moobs.:bigsmile:

    OMG lmao...thanks for the levity
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    Anyone share things on the internet that they normally wouldn't in real life? As if the anonymity of the web gives you the freedom to do so? I am amazed by the number of women who have posted their bra sizes...what else would you be willing to share that you wouldn't say to a stranger on the street?

    What is this anonymity that you speak of? I'm sorry, but you must be pretty effin stupid to think that the Internet provides any sort of identity protection.
    REALLY? Cuz you know my name? where I live? What I look like? Anything other than what I choose to write here. I have a pretty public position in lfe, and am very cautious about anything I post. I would think as a public employee, you would get that. Or maybe you just wear suspenders and call yourself firefighter bc it makes you so much more appealing? :huh:
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    I didn't know sharing bra sizes was one of the world's previously best-kept secret. All the middle-school boys used to tell me I was a C cup before I even knew cup sizes existed.
    I never could figure that out? How do they just look and know? I'm a woman and can't look and know. Maybe bc I never had the hands on...
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    Sharing bra size? Of all the things that people share on the Internet, this is what has caught your attention. Wow, okay. Stay away from ALL fertility and pregnancy web sites and also the rest of the internet.
    Yeah, I'd find males sharing certain measurements MUCH more surprising!
    I guess I wasn't perfectly clear in the beginning...I am surprised. Not offended. It made me start to wonder what ELSE people share on social media that they might not walk up to a stranger and say. I don't know about you guys, but I don't walk up to every shmo on the street saying "I wear a 42 G", and in effect by posting it you are sharing with every shmo...but perhaps I am wrong in assuming that...what do you post that you wouldn't tell people just because you don't have to look them in the eye and say it out loud and see their reaction (like calling someone effing stupid for curiosity)?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Anyone share things on the internet that they normally wouldn't in real life? As if the anonymity of the web gives you the freedom to do so? I am amazed by the number of women who have posted their bra sizes...what else would you be willing to share that you wouldn't say to a stranger on the street?

    What is this anonymity that you speak of? I'm sorry, but you must be pretty effin stupid to think that the Internet provides any sort of identity protection.
    REALLY? Cuz you know my name? where I live? What I look like? Anything other than what I choose to write here. I have a pretty public position in lfe, and am very cautious about anything I post. I would think as a public employee, you would get that. Or maybe you just wear suspenders and call yourself firefighter bc it makes you so much more appealing? :huh:
    There's no such thing as anonymity on the Internet. Everything can be traced, tracked, and searched. Every single web page you visit collects identifying information, such as your IP address, your web browser, the device you are using (desktop, laptop, mobile phone, Windows, Mac, Linux,) and other information, all of which could potentially be traced back to you personally by anyone with access to the information. You're less "anonymous" online than you are walking down the street.
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    I'm shy in real life, but not online.

    Why? If you can do it online, you can also do it in real life

    LOOOOOOOOOL. No. You're hiding behind a computer screen when you're online, brah. Real life is completely different.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Anyone share things on the internet that they normally wouldn't in real life? As if the anonymity of the web gives you the freedom to do so? I am amazed by the number of women who have posted their bra sizes...what else would you be willing to share that you wouldn't say to a stranger on the street?

    What is this anonymity that you speak of? I'm sorry, but you must be pretty effin stupid to think that the Internet provides any sort of identity protection.
    REALLY? Cuz you know my name? where I live? What I look like? Anything other than what I choose to write here. I have a pretty public position in lfe, and am very cautious about anything I post. I would think as a public employee, you would get that. Or maybe you just wear suspenders and call yourself firefighter bc it makes you so much more appealing? :huh:
    There's no such thing as anonymity on the Internet. Everything can be traced, tracked, and searched. Every single web page you visit collects identifying information, such as your IP address, your web browser, the device you are using (desktop, laptop, mobile phone, Windows, Mac, Linux,) and other information, all of which could potentially be traced back to you personally by anyone with access to the information. You're less "anonymous" online than you are walking down the street.

    This is all true. If you have reason to care, due perhaps to your profession or for personal reasons, you might not want to be so open online. Me, I don't care.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I'd tell a stranger on the street my bra size if they asked, though I'd certainly wonder why they were asking if it was a dude. It's not like it's deep personal question. *Shrug*
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    i wll share pretty much anything.
    i have a whole blog about my recovery from an eating disorder.
    which i dont share with even my best friends.
    im very shy in "real life" untill after you know me for a long time.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    How do you know anything shared here is even true? :tongue: I change a few pertinent details here and there, so you never know. Who's to say everyone doesn't?
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    hmmm .... See the way I am on here is the way I am IRL lol. I really have no filter. I also really dont care what people think of me. A few years ago I decided that I was tired of trying to be something I'm not. And yes I will basically tell anyone anything they want to know. Things only make you uncomfortable if you let them
  • sktllmdrhmz
    sktllmdrhmz Posts: 1,799 Member
    Sharing bra size? Of all the things that people share on the Internet, this is what has caught your attention. Wow, okay. Stay away from ALL fertility and pregnancy web sites and also the rest of the internet.
    Yeah, I'd find males sharing certain measurements MUCH more surprising!

    Like anyone would believe us. :P
  • cohophysh
    cohophysh Posts: 288
    google your name sometime and see what comes up...I am definitely out there
  • angied47
    angied47 Posts: 2
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    in real life people can see my boobs and get a damn good idea of my bra size etc, I am not worried about posting it on here, its not like its my bank details
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    google your name sometime and see what comes up...I am definitely out there

    I google my real name regularly to make sure only what I expect to find comes up, and if not I go unsubscribe myself from the offending sites. I am completely U/PG in what I say on Facebook because colleagues etc are on my friend list, but here I open up more. You would have to be really bored to want to find out who I am :laugh:
  • I can't think of anything I've shared online and wouldn't also feel comfortable sharing in person. I do tend to keep certain things *off* the interwebs, however, simply because of the non-private nature of internet forums and such. (I have made mistakes with using real names before, but I've tried to clean all that up as best as possible.) My bra size? Eh, if they can't tell by looking at me, and it happens to come up in a conversation, then I would have no qualms with sharing that information in person. Who cares? It's not like someone couldn't see for themselves how big my chest is.