LADIES! Has your TOM went haywire since losing weight????



  • kristy6ward
    kristy6ward Posts: 332 Member
    Mine has been crazy for the past two months. I've been on birth control for the past couple years and it was like clockwork. Always started on my second sugar pill...Then two months ago I started 3 days before my sugar pills.. and went longer than normal. Then a week and half later I started..spotting? I guess. It wasn't like my normal period but really thick? and it lasted about a week. Then I was having my real period again soon after. And again more spotting, though this time it's lasted almost two weeks. I go to the lady doc this week so maybe he can shed some light. I think its a mix of increased exercise and losing weight and maybe needing to drop my thryroid dosage. But I feel better knowing I'm not the only one experiencing craziness.