late night snacking



  • katsmit2
    katsmit2 Posts: 54
    got to sleep earlier - works for me!
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I exercise when I am the hungriest. Filling bad habits with good ones is what it is about for me. When I come back from exercising I am no longer hungry for some reason. I don't care about the research because I think weight loss is as much psychological as it is physical and biological, I eat less in the evenings which is when I get the biggest losses the next day. I do eat a big breakfast which really starts my day nicely and I really look forward to it, and I also eat a big lunch with lots of protein and that keeps me from being hungry in the evening too. Good luck and tweak it till you find what works for you. We are all individuals after all.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Skipping breakfast messes up your metabolism. You should be eating every 2.5-3 hours... doesn't have to be huge meals... portion it out to stay within your calories for the day. :)
    How did humans ever not become extinct? If eating every 2-3 hours actually has a negative biological effect on humans, then we would've died out several million years ago.

    It's only within the last 300 years that people have started eating more than once a day.
  • jfaure23
    jfaure23 Posts: 114 Member
    BEST RECOMMENDATION I can give you as a sufferer of late night binging, is to increase your daily calorie allowance, eat frequently with good portions during the day, and ensure you are taking in lots of protein.

    If you are starving, it may be because you are not taking in enough calories. Lots of research done on this. Try increasing your calories by 150 cals/day to start, and always eat back your exercise calories so that your NET cals are 1350 (that's if you are currently set at 1200/day). Trust me, by increasing your calories a bit you will not gain weight as you will still be under your daily requirement (TDEE) and at least you will be (hopefully!) decreasing late night snacking!

    By eating lots during the day, you can curb your evening appetite. If you are not eating enough during the daytime, you will slowly get hungrier and hungrier so that by the evening it is near impossible to curb.

    Finally, protein will help you feeling full longer.

    Best of luck!
  • RaniMerryman
    RaniMerryman Posts: 19 Member
    Tracking what you are doing is a great way to see what works for you. I know if I can get my tail out of bed and do my workout at 6 AM, I feel better all day. I have enough calories to eat GREAT and always have enough left over for my Breyer's Carb Smart Ice Cream bar after the kids go to bed. I have noticed the most weight loss from several things.... ENOUGH SLEEP, lower cal dinners and bigger lunches (not by much) and adding a 1/4 cup of Quinoa to dinner has been great. Quinoa is VERY high in protein and really does a nice job of staving off hunger during late night snacky times. GL! (cauliflower dipped in cocktail sauce in a fav snack.... the spicy sauce helps to kill the sugar and salty cravings and it is super low cal!)
  • braign
    braign Posts: 89
    Skipping breakfast messes up your metabolism. You should be eating every 2.5-3 hours... doesn't have to be huge meals... portion it out to stay within your calories for the day. :)

    No it does not. Please show me an actual scientific study to support your claim. I know there are several people out there that agree with this statement, but it simply isn't supported by science. There is nothing harmful that will come out of skipping breakfast and having your first meal at lunch.

    Your metabolism will not slow down from lack of food within 12 to 16 hours. That usually takes 72 hours or so. I don't think anyone is suggesting waiting that long to eat.

    I haven't read any scientific papers in a while, but I do know that more smaller meals is better for you than fewer large meals, as eating less food more frequently increases thermogenesis, which can help obese people lose weight, not to mention increase lipid mobilisation throughout the body. So I can see why people are suggesting things like this, and advising against skipping meals. (just the abstract)
  • sheryllamb72
    sheryllamb72 Posts: 163 Member
    When I'm peckish at night (usually at about 10:30), I have a very filling bowl of fruit, normally, a small banana (94g =85cals), a handful of raspberry's (27g = 7cals), a handfull of blueberry's (24g = 14cals), a kiwi (56g=29cals), a few strawberry's (20g=5cals) or a small pear (93g=32cals), a large spoonfull of sugar/salt free muesli (30g=109cals), Natural yoghurt (50g =28cals) & honey (5g=16cals) TOTALLING 325 healthy does show thats it's over on my sugar intake, but it's fruit......not like eating chocolate..although chocolate covered fruit would be nice....hhmmmm, got me thinking now!! lol :tongue:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Skipping breakfast messes up your metabolism. You should be eating every 2.5-3 hours... doesn't have to be huge meals... portion it out to stay within your calories for the day. :)

    No it does not. Please show me an actual scientific study to support your claim. I know there are several people out there that agree with this statement, but it simply isn't supported by science. There is nothing harmful that will come out of skipping breakfast and having your first meal at lunch.

    Your metabolism will not slow down from lack of food within 12 to 16 hours. That usually takes 72 hours or so. I don't think anyone is suggesting waiting that long to eat.

    I haven't read any scientific papers in a while, but I do know that more smaller meals is better for you than fewer large meals, as eating less food more frequently increases thermogenesis, which can help obese people lose weight, not to mention increase lipid mobilisation throughout the body. So I can see why people are suggesting things like this, and advising against skipping meals. (just the abstract)
    I'd love to read the rest of this study, as that abstract really doesn't explain much. How long did they measure this? Was there a difference in over all fat burning in a 24 hour period? Or was it just while eating? Not enough information there to formulate any real information, especially when study after study shows no difference over long term periods.
    Like this one, for example, that showed that eating one meal a day showed a higher rate of fat oxidation than eating 3 meals a day. Basically the exact opposite of what yours said.
  • emfross
    emfross Posts: 6
    I am just kinda freaking out because I clicked on your topic and you have the same name as me LOL...I was like ummmm...I didnt post this LOL

    There aren't very many people with our name!
  • emfross
    emfross Posts: 6
    I'm a new member too and I'm working on the same problem. I get so hungry at night that I could literally eat anything in front of me! What has been working for me is drinking at least eight glasses of water throughout the day and going to bed one to two hours after my last healthy snack. Once in bed, I make sure I have plenty of water nearby and drink it when I crave for more snacks. Trying to train my mind that after my last healthy snack of the day, I only get two more choices which are SLEEP OR DRINK THE WATER.

    That's a great idea! I always heard never eat after 8p.m. which I was trying to do, but it makes more since to eat when your body needs it. I'll try to have a small snack and go to bed 2 hours after.
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper.
    Overnight the body uses up its store of glucose and energy levels needs to be replenished - hence the importance of breakfast - which literally means breaking the fast.
    There... ^ :wink: This old saying is sooo true. Don't let anyone tell you that you don't have to eat breakfast. I am an R.N for 20 years, but Im not going to start digging for scientific evidence that Breakfast breaks the fast, restarts the metabolism, setting the stage for the rest of the day. Eat like this, drink 8 glasses of water a day, save 100-200 or so cals for bedtime snack. Maybe up your cals, if you exercise, get a HRM or at least estimate, and don't forget to eat at least most of those back.
  • mum32008
    mum32008 Posts: 37 Member
    I used to have the same problem too(sometimes still do), i would eat well in the day then once kids were in bed that was it couldnt stop snacking, i think the best thing to do is try and figure out why you are snacking (mine would tend to be boredom/habit) and try to deal with that, if its habit/boredom then do something else, might be you are thirsty so try drinking something or you could just be hungry so like other have said save some of your calories for night, sometimes having an early night might be the only solution until your body gets used to it
  • I can honestly say that the craving for more snacks, after my last healthy nightly snack, have considerably diminished for me. It gets easier after a few days of not giving up to your late night mind is getting the concept that I'll drink the water instead of the snack.
  • Skipping breakfast messes up your metabolism. You should be eating every 2.5-3 hours... doesn't have to be huge meals... portion it out to stay within your calories for the day. :)

    No it does not. Please show me an actual scientific study to support your claim. I know there are several people out there that agree with this statement, but it simply isn't supported by science. There is nothing harmful that will come out of skipping breakfast and having your first meal at lunch.

    Your metabolism will not slow down from lack of food within 12 to 16 hours. That usually takes 72 hours or so. I don't think anyone is suggesting waiting that long to eat.

    I haven't read any scientific papers in a while, but I do know that more smaller meals is better for you than fewer large meals, as eating less food more frequently increases thermogenesis, which can help obese people lose weight, not to mention increase lipid mobilisation throughout the body. So I can see why people are suggesting things like this, and advising against skipping meals. (just the abstract)
    I'd love to read the rest of this study, as that abstract really doesn't explain much. How long did they measure this? Was there a difference in over all fat burning in a 24 hour period? Or was it just while eating? Not enough information there to formulate any real information, especially when study after study shows no difference over long term periods.
    Like this one, for example, that showed that eating one meal a day showed a higher rate of fat oxidation than eating 3 meals a day. Basically the exact opposite of what yours said.

    Ok... but if you cut out eating breakfast or any meal... you will be more likely to eat something craptacular for you because most people will be starving!!! I am a borderline hypoglycemic... and if I don't eat many times in the day I feel physically sick...

    Everyone is different... if skipping meals works for you, then be my guest. But I personally think it's a really bad idea for the most of us...
  • Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper.
    Overnight the body uses up its store of glucose and energy levels needs to be replenished - hence the importance of breakfast - which literally means breaking the fast.
    There... ^ :wink: This old saying is sooo true. Don't let anyone tell you that you don't have to eat breakfast. I am an R.N for 20 years, but Im not going to start digging for scientific evidence that Breakfast breaks the fast, restarts the metabolism, setting the stage for the rest of the day. Eat like this, drink 8 glasses of water a day, save 100-200 or so cals for bedtime snack. Maybe up your cals, if you exercise, get a HRM or at least estimate, and don't forget to eat at least most of those back.

  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I say load up on veggies and fruit. I have bananas, apples, baby carrots, and oh yes Lay's Light potato chips.
    I usually don't have the potato chips until after 6pm. They contain 0 fat!! They totally satisfy my urge for potato chips. In my opinion, they taste exactly like the real thing! Beware though, portion it out. Those calories will add up fast. I usually portion out 2 servings which still isn't bad as long as I'm under my sodium for the day. During the rest of the day, I have a banana or an apple.

    Also, eat breakfast! I eat breakfast at least 30 minutes-1 hr after I wake up. When I start to feel hungry, I will have some type of fruit usually a banana.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper.
    Overnight the body uses up its store of glucose and energy levels needs to be replenished - hence the importance of breakfast - which literally means breaking the fast.
    There... ^ :wink: This old saying is sooo true. Don't let anyone tell you that you don't have to eat breakfast. I am an R.N for 20 years, but Im not going to start digging for scientific evidence that Breakfast breaks the fast, restarts the metabolism, setting the stage for the rest of the day. Eat like this, drink 8 glasses of water a day, save 100-200 or so cals for bedtime snack. Maybe up your cals, if you exercise, get a HRM or at least estimate, and don't forget to eat at least most of those back.

    Again, there's no "jumpstarting the metabolism" because the metabolism never stops. If it did, you'd be dead.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Oh a trick I remembered because I actually used it last night, brush your teeth.
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper.
    Overnight the body uses up its store of glucose and energy levels needs to be replenished - hence the importance of breakfast - which literally means breaking the fast.
    There... ^ :wink: This old saying is sooo true. Don't let anyone tell you that you don't have to eat breakfast. I am an R.N for 20 years, but Im not going to start digging for scientific evidence that Breakfast breaks the fast, restarts the metabolism, setting the stage for the rest of the day. Eat like this, drink 8 glasses of water a day, save 100-200 or so cals for bedtime snack. Maybe up your cals, if you exercise, get a HRM or at least estimate, and don't forget to eat at least most of those back.

    Again, there's no "jumpstarting the metabolism" because the metabolism never stops. If it did, you'd be dead.
    Ok, ok, here's a link from a reputable source, Note "most important meal?" I dont want to get sarcastic here, but this is a "no brainer" Eat breakfast like a King. Thanks.
  • Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper.
    Overnight the body uses up its store of glucose and energy levels needs to be replenished - hence the importance of breakfast - which literally means breaking the fast.
    There... ^ :wink: This old saying is sooo true. Don't let anyone tell you that you don't have to eat breakfast. I am an R.N for 20 years, but Im not going to start digging for scientific evidence that Breakfast breaks the fast, restarts the metabolism, setting the stage for the rest of the day. Eat like this, drink 8 glasses of water a day, save 100-200 or so cals for bedtime snack. Maybe up your cals, if you exercise, get a HRM or at least estimate, and don't forget to eat at least most of those back.

    Again, there's no "jumpstarting the metabolism" because the metabolism never stops. If it did, you'd be dead.

    Never said "jumpstart" I said it gets the metabolism going... I know it won't stop... but it CAN slow down if you put your body in a "hibernation mode" or a "starvation mode". It will want to hold onto every last ounce of fat in the body it can.