pet question

fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
As I was putting bits of turkey fat into the cats dishes, I wondered how many of us have overweight pets.

Mine aren't - but if I keep giving them the fat they could well end up that way.


  • b_ism
    b_ism Posts: 60
    1 enormous cat. Looks like Garfield.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Haha yes I noticed once I stopped eating the fat my girls (dogs) started getting it! But I've stopped giving it to them and both my dogs have lost weight. One really needed to, so she's lost about 5kgs (a golden retriever) but she could still lose a few more. But she's old now and just likes the simple things in life - who am I to be mean?!?! Moderation is the key right???
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    My first cat was overweight, but I think it was due to medical issues, because she had arthrits and some other problems. She only ever ate dry food, but still was pretty fat. She passed away last year. The cat that I have now seems to be just the opposite she eats like a little pig and doesn't ever gain lol, but then again she is super active.
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 160
    I think my half-Siamese topped out at 12ish pounds -- the vet told us to work on getting her activity up. She's a pretty active cat though, as far as I can tell! She still runs around playing like a kitten.

    A few months ago she started vomiting from eating dry food - so we switched her to wet food. She looks a bit skinnier to me (haven't weighed her), though her flab from having kittens still makes her look bigger :P
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    I would never let my 2 cats become overweight. They depend on me completely for all their food. If I give them poor quality (or overfeed them) and cause them health problems, I wouldnt forgive myself (They are my babies <3 haha)

    I feed them either EVO or Orijen dry food, very high in protien and non of the corn or etc fillers that cheap brands contain. They get EVO wet food every other day.
  • bluetigger86
    I'm a Veterinary Technician so when I saw this post of course I was drawn. Please PLEASE stop giving your cat turkey fat or any other kind of fat for that matter. Whether they are physically getting fat or not it's not good for them. Most fat cats and dogs have diabetes so it's better to just avoid that all together. Most go undiagnosed because owners don't know what to look for. Also, animals cannot metabolize fats the way we do and it puts alot of strain on their pancrease. This causes pancreatitis wich is just awful. They vomit, have diarrhea and just feel terrible and usually need to be hospitalized with IV fluids and injectable medications. I work in an emergency clinic and one of the main things we see is pancreatitis. Now I'm all about spoiling my babies and will occasionally give them people food, but I try to stick with things that aren't fatty. Mine love some plain scrambled eggs and even some veggies. They get those pretty frequently when I cook- JUST NO ONIONS OR GARLIC- THESE WILL KILL THEM!!!!! If your going to give your cats and dogs people food please check and make sure it's not fatty, and isn't poisonous to them-you'd be surprised how many things are poisonous to animals that are fine for us. Their digestive systems are not like ours wich is why they have specially formulated food. I'm not trying to scold anyone, this is just my lifes passion and I want to make sure everyones fuzzy kids stay healthy and happy for as long as possible. They don't need fatty treats to do so. :)
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    Please PLEASE stop giving your cat turkey fat or any other kind of fat for that matter. Whether they are getting fat or not it's not good for them. ... Also, animal cannot metabolize fats the way we do and it puts alot of strain on their pancreas.

    I've got to ask...if they can't metabolise fats, then what happens to the fat they ingest from the animals they have killed? I can think of a guinea pig and a chicken *someones* cat/s have eaten in the last couple of weeks. These animals had fat on them. How well do cats metabolise the fur and feathers?
  • kibby12
    kibby12 Posts: 32
    My tuxedo is a little fatty face, but since I've put them on a grain free diet, he seems to have lost some of it.

    The Russian Blue weighs more than the vet would like, but he already doesn't get to finish his food because of the other one!
  • My cat is 100% overweight, she doesn't eat the much but she's super lazy and barely ever goes outside. My dog was overweight but she gets dragged along on my walks and is shedding the "puppy fat" with me
  • jcan1588
    jcan1588 Posts: 26 Member
    i feed my dogs raw meat from time to time but i cut the fat off before i give it to them.
  • Rollingstone74
    I have a vertically challenged Black Lab, lazy, resembles a Baby Hippo. She eats healthy and may be a few kilo over her average, she is also happy, carefree and very loyal.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    We have 3 cats and a dog and only one of our cats is overweight but she has arthritis and an injury from being hit by a car so she's not a very active kitty by her own choice.
    They get the occasional treat... My pup loves scrambled egg so he gets a little bit when I make some for myself. The kitties like a bit of chicken breast if we have a roast chicken. Other than that they have their own treats and food! & plenty of exercise! :)
  • Mazzyx
    Mazzyx Posts: 131
    I've got 3 Jack Russels, well they live my Nan and Grandad but stilll count them as mine, all eat the same and are all very active but just Rosie is fat! In fact we call her piggy (she responds to it lol). The vets continuously say she needs to go on a diet but she eats healthily and never too much. Plus shes now 10 so I think it's just been middle age spread ;) haha. In fact I have to say she is the only dog we've had that is overweight!
    . Mine love some plain scrambled eggs and even some veggies. They get those pretty frequently when I cook- JUST NO ONIONS OR GARLIC- THESE WILL KILL THEM!!!!!

    I'm sorry im going to have to disagree here with you. Ours have always had garlic and onion-we cook with it a lot so it's always in the food and it has never ever shown to have done any harm. And the dogs have always lived to be a ripe age of 16+.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I would never let my 2 cats become overweight. They depend on me completely for all their food. If I give them poor quality (or overfeed them) and cause them health problems, I wouldnt forgive myself (They are my babies <3 haha)

    I feed them either EVO or Orijen dry food, very high in protien and non of the corn or etc fillers that cheap brands contain. They get EVO wet food every other day.
  • kissy28wv
    kissy28wv Posts: 74
    My oldest cat (14 years old) will beg the entire time I am cooking chicken or turkey..he is a total poultry junkie! He gets nibbles as I am cutting my food but never in excess.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    My first dog was overweight, second a little less, the current three I have now are normal, although two are puppies and one is running around more trying to kill them so she's getting more exercise than usual.
  • gracieabem
    gracieabem Posts: 211
    No, funnily enough. I can control what they eat better than what I could my own choices when I was obese. I have a staffy x and a chi x. The staffy x is slowing down in her twilight years so I have had to watch a little more closely with food intake, but the chi x is very active. My nan has a whippet that I walk regularly as well, and he looks wonderful. I love dogs that are in shape!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Nope! I have a bobtail tabby cat and a jack russell/beagle mix, both rescues. My dog gets fed measured food 2X a day with a little bit of wet food mixed in; her dry food is BilJac (no corn/soy) and her wet food is Pedigree (only the meat chunks, no barley etc). I also measure my kitty's food...he gets 1/2 cup dry (Blue Buffalo, grain-free) every 2 days along with a small bit of wet food in the morning and afternoon. They both put on about 5 lbs after I rescued them, which they needed. I exercise them both a lot, and my dog has gained visible muscle mass. I feel so bad for overweight pets! Their quality of life isn't as high and it's not even their fault.
  • NocturnalGirl
    NocturnalGirl Posts: 1,762
    No my cat is super active and always hyper so she is far from overweight haha. I think she eats the same amount as I do though haha :P
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    Absolutely not. My Dane is routinely paraded through the waiting room as an example of what a correct weight is ... and she's 10. The only person in my family who can't seem to control their weight is .... me. For some reason I don't seem to feel guilty about potentially shortening my own lifespan.