Do you feel like exercising during your period???



  • rjo921
    rjo921 Posts: 130
    I really hope you wanted some honest, tough love, so here goes....don't hate me

    I give myself a huge kick in the butt and go workout. Feeling "blah" is not a valid excuse for me...being in the hospital is, but not feeling blah. Sometimes you just have to behave your way to success. You will not always feel like working out...but do it anyway. :flowerforyou:

    I'm with her...and don't hate me. Trust me...I know what you are feeling...I know it don't feel like moving...that sometimes blinking your eyes is a chore....I really do know. But even if you do something...perhaps it is not a full fledged go for a walk or take a ride on your bike....something is better than nothing. And there at times that you might feel better after you do something.

    Now I just read someone's thread that exercise causes a real heavy flow to become dangerously heavy....if that is the case then nothing. Talk with your doctor about what you can do during those difficult days. I wish you all the best :flowerforyou:
  • CynGoddess
    CynGoddess Posts: 188 Member
    truethfully, I don't feel like it, but when I do it usually makes me feel better, relieves symptoms of fatigue, bloating and pms and makes the rest of the period go better. so lately I have been making myself. I am always glad I did after.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    Honestly, if I didn't exercise whenever I felt "blah," I'd very rarely exercise... lol But, no, seriously, mine is generally only 3 days, and even though one day is pretty heavy, it seems to help me feel some better... TMI, maybe, but I started yesterday early morning. Worked out a little later in the morning and felt pretty good. Went to work (half day) in the afternoon and the cramps set in and I felt pretty gross the rest of the day... So i was very glad that I had worked out early so that it was done and over with. I wish the good feeling had stayed all day... Just do what you can and to your comfort level... But try and see if you can get through something... You may just feel better for it! :wink:
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    I usually try to work through it. Most days I'm OK, but every now and then I have to tone it down. I still Zumba, but I take the easier or low intensity way with it. Instead of running I walk, you know to moderate approach. I have found that if I skip out on the workouts, I feel worse. So I just try to moderate what I can, and get back in there as soon as I'm all better.
  • sarglava
    sarglava Posts: 206 Member
    This is a big post already but I thought I'd add my two cents. I think it depends on how your period goes. If you're light then fine work out. But I usually take the first and second days to rest. Those are my heaviest days and I don't want to work out with a bulky pad/tampon. It's horribly uncomfortable for me. But some people are fine and have a regular flow so whatever. It's not going to kill you NOT to work out for a couple days.
  • Microfiber_wechange
    Mine started yesterday - the same day I'd planned to start the 30 day Shred workout. I still started the workout :smile:
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Two things are working for me:

    1. I'm regulated on birth control (this takes about 5-6 months).
    2. I lift weights, and I lift heavy. Hard workouts.

    I went from feeling like a miserable slug 2-3 weeks out of the month to having plenty of energy to keep my workouts up and feeling not too different from any other week. That's HUGE.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Yes I work out- do I feel like it HELL NO! But I also feel like eating non stop! I would kill for a sundae!! So I work out and get past this. As a girl who has always had cramps so bad I had to miss school / work I feel better working out!!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I really hope you wanted some honest, tough love, so here goes....don't hate me

    I give myself a huge kick in the butt and go workout. Feeling "blah" is not a valid excuse for me...being in the hospital is, but not feeling blah. Sometimes you just have to behave your way to success. You will not always feel like working out...but do it anyway. :flowerforyou:

    This! LOL

    It doesn't stop me or slow me down. I've been too sick to go to work before (not because of TOM, had the flu), but it didn't keep me from gettting on my treadmill and walking! Do something low impact, but if you get up and start, you'll feel so much better!
  • Chelle_Davis
    Hell no. But I do it anyway. It makes me feel SO much better afterward.
  • fitnhealthykaren
    Even though I don't "feel like" exercising on my yucky, crampy days, I make myself do at least a little (then it usually turns into a normal workout) because once I start exercising the cramps actually get better!
  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    Hell no!
  • steflbrown
    steflbrown Posts: 168
    I work out but use the first two days as light days. A slow jog or fast walk instead of an intense workout. Generally after that, I am back to normal.
  • wendiv130
    wendiv130 Posts: 26
    Definitely not on my first day. I stay in bed as much as possible with a heating pad either on my stomach or my back. My cramps on the first day are very intense and I'm overly exhausted and weak. I fainted last month from the pain.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    For me it depends on the rate of flow. If it isn't too heavy, then I'll workout. If it is I won't. I have been struggling with super heavy periods, and it is just not confortable to workout when it is heavy flow.

    I have noticed though that on period days, I can't go as hard as usual. I am much much slower and weaker.
  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    I have figured out that if I work out during my period, the cramps go away AND as a added bonus, it seem to shorten to 2 days instead of 4... GREAT MOTIVATION!!

    If I dont work out during, mine are long, crampy, nauseated horrible events...
  • nikkijoshua
    nikkijoshua Posts: 85 Member
    I don't feel like it, but I do it anyway. I usually feel better after exercising.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    The more I run (the whole month, not just period days), the less my period bothers me. It has been an amazing revelation. So *this* is what my body is supposed to work like. No more debilitating cramps, just some minor ones, no more haemorrhaging and thinking I'm going to end up in the hospital, no more periods that last 10+ days, no more 22-24 day cycles. I can just forget about it and live my life, instead of being controlled by it.

    And I usually break personal records when running the first day or two of my period!
  • L_amore
    L_amore Posts: 52 Member
    I agree with the majority of the posts. I don't feel like working out when Aunt Flow comes to visit... But I DO workout, and I feel much better after, less cramps, more energy and the bloating is not as bad... I say DO IT! And if it gets to bad or its not working for you listen to your body!
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I make sure I have some red meat for afterwards, and I do the exercise anyway, even if I don't want to. If we didn't exercise when we felt off, some of us would always find a way out of our exercise routines!

    Granted, it depends on how you are... if you are heavy but short duration, I'd probably take the worst days off as rest days... But like, if you're flowing for a whole week, that would be silly to take off.

    You could always used it as a low impact week and do things like yoga/pilates and swimming. They burn but are easier on the muscles, and could make you feel more invigorated.