Having a difficult time adjusting to new body.



  • vanessalillian82
    vanessalillian82 Posts: 350 Member
    I find that it runs both ways - I weighed in for the new year yesterday and discovered I had gained 10kg, despite being utterly convinced that I was still a (Aus) size 12, and not the size 16 I had been the last time I was this weight. Suffice it to say my clothes are quite tight now!

    But then I still harbour that self-doubt that sees the "bad" bits, that sees that "fat girl" that I was from childhood right through to about 26 years old. I'm nearly 6'2" so I've always "carried it well", but that doesn't make me feel any better about myself.

    Also, being so tall, and being able to "carry it well", has its downside - I can gain 5 or 10kg and nobody notices. But I can also lose 5 or 10kg and nobody (myself included) notices. So basically I have to lose a lot more weight to see the same results than someone a foot shorter than me does, which makes it a much longer and more tedious process. It also makes it harder to re-adjust what you are seeing, because the changes (per kilo) are much smaller.

    The only time I managed to lose weight, my friends and family started to call me skinny. I was NOT skinny and I was not toned. I was still in the upper reaches of the healthy BMI range (currently in the Overweight category), and I wasn't at all fit - my cellulite and fat rolls were still there, albeit smaller - but it almost felt like people were saying something negative about me, which was very confusing. Especially because I couldn't see what they could. Although, for the record, I've seen photos of that time since regaining the weight, and I still wouldn't consider myself to be skinny, just no longer fat. So I recommend photos for your own benchmark. Keep a set of photos of you at different sizes to help remind you how far you've come because mirrors lie, and people have opinions, but photos are pretty hard to argue with.
  • Init2winIt79
    Try taking a few seconds or minutes of your day or week to sit down or stand in front of the mirror & smile at yourself, compliment yourself, you derserve it, you have an achievement to celebrate! Celebrate it every day if you can, smile at yourself in the mirror and give yourslef positive reinforcement...ex: "This is me, I love myself, I worked hard to get here, I look great! I'm hot!..etc
    It sounds silly..but hey nobody will know...and it really works...saying things outloud so that you can hear them makes you listen and understand that they are true.
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