guys on fake boobs...ya or no?



  • OfficialPR
    OfficialPR Posts: 1,610 Member
    Generally No BUT there are extreme exceptions to such situations.
  • michellew832
    My best friend just got her boobs done. There is so much to consider when getting them done. I went to all her appointments with her. They have styles to look natural and you would be amazed at how natural hers feel too. If I had just met her I honestly would have never guess she had fake boobs.
    They are given such a bad name. But in reality they can look and feel as natural as real ones do.
  • TheMerryPup
    TheMerryPup Posts: 186 Member
    C'mon ladies! Do you really think just because you add some silicone/saline bags that that's going to make m. . .


    CRASH! *rubs head* What was the question!?!?
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I think that this is more about how women THINK they should look versus what men want. All the guys that I know prefer real boobs. Women think that they look better with fake boobs, and there is no doubt that they help clothing fit better, and perhaps with clothes on, they do look more attractive - but there is usually some disappointment when the truth is disclosed. My wife has implants due to a double mastectomy and she is beautiful - and they are well done - but I liked them better before the procedure.

    Men are from Mars & Women are from Venus. Which is why men & women will never ever come to similar terms, not even on the most petty things such as this thread.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    And on the 7th day god made boobs, and saw boobs were good. Then god said, man come here check this out. Then god said sorry but you will admire these for eternity. And so it is.
  • donnatanyan
    donnatanyan Posts: 2 Member
    Depends on the boobs, if you were say an 32A before a boob job then YES they feel really Plastic..
    But if you’re a 32C then men will love them as you have just enhanced what you had and its grate my boyfriend loves them he’s words “they don’t just turn to jelly when I touch them”
  • docdevore
    docdevore Posts: 39 Member
    Yours look just fine. I'm with Andrew - I like natural to plastic. Same thing I have said to my wife who has rather nice, but small. breasts. But wow is she hot. Go with what you got.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Fake boobs are acceptable as long as they are not stupidly out of proportion.
    Take your most padded bra and get that size, exept now the padding is inside you.
  • kjerstenkipp
    kjerstenkipp Posts: 139 Member
    When you get older you'll under why they're so desirable...Gravity becomes the enemy.
    Gravity eventually takes hold of the fake ones too...just happens much later. :wink:
  • xButterflyEffectx
    xButterflyEffectx Posts: 40 Member
    ^ bench pressing does not stop breasts from sagging
  • Kaylyn221
    Kaylyn221 Posts: 123
    I will say this. I have "fake" boobs. I was one size larger on the right then on the left. Ya... try finding tops {especially BRA'S that fit that!}. I went from an A {on the left}/B {on the right} to an evenly proportioned full C and not only did my confidence go up but I was able to walk into any store and not have a hard time finding comfortable, fitting bras.

    I got the same questions though from friends "Well... Men don't like them" or "You shouldn't be getting them to attract guys...".

    It's my body. I had my reasons for getting it done and if any Man was not going to love me for {me} then I don't want him in my life anyways. A relationship isn't just about the boobs. Years have passed and my husband doesn't mind them. He loves me for me and he certainly doesn't look down on me for having "fake" boobs. :glasses:
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I like natural ones. They just look right. If you take your bra off and there is not change in elevation of the boobs and there is no jiggle or bounce to them, they just look so fake and unnatural it would be like grabbing and licking beach balls.

    I would love some small perky ones 100x better that some big fake ones any day. However, I have seen ones that look very natural that are not, but most of the fake boobs look very fake.
  • glitterpiss
    glitterpiss Posts: 113
    I don't really like the look of fake boobs. Looking through galleries of before and after photos, I can always tell that they are implants. However, I think if you want a huge (or moderately sized) pair of tits go for it, its not my body and I could care less. I have nothing against anyone who modifies their own body to what they think it should look like, as long as it is done in a safe and healthy way, and isn't because of pressure from spouses/the media/other peoples opinions.

    I'm a bit conflicted about it, because its such a big operation and there are many possible complications, and its entirely unnecessary/elective. There is nothing wrong with having small boobs, or uneven boobs, or sagging boobs.

    I personally just don't think the risks outweigh the benefits with breast implants.

    Edit: Here is a huge gallery with tons of before and after pics, in case you are on the fence or just curious.
  • LiftBigtoGetFit
    LiftBigtoGetFit Posts: 3,399 Member
    i've always said, if i can see them they must be real....... but seriously, as long as they are not over the top big and they make you feel more confident who cares what others think.
  • DS67ATX
    DS67ATX Posts: 289
    I love boobs,nuff said:)
  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    I don't have fake boobs, but i feel that fake boobs look more proportioned to a womans body, i find it'll accentuate curves, make her stomach look longer (which i love) and looks better. Real boobs are great too, but i prefer fake. Im even considering it.

    Fake boobs rule, nuff' said.
  • Harley_Dog
    No on the fakes! Keep the real you. Ahh natural is the best! Harley_Dog
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    Im not a guy, but I'll give my opinion. I think natural boobs are better, as long as they have not been ravaged by pregnancy/breastfeeding or weight loss. I had really nice boobs until I had kids. Once I finally lost all the baby weight from my second child, they looked horrible. As a teenager, I was a 34C. After losing baby weight, I was barely a 34B, and they were saggy and empty. I got implants, and while they look nice, they do not feel like natural breasts. This upsets me, but at least they are better than before and I don't cry when I look at them. It does bother me when women with perfectly nice large B or even C cups want implants. I wonder why anyone would want to ruin great natural breasts just to make them a little bigger.
  • offdutyguy
    Im more of a butt man myself. If youre boobs have been destroyed by having kids then why not. Just dont over do it. Keep them looking normal size.
  • Lee510
    Lee510 Posts: 46
    A friend of mine has had implants and they deserve their own zip code!:laugh: She's a beautiful girl. Very outgoing, never met a stranger, etc. I didn't know her prior to her surgery. When she hugs me, I have noticed her breasts are very firm. She usually wears shirts that reveal a little cleavage and they are also very round and full. I've not asked to "check them out". I'm not sure how that would be received. We don't have that kind of relationship, but goodness knows, I wish we did!:love: