Breakfast - a waste of calories?



  • loislane22
    I also dont eat breakfast, ever. I usuall get up and have coffee for an hour and smoke a few cigarettes, healthy I know. I eat something small maybe 2-3 hours after getting into work.
    Everytime I have had breakfast, I felt sick or ended up eating like a pig the whole day because of it.
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    I actually LOVE breakfast, but eating it starts the hunger cycle making it very tough to stay within calorie limits. I know I'm going to eat a substantial dinner as my husband and I cook and eat together, so there's not enough in my calorie budget to do three full meals. Skipping breakfast (or having just a 60 cal yogurt) allows me to have a light lunch then dinner w/ dessert. Eating a real breakfast means feeling like I'm starving for the rest of the day as I want a snack a few hours later, but I only have enough calories left for a very light lunch and dinner with no dessert.
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    I love breakfast :D

    I either have an Omelette with Bell Peppers, Onions and Mushrooms with some turkey sausage and baked beans on the side. The beans are reduced in sugar and salt, so it's all good.


    Ready Brek with either Skimmed or Whole milk, depending on what we have left... If I am using Whole milk, I usually use 100ml of it and at 75ml of water. I add some cinnamon and some sweetener.


    Scrambled Egg, Turkey Sausage and Baked Beans.


    A few rounds of wheatgerm toast with peanut butter.

    This all depends on how late I have breakfast. If it's early, I will have a big breakfast, if it's late I usually have the toast or ready brek.
  • Microfiber_wechange
    I do my Insanity workout on empty. After that, I'm glad for my porridge :smile:
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Breakfast is a personal preference, no need for it if you're not hungry

  • bettyclv
    bettyclv Posts: 31 Member
    Breakfast for me is a forced issue, I at one time use to skip it, but my nutritionist advised against it, because there are essential nutrients needed in the morning to get us through the day. Skipping caused me to overeat either later in the day or I would have late night snacking because for the most part I am not in bed at the latest until 11. So now I manage to have something if it is not anything but some oatmeal and toast or like today just a small bowl of cereal, healthy of course and a apple and some water and hot tea with lemon and sugar. And I find having something helps me to cut calories as well as fat throughout my day. I also do the slimfast thing when Im busy and on the run in the mornings. No breakfast works well for some, and I am not against it all, it just helps me to make it through successfully for now. Once my body changes then I feel as if I can save my morning calories and fat for later and no over eat later. Working out is a help too, because it not only burns the calories and fat, it helps you to stay more aware of every morsel you put in your mouth throughout the day...only because who wants to waste the time and energy it took to burn off those calories...Be blessed and Congrats on your continued weight loss success ^5...high five
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    I always wake up starving so I always eat breakfast + being a type 1 diabetic - If I skip meals then my sugar drops and correcting it means junk food or sugar :(
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    I have always eaten breakfast and made sure my kids always had a healthy breakfast waiting for them every morning before school. It fuels the body to start your day.
  • bettyclv
    bettyclv Posts: 31 Member
    same here and I agree, it does help with the struggle of over eating later in the day or the body craving that extra fat or missing that protein that gives us that full feeling....True the body can survive longer without food, because it is the water that we can not live without,eating right foods at the right time is essential to your muscle mass especially if you are working out and trying to lose as well as tone.
  • stellaskies
    stellaskies Posts: 161 Member
    The only reason I eat breakfast is 1. to wake myself up 2. so I can get my bowels going. That's it. I think breakfast food is pretty gross.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    If you're not eating breakfast, you're really not feeding your body properly - and your body responds better when you feed it properly, simple as that.

    Personally, my breakfast is usually 300-400 calories, 40-50g of protein, and contains beans, lean protein, and veggies. Best way to start the day - makes me feel great - and keeps me full.

    If you eat right, you don't need to 'save' those calories for later in the day - by lunch time, I'm not even hungry, but I eat because I do believe in feeding my body right.
  • librarygoddess2
    librarygoddess2 Posts: 145 Member
    Well, there is a reason why the breakfast is said to be "the most important meal". Whether you are running or sleeping, you burn calories. You BMR is in fact the higher calorie burner in a given day, and that doesn't stop while you are sleeping. You need to eat stuff to stop the catabolism (your body getting nutrients from its reserves) back into anabolism (repairing muscles from workouts, etc).

    Just another step to a better health in general, and a very easy way to experience better rest and recovery days in general.

    EDIT : To give an extreme example, bodybuilders will eat slow to digest proteins before bed or even wake up to eat, "nocturnal eating" to prevent that from even happening. It's not a myth, it's just not "that" important for the average person, but there is no denying the benefits, however small they can be for you particularly :p

    Agreed. When you eat in the morning you Break your Fast. This starts your metabolism up at the beginning of the day. If you don't eat breakfast it won't make you "fatter" but it definitely will be harder to lose weight. That was the first thing I started to do when I started my weight loss and it really did help. I didn't do anything differently except that and I saw great results.

    It also helps you not feel so hungry at coffee time and at lunch which you may overeat at if you're more hungry. It's also best to eat slow metabolizing foods this will make your body work harder which sets your body up for a faster calorie burning rate throughout the day. An apple, a smoothie, even a protein bar is better than nothing.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    5 - 6 days out of the 7... I do not eat breakfast....My body doesn't feel hungry usually until I have been up for at least a couple of hours & I am def not going to force myself to eat....I am not that worried about the calories it's just I go by what my body tells me...It wouldn't be a waste of cals if I were hungry & I would then eat but not on a normal day....
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Breakfast is a personal preference, no need for it if you're not hungry



    Never ate breakfast, either when at my heaviest, or up to this day at my fittest. I always have energy, never get hungry, hit my macros, eat what i like, create a calorie deficit = profit.

    Why overcomplicate things?
  • LeanMeanFitnessMachine
    I really like breakfast, personally, but there are studies that show it may be significantly important to weight loss and brain activity. I would suggest making a power smoothie or protien shake instead, just to wake your system up from those 8 hours of sleep :D
  • thechubner
    thechubner Posts: 94 Member
    I really enjoy breakfast and know it's healthy, but I can see your point. I've done the diet where you rate your hunger from 1 to 10 (one being starving and 10 being stuffed) and they suggest keeping your hunger level between 4 and 7. Eat when you're first hungry and stop when you're not hungry anymore (as opposed to full). This means that if you're not hungry at 7 am when you wake up you don't eat then. You eat later when you start to feel hunger. There is validity to "saving your calories" for sure. Good luck
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I think it's up to you whether you eat breakfast or not and I don't believe any of the stuff about it revving up your metabolism etc

    From personal experience I eat breakfast because:

    -It gives me energy first thing in the morning.

    -I have quite low blood sugar after I've been asleep all night and sometimes feel a bit faint if I don't eat within an hour of waking up.

    -If I don't eat breakfast I want to eat EVERYTHING by mid morning.

    -I get to eat loads of lovely carbs first thing :)
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    i'm not hungry when i eat breakfast, but its better to eat more earlier in the day, rather than binge at night with a big meal. I dont like sweets in the morning (which most breakfast food is just sugary junk) so i have an egg and bacon sandwich consisting of 2 strips of turkey bacon, 1/4 cup of egg beaters and 1 slice of toast. all together its less than 100 calories and it gives me energy and fills me up so i'm not starving at lunch.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm not usually hungry in the morning, but I know I have to eat something. Breakfast kick starts your metabolism and sets you up for the rest of the day. If you don't eat breakfast, you're more likely to choose unhealthy foods or binge eat later in the day.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Its the most important meal of the day!