


  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    As far as weight goes, it will come off. My aunt gained 70 pounds (70!) with her first pregnancy and close to that with the 3 after that. She didn't get morning sickness. She got dry-heaving-whenever-the-stomach-is-empty sickness. She just had to make sure there was something in her stomach all the time. She even had to wake up and take a few bites in the middle of the night. Hence the 70 pounds.
    I stayed with her for a summer when I was 15 and her second child was 1. I was thin. I was probably 105. My aunt could wear all my clothes. And look good. Nothing was bulging, nothing was tight. 12 months after her second child, the first was 2.5 and she could wear all the same clothes as her 15 year old niece.
    The weight can be lost. Just focus on losing now and on maintaining good habits throughout your pregnancy.
    As far as the family goes, good luck. In-laws can be maddening.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    First of all, although it's hard, stop listening to anyone but your husband. Having a child should be a decision the two of you make. Other people may be in a hurry, but that doesn't mean you have to be. It sounds to me like you should talk to your doctor and get some advice on a local resource center to help answer some of your questions. They'll be able to answer honestly while honoring your fears and not trying to push you in one direction or another. Maybe planned parenthood?

    Not everyone puts on a ton of weight when they get pregnant. Remember- between the weight of the baby, extra blood, etc..., you'll lose about 17 lbs soon after delivering. Then, you need to give your body time for your uterous and such to adjust. I gained 23 lbs with my first child and 18 with my second. Not because I was trying to not gain a lot, but because I read about nutrition when pregnant and ate what was best for both of us.

    If thinness is your goal, my advice would be to start doing yoga now, and continue yoga when pregnant. That will help a lot.

    But, here's a thought to think upon. Our bodies change and develop as we age. Some areas widen, some thin out, If you look at a 120lb teenager and a 120lb geriatric of the same height, you'll be able to see the differences. It doesn't matter if either has had a child, it has to do with how we mature. Neither is preferable, they just are what they are. Try to be more concerned with being healthy, and keeping a healthy weight, than with waist versus hip circumference.
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    Don't let a fear of pregnancy keep you from experiencing motherhood. Of course everyone has *some* fear of what it will do to their bodies. I *had* amazing boobs before kids. Amazing. Now, they aren't terrible or anything...but amazing? No. Guess what? There's surgery to fix that. Stretch marks? Fixable.

    Don't get out of control duing pregnancy and you're good to go.

    I feared taking a baby (a BABY!) home and actually being able to keep it alive so if pregnancy is your biggest worry, you're doin' okay.

    Ah thanks so much!
    I thought its compulsory to eat all the crap and get fat when you are pregnant.
    I dont want to put on lots of weight .. and yes I am just scared of pregnancy otherwise I would love to experience motherhood!
    thanks a lot for your response!

    I lost 25 pounds while I was pregnant. I weighed a lot more than I do now, but the doctors kept me on a strict diet because of Gestational Diabetes, and I lost. If you're not ready, then you're not. I think the major problem you might want to deal with is from what you wrote is that the hubby wants a kid in the next year. You guys got to come to terms with that. When I married my husband he knew that I probably couldn't have kids and married me anyway. My ex-husband divorced me when we found out that I might not be able to have kids. It's a deal breaker sometimes. The husband that married me anyway, we've now been married almost 7 years, and have a 2 year old......
  • mindidily
    mindidily Posts: 196 Member
    I absolutely loved being pregnant both times. I am weird I guess. And they were both totally different. The first was a breeze. I never got sick or anything. The only problems I had was towards the end and the weight hurt. The second, I had pretty much every non-threatening symptom in the book. My eyes went funny, terrible morning sickness, bad leg cramps and fatigue, to name some. With each I gained 40lbs and today I am below my first pregnancy weight (still not where I want to be but I'm working on it!). My tummy is still stretched but oh well (youngest is 8 months). The entire thing was worth it.
    The best book I read was "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and I found a great online community at
    When you're ready, and you don't want to actually be pregnant, you could always adopt.
  • Maybe I can help.

    I've had 4 pregnancies and have 3 children. I'm a petite 5ft2 and was normal weight at the start of each pregnancy. For each of my pregnancies, I put on a total of 14lbs and most people barely knew I was pregnant until quite near the end. I actually weighed less after the baby was born than before getting pregnant - go figure. I don't have stretch marks and my (admittedly small) boobs are still very perky after breastfeeding. Though my body has changed (hips slightly wider, but not huge), I don't think I look like what you perhaps have in mind when you think about what pregnancy can do. Of course, everyone is different and I know I am lucky (though I had other issues to contend with), but I also know I'm not alone out there.

    That said... even if my body had changed and was riddled with stretch marks, I'd take that over the joy and love of a baby any day! There is probably no true way of preparing yourself for motherhood, the good and the bad parts (it can be exhausting physically and emotionally), but in my mind, the good and fabulous definitely outweigh "all the crap"! ;-)

    Good luck with your decision!
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    I'm 23, and gave birth to my son when I was 17. He was unplanned, but for me there was never any another option; I literally never thought about adoption or abortion, he was and is a huge part of me. The pregnancy was pretty regular; I had morning sickness every day for 3 months, I craved full-fat milk and chips, cheese and garlic mayo :grumble: my ankles swelled up during the third trimester, and by then I was fed up of not being able to see my feet, but I wouldn't change any of it for anything.
    Before falling pregnant I didn't even think about wanting kids or not, but as soon as I had it confirmed I knew I was ready, and trust me, a lot of people didn't believe it. My long-winded point is: only you know when or if you're ready to expand your family, nobody else has a say in it :flowerforyou:

    And I really love the fact that when my son's 18, I'll only be 35 :laugh:
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Tell us where they have you caged up, and we'll come and break you outta there.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    I was terrified of pregnancy for many of the same reasons. Turns out, I loved being pregnant. I occasionally ask my kids if they would care to go back and live in my tummy, because I would welcome them back.

    I did not love having newborns. Everyone is different, and perhaps you should visit a friend/relative with a very small baby for a weekend to see if it's your cup of tea.
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,385 Member
    We waited 10-years to have kids. I'm not a big fan of them. They demand a lot and I'm selfish. :wink:
    At 30 we had our first. The pregnancy was easy; I felt great and only gained 18lbs and lost it before we came home.
    Waited 5-years to have another... we had twins. I gained 24lbs and lost it all before leaving the hospital as well.
    Problem was I put the weight on before I ever had kids. Curse the luck, I couldn't blame them. And in all seriousness... most moms can't. We put the food in our mouth, we sit on the couch, and we are responsible for our actions and the consequences.
    Yes, you may get stretch marks, but genetics plays a huge role in that.
    Yes, you may have complications and have C-sections. I had 2, the scars aren't too bad.
    But no one can force you to have a baby and a book won't change your mind. You and your spouse need to talk/think/pray about it.
    As for the family... tell them to stay out of your marriage bed and your womb. It's no place for them.
    *And as stated by others… the newborn :sad: /toddler stage :yawn: … that’s when the real work starts.
  • 198601
    198601 Posts: 33 Member
    Being pregnant is a wonderful gift and a miracle! Only you experience the baby kicking etc. Believe it or not sometimes I miss it :smile: Not everyone can get pregnant so if you are able to remember it is a gift - may not always be easy, but a gift either way! I have had two children and I wouldn't trade my little belly I have now for anything knowing I have two little miracles to love! You know when you are ready!
  • chrystee
    chrystee Posts: 295 Member
    Don't let people pressure you..
    There is always adoption or surrogacy.
  • Fit_Forever25
    Fit_Forever25 Posts: 313 Member
    Thanks a ton guys!!!
    I really appreciate each and every word that you wrote for me :-)
    I am feeling much much better and I have got some very nice experience here out of pregnancy so its not always that horrible ;-))
    thanks!!!! for your support!