Feeling very low...



  • Evette7
    Evette7 Posts: 156 Member
    The feeling is wide spread and I hope we can be a support system for you!
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    There is no failure in someone who is willing to keep trying, you are on here arnt you so you are not a failure
  • babyann79
    babyann79 Posts: 49 Member
    We all have been there..I was feeling the same way this weekend. I started this journey last summer, losing 34 pounds in 3 months and gaining 20 of it back after going on a fall vacation. And ever since then, I have seem to have lost all motivation to start again. But I know we can do this. Just take it a day at a time!!
  • Billywoo
    Billywoo Posts: 141 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I felt the same way when I started. I felt like I had tried everything to lose weight, and nothing worked. Bottom line, the only thing that will get you through this is dedication. Be dedicated to doing this. Log everything you eat, and be honest with yourself. It's truly eye-opening to see how much you eat in a day. Then, make sure you make a list for grocery shopping. Don't stray from it. Stay out of the cookie, candy, chip and pop aisles at costs! My motto, "Don't buy anyhting you'll binge on, or regret later!" And also, if you are not active, change that! You'd be surprised how little it takes to start making you feel better! Start slow if you need to! Good luck! You CAN do this! Change doesn't happen on it's own, you have to make the effort!

    This! Well said!
  • DarkFlutter
    DarkFlutter Posts: 408 Member
    A friend told me about this website, and I thought of giving it a try..

    I have struggled with weight all my life, and now it has left me feeling like a failure :(

    I am new here, and want to give it my full try...

    I also hope to meet some people who feel like me..so that we can support each other!!

    I'm in the same boat you are...add me as an accountability buddy!